Ejemplo n.º 1
        // this is not used effectovely
        // it is just try to have some alternative function for calculation sun position
        // but it needs to be fixed, because
        // it calculates correct ecliptical coordinates, but when transforming
        // into horizontal coordinates (azimut, elevation) it will do something wrong

        public static GCHorizontalCoords sunPosition(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec,
                                                     double lat, double longi)
            double twopi   = GCMath.PI2;
            double deg2rad = GCMath.PI2 / 180;

            int[] month_days = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30 };
            for (int y2 = 0; y2 < month; y2++)
                day += month_days[y2];
            if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0)) && (day >= 60) && !(month == 2 & day == 60))

            //# Get Julian date - 2400000
            double hourd = hour + min / 60.0 + sec / 3600.0; // hour plus fraction
            double delta = year - 1949;
            double leap  = Math.Floor(delta / 4);            // former leapyears
            double jd    = 32916.5 + delta * 365 + leap + day + hourd / 24.0;

            // The input to the Atronomer's almanach is the difference between
            // the Julian date and JD 2451545.0 (noon, 1 January 2000)
            double time = jd - 51545.0;

            // Ecliptic coordinates

            // Mean longitude
            double mnlong = GCMath.putIn360(280.460 + .9856474 * time);

            // Mean anomaly
            double mnanom = GCMath.putIn360(357.528 + .9856003 * time);
            //mnanom <- mnanom * deg2rad

            // Ecliptic longitude and obliquity of ecliptic
            double eclong = mnlong + 1.915 * GCMath.sinDeg(mnanom) + 0.020 * GCMath.sinDeg(2 * mnanom);

            eclong = GCMath.putIn360(eclong);

            double oblqec = 23.439 - 0.0000004 * time;
            //-- eclong <- eclong * deg2rad
            //-- oblqec <- oblqec * deg2rad

            // Celestial coordinates
            // Right ascension and declination
            double num = GCMath.cosDeg(oblqec) * GCMath.sinDeg(eclong);
            double den = GCMath.cosDeg(eclong);
            double ra  = GCMath.arcTan2Deg(num, den);

            while (ra < 0)
                ra += 180;
            //-- ra[den < 0] <- ra[den < 0] + pi
            if (den >= 0 && num < 0)
                ra += 360;
            double dec = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(oblqec) * GCMath.sinDeg(eclong));

            // Local coordinates
            // Greenwich mean sidereal time
            double gmst = 6.697375 + .0657098242 * time + hourd;

            gmst = GCMath.putIn24(gmst);

            // Local mean sidereal time
            double lmst = gmst + longi / 15.0;

            lmst = GCMath.putIn24(lmst);
            lmst = lmst * 15.0;

            // Hour angle
            double ha = lmst - ra;

            ha = GCMath.putIn180(ha);

            // Azimuth and elevation
            double el = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat) + GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));
            double az = GCMath.arcSinDeg(-GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(ha) / GCMath.cosDeg(el));

            //# -----------------------------------------------
            //# New code
            //# Solar zenith angle
            double zenithAngle = GCMath.arccosDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(lat) * GCMath.sinDeg(dec) + GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));

            //# Solar azimuth
            az = GCMath.arccosDeg(((GCMath.sinDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(zenithAngle)) - GCMath.sinDeg(dec)) / (GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.sinDeg(zenithAngle)));
            //# -----------------------------------------------

            //# Azimuth and elevation
            el = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat) + GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));

            //# -----------------------------------------------
            //# New code
            if (ha > 0)
                az += 180;
                az = 540 - az;
            az = GCMath.putIn360(az);

            // For logic and names, see Spencer, J.W. 1989. Solar Energy. 42(4):353
            //cosAzPos <- (0 <= sin(dec) - sin(el) * sin(lat))
            //sinAzNeg <- (sin(az) < 0)
            //az[cosAzPos & sinAzNeg] <- az[cosAzPos & sinAzNeg] + twopi
            //az[!cosAzPos] <- pi - az[!cosAzPos]

             * if (0 < GCMath.sinDeg(dec) - GCMath.sinDeg(el) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat))
             * {
             *   if(GCMath.sinDeg(az) < 0)
             *   {
             *       az = az + 360;
             *   }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *   az = 180 - az;
             * }

            //el <- el / deg2rad
            //az <- az / deg2rad
            //lat <- lat / deg2rad

            GCHorizontalCoords coords;

            coords.azimut    = az;
            coords.elevation = el;