//sets the first frame for the take and file (e.g. "Take 001", "dude")
        public void SetAnimation(string takeName, string fileNameNoSuffix)
            AnimationDictionaryKey key = new AnimationDictionaryKey(takeName, fileNameNoSuffix);

            //have we requested a different animation and is it in the dictionary?
            //first time or different animation request
            if (this.oldKey == null || (!this.oldKey.Equals(key) && this.modelDictionary.ContainsKey(key)))
                //set the model based on the animation being played
                this.Model = modelDictionary[key];

                //retrieve the animation player
                animationPlayer = animationPlayerDictionary[key];

                //retrieve the skinning data
                skinningData = skinningDataDictionary[key];

                //set the skinning data in the animation player and set the player to start at the first frame for the take

            //store current key for comparison in next update to prevent re-setting the same animation in successive calls to SetAnimation()
            this.oldKey = key;
        public void AddAnimation(string takeName, string fileNameNoSuffix, Model model)
            AnimationDictionaryKey key = new AnimationDictionaryKey(takeName, fileNameNoSuffix);

            //if not already added
            if (!this.modelDictionary.ContainsKey(key))
                this.modelDictionary.Add(key, model);
                //read the skinning data (i.e. the set of transforms applied to each model bone for each frame of the animation)
                skinningData = model.Tag as SkinningData;

                if (skinningData == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The model [" + fileNameNoSuffix + "] does not contain a SkinningData tag.");

                //make an animation player for the model
                this.animationPlayerDictionary.Add(key, new AnimationPlayer(skinningData));

                //store the skinning data for the model
                this.skinningDataDictionary.Add(key, skinningData);
        //Why do we override equals and gethashcode? Clue: this.modelDictionary.ContainsKey()
        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            AnimationDictionaryKey other = obj as AnimationDictionaryKey;

            return(this.takeName.Equals(other.takeName) && this.fileNameNoSuffix.Equals(other.fileNameNoSuffix));