Performs loading of client-side game content. The derived class should create task where it loads all content. When task completed all visual and aural objects should be arranged in FinalizeLoad.
Inheritance: System.DisposableBase
Ejemplo n.º 1
			public Loading ( GameClient gameClient, string serverInfo ) : base(gameClient, ClientState.Loading)
				Message	=	serverInfo;

				loader	=	gameClient.LoadContent( serverInfo );

				if (loader==null) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException("Null GameLoader");
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/// <summary>
		/// Called when GameLoader finished loading.
		/// This method lets client to complete loading process in main thread.
		/// Add mesh instances, sounds, setup sky, hdr etc in this method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="serverInfo"></param>
		public abstract void FinalizeLoad ( GameLoader loader );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when loader finished loading.
        /// This method lets client to complete loading process in main thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="loader"></param>
        public override void FinalizeLoad( GameLoader loader )
            var shooterLoader = (ShooterLoader)loader;

            gameWorld = shooterLoader.World;


            gameWorld.ReplicaSpawned += ( s, e ) => {
                    if ( e.Entity.UserGuid==Guid) {
                    UserCommand.Yaw			=	0;
                    UserCommand.Pitch		=	0;
                    UserCommand.Roll		=	0;
                    UserCommand.CtrlFlags	=	UserCtrlFlags.None;

            var rw = Game.RenderSystem.RenderWorld;

            rw.VirtualTexture = Content.Load<VirtualTexture>( "test" );

            rw.HdrSettings.BloomAmount  = 0.1f;
            rw.HdrSettings.DirtAmount   = 0.0f;
            rw.HdrSettings.KeyValue     = 0.18f;

            rw.SkySettings.SunPosition			= new Vector3( 1.2f, 1.4f, 1.3f );
            rw.SkySettings.SunLightIntensity	= 100;
            rw.SkySettings.SkyTurbidity			= 8;

            rw.LightSet.DirectLight.Direction	=	rw.SkySettings.SunLightDirection;
            rw.LightSet.DirectLight.Intensity	=	rw.SkySettings.SunLightColor;

            rw.LightSet.AmbientLevel	=	rw.SkySettings.AmbientLevel;
            rw.LightSet.SpotAtlas		=	Content.Load<TextureAtlas>(@"spots\spots");

            /*for (int i=0; i<1; i++) {
                var spot = new SpotLight();
                spot.SpotView       =   Matrix.LookAtRH( new Vector3( 8, 10, 7 ), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up );
                spot.Intensity      =   new Color4( 500, 500, 500, 1 );
                spot.Projection     =   Matrix.PerspectiveRH( 0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 100 );
                spot.RadiusOuter    =   100;
                spot.TextureIndex   =   0;
                rw.LightSet.SpotLights.Add( spot );
            } */

            //rw.LightSet.EnvLights.Add( new EnvLight( new Vector3(0,4,0), 1, 500 ) );
            /*for (float x=-32; x<=32; x+=16 ) {
                for (float y=-32; y<=32; y+=16 ) {
                    rw.LightSet.EnvLights.Add( new EnvLight( new Vector3(x,4,y), 1, 16 ) );
            } */

            Log.Message("Capturing radiance...");

            (Game.UserInterface as ShooterInterface).ShowMenu = false;

            Log.Message("---- Loading game completed ----");
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public override void FinalizeLoad ( GameLoader loader )