private void fillcombo(ComboBox cb)
     for (int i = 0; i <= currentUser.getRank(); i++)
        private void btnAddItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Verify item and quantity are available in database and required rank
                string quantityReq     = txtQuantity.Text;
                int    currentQuantity = db.getInt("SELECT available FROM Equipment WHERE equipmentID =" + txtScanItem.Text + ";");

                int newQuantity = currentQuantity - Convert.ToInt32(quantityReq);
                if (newQuantity < 0)
                    lblInformation.Text      = "Not enough inventory to supply this order. \n\nContact Warehouse Personel or Inventory Management.";
                    lblInformation.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                string eqDescription = db.getString("SELECT description FROM Equipment WHERE equipmentID ='" + txtScanItem.Text + "';");

                string query = "SELECT equipmentID FROM Equipment WHERE (equipmentID = '"
                               + txtScanItem.Text + "' AND equipmentStatus ='In Stock' AND requiredRank <='"
                               + currentUser.getRank() + "' AND available>='" + quantityReq + "');";

                //If item is found:
                if (db.getBool(query, true))
                    lblInformation.Text      = "Item number: [" + txtScanItem.Text + "]\n\nQuantity: [" + quantityReq + "] successfully added.";
                    lblInformation.ForeColor = Color.Blue;

                    // Add new order item to list
                    orderInfo.Add(new TempOrderInfo()
                        itemNumber  = Convert.ToInt32(txtScanItem.Text),
                        jobCode     = Convert.ToInt32(txtJobCode.Text),
                        description = eqDescription,
                        quantity    = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text)

                    // Add item to data grid view
                    TempOrderInfo lastEntry = orderInfo.Last();
                    dt.Rows.Add(lastEntry.itemNumber, lastEntry.description, lastEntry.quantity);
                    lblInformation.Text      = "Unable to add item. \nThis error will occur if the item is not in stock or does not exist. \n\n\nStock amount: " + currentQuantity + ". \n\n\nContact warehouse management if this problem persists.";
                    lblInformation.ForeColor = Color.Red;

                //Add item to datagridview list to be put in pending

                //Select field


            catch (Exception ex)