Ejemplo n.º 1
        public GUI(RenderContext rc)
            //Basic Init

            _fontSmall = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _fontMedium = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _fontBig = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 40);

            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Start Pannel Init
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("PhysicsTest", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 330, 250);

            _info1 = new GUIText("Über die Tasten des Nummernblocks  " , _fontMedium, 30, 170, _color2);
            _info2 = new GUIText("(1-4) kann zwischen 4 verschiedenen ", _fontMedium, 30, 190, _color2);
            _info3 = new GUIText("Szenen gewechselt werden", _fontMedium, 30, 210, _color2);
            _fps = new GUIText("FPS", _fontMedium, 30, 55, _color2);
            _numberRb = new GUIText("Rigidbodies: ", _fontMedium, 30, 85, _color2);
            _shapeType = new GUIText("Collision Shapes: ", _fontMedium, 30, 115, _color2);
            _shapes = new GUIText("", _fontMedium, 50, 135, _color2);


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public GUI(RenderContext rc, GameWorld gw)
            //Basic Init
            _gw = gw;

            _fontSmall = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 12);
            _fontMedium = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _fontBig = rc.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 40);

            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            //Start Pannel Init
            _startPanel1 = new GUIPanel("RocketGame", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 150, 110);
            _startPanelButtonStart = new GUIButton("Start", _fontSmall, 10, 30, 130, 30);
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonDown += OnGUIButtonDown;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonUp += OnGUIButtonUp;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _startPanelButtonStart.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnGUIButtonLeave;
            _startPanelButtonStuff = new GUIButton("Stuff", _fontSmall, 10, 70, 130, 30);
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonDown += OnGUIButtonDown;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonUp += OnGUIButtonUp;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnGUIButtonEnter;
            _startPanelButtonStuff.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnGUIButtonLeave;

            _startPanel2 = new GUIPanel("Find and activate all the red cubes!", _fontMedium, 170, 20, 300, 30);

            _playPanel = new GUIPanel("Goals found:", _fontMedium, 10, 10, 150, 60);
            _playScore = new GUIText("", _fontMedium, 48, 45, new float4(1, 0, 0, 1));

            _overText = new GUIText("Game Over, you Win!", _fontBig, 200, 100, new float4(0, 1, 0, 1));

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Init()
            // is called on startup
            Width = 616;
            Height = 688;

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("Spot all seven differences!", _guiFontCabin24, 310, 35);
            _guiText.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);


            // image
            _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/spot_the_diff.png", 0, 0, -5, 600, 650);

            // buttons / rectangles
            _guiUDiffs = new GUIButton[7];
            _guiBDiffs = new GUIButton[7];

            _guiUDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 3, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[0] = new GUIButton(240, 328, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 270, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[1] = new GUIButton(3, 595, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 255, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[2] = new GUIButton(220, 580, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 170, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[3] = new GUIButton(325, 495, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 110, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[4] = new GUIButton(265, 435, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 215, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[5] = new GUIButton(490, 540, 40, 40);

            _guiUDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 280, 40, 40);
            _guiBDiffs[6] = new GUIButton(495, 605, 40, 40);

            for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                _guiUDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
                _guiBDiffs[i].ButtonColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

                _guiUDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);
                _guiBDiffs[i].BorderColor = new float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

                _guiUDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0;
                _guiBDiffs[i].BorderWidth = 0;

                _guiUDiffs[i].Tag = _guiBDiffs[i];
                _guiBDiffs[i].Tag = _guiUDiffs[i];

                _guiBDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown;
                _guiUDiffs[i].OnGUIButtonDown += OnDiffButtonDown;


            // panel
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("Menu", _guiFontCabin18, 10, 10, 150, 110);

            // reset button
            _guiResetButton = new GUIButton("Reset", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 100, 25);

            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiResetButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // solve button
            _guiSolveButton = new GUIButton("Solve", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 100, 25);

            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiSolveButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void DeselectOtherButtonsFromPanel(GUIPanel panel, GUIButton newselectedBtn)
            foreach (var element in panel.ChildElements)
                var button = element as GUIButton;

                if (button != null)
                    if (element == newselectedBtn)

                    var temp = button;
                    if (temp.ButtonColor == ColorHighlightedButton)
                        temp.ButtonColor = ColorDefaultButton;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void Init()
            // Set ToonShaderEffect

            // Setup GUI

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("FUSEE Shader Demo", _guiFontCabin24, 30, Height - 30)
                TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1)


            // image
            _guiImage = new GUIImage("Assets/repbg.jpg", 0, 0, -5, Width, Height);
            _borderImage = new GUIImage("Assets/redbg.png", 0, 0, -4, 230, 32);

            //* Menu1: Select Shader
            _panelSelectShader = new GUIPanel("Select Shader", _guiFontCabin24, 10, 10, 230, 230);

            //** Possible Shader Buttons
            _btnDiffuseColorShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Color", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnTextureShader = new GUIButton("Texture Only", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader = new GUIButton("Diffuse Bump Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 130, 180, 25);
            _btnSpecularTexture = new GUIButton("Specular Texture", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 160, 180, 25);
            _btnToon = new GUIButton("Toon", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 190, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDiffuseBumpTextureShader.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpecularTexture.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnToon.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //**** Add Buttons to Panel

