protected void Gc_MouseDown(object sender, GLMouseEventArgs e)
            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("GC Mouse down");
            if (currentmouseover != null)
                currentmouseover.FindControlUnderDisplay()?.BringToFront();     // this brings to the front of the z-order the top level element holding this element and makes it visible.

                SetViewScreenCoord(ref e);
                SetControlLocation(ref e, currentmouseover);

                OnGlobalMouseDown(currentmouseover, e);

                if (currentmouseover.Enabled)
                    currentmouseover.MouseButtonsDown = e.Button;

                mousedowninitialcontrol = currentmouseover;
                OnGlobalMouseDown(null, e);

                if (this.Enabled)               // not over any control (due to screen coord clip space), so send thru the displaycontrol