            //* Menu3: Select Mesh
            _panelSelectMesh = new GUIPanel("Select Mesh", _guiFontCabin24, 270, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Meshes
            _btnCube = new GUIButton("Cube", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnSphere = new GUIButton("Sphere", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnTeapot = new GUIButton("Teapot", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //** Add handlers
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnCube.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSphere.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnTeapot.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            //* Menu2: Light Settings
            _panelLightSettings = new GUIPanel("Light Settings", _guiFontCabin24, 530, 10, 230, 130);

            //** Possible Light Settings
            _btnDirectionalLight = new GUIButton("Directional Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 180, 25);
            _btnPointLight = new GUIButton("Point Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 180, 25);
            _btnSpotLight = new GUIButton("Spot Light", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 180, 25);

            //*** Add Handlers
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnDirectionalLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnPointLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _btnSpotLight.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;

            // Setup 3D Scene
            // Load Images and Assign iTextures
            var imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateTexture.jpg");
            var imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/crateNormal.jpg");
            _texCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpCube = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthTexture.jpg");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/earthNormal.jpg");
            _texSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpSphere = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            imgTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/porcelainTexture.png");
            imgBumpTexture = RC.LoadImage("Assets/normalRust.jpg");
            _texTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgTexture);
            _texBumpTeapot = RC.CreateTexture(imgBumpTexture);

            _currentTexture = _texCube;
            _currentBumpTexture = _texBumpCube;

            // Load Meshes
            _meshCube = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Cube.obj.model");
            _meshSphere = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Sphere.obj.model");
            _meshTeapot = MeshReader.LoadMesh(@"Assets/Teapot.obj.model");

            // Set current Mesh and Update GUI
            _currentMesh = _meshCube;
            _btnCube.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;

            // Setup Shaderprograms and Update GUI
            _shaderDiffuseColor = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseColorShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseTexture = MoreShaders.GetDiffuseTextureShader(RC);
            _shaderTexture = MoreShaders.GetSkyboxShader(RC);
            _shaderDiffuseBumpTexture = MoreShaders.GetBumpDiffuseShader(RC);
            _shaderSpecularTexture = MoreShaders.GetSpecularShader(RC);
            _btnDiffuseColorShader.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
            _currentShader = _shaderDiffuseColor;

            // Setup ShaderParams
            _paramColor = _shaderDiffuseColor.GetShaderParam("color");

            // Setup Light and Update GUI
            RC.SetLightActive(0, 1);
            RC.SetLightPosition(0, new float3(5.0f, 0.0f, -2.0f));
            RC.SetLightAmbient(0, new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpecular(0, new float4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDiffuse(0, new float4(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f));
            RC.SetLightDirection(0, new float3(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            RC.SetLightSpotAngle(0, 10);

            _btnDirectionalLight.ButtonColor = ColorHighlightedButton;
        // is called on startup
        public override void Init()
            RC.ClearColor = new float4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 1);

            _smokeTexture           = RC.CreateShader(_smokeEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _smokeEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _fireRedTexture         = RC.CreateShader(_fireRedEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _fireRedEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _fireYellowTexture      = RC.CreateShader(_fireYellowEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _fireYellowEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);
            _starTexture            = RC.CreateShader(_starEmitter.VsSimpleTexture, _starEmitter.PsSimpleTexture);

            _smokeParam             = _smokeTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _fireRedParam           = _fireRedTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _fireYellowParam        = _fireYellowTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");
            _starParam              = _starTexture.GetShaderParam("texture1");

            // load texture
            var imgSmokeData        = RC.LoadImage("Assets/smoke_particle.png");
            var imgFireRedData      = RC.LoadImage("Assets/fireRed.png");
            var imgFireYellowData   = RC.LoadImage("Assets/fireYellowTexture.png");
            var imgStarData         = RC.LoadImage("Assets/star.png");

            _iSmoke                 = RC.CreateTexture(imgSmokeData);
            _iFireRed               = RC.CreateTexture(imgFireRedData);
            _iFireYellow            = RC.CreateTexture(imgFireYellowData);
            _iStar                  = RC.CreateTexture(imgStarData);

            RC.SetRenderState(new RenderStateSet
                ZEnable = false,
                AlphaBlendEnable = true,
                BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add,
                SourceBlend = Blend.SourceAlpha,
                DestinationBlend = Blend.InverseSourceAlpha

            // GUIHandler
            _guiHandler = new GUIHandler();

            // font + text
            _guiFontCabin18 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 18);
            _guiFontCabin24 = RC.LoadFont("Assets/Cabin.ttf", 24);

            _guiText = new GUIText("Fusee3D Particle System ", _guiFontCabin24, 510, 35);
            _guiText.TextColor = new float4(1, 1, 1, 1);


            // panel
            _guiPanel = new GUIPanel("Menu", _guiFontCabin18, 10, 10, 150, 150);

            // Example 1 button
            _guiExampleOneButton = new GUIButton("Fog", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 40, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleOneButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // Example 2 button
            _guiExampleTwoButton = new GUIButton("Fire", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 70, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleTwoButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;


            // Example 2 button
            _guiExampleThreeButton = new GUIButton("Stars", _guiFontCabin18, 25, 100, 100, 25);

            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonDown += OnMenuButtonDown;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonUp += OnMenuButtonUp;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonEnter += OnMenuButtonEnter;
            _guiExampleThreeButton.OnGUIButtonLeave += OnMenuButtonLeave;
