/// <summary>
        /// Marks a imaging as completed.
        /// </summary>
        public void ImagedPlate(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, string imagingID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");
            if (null == imagingID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("imagingID must not be null");

            ImagingTask task;
            bool        ok = _tasks.TryGetValue(imagingID, out task);

            if (ok)

        /// <summary>
        /// Marks an imaging as skipped.
        /// </summary>
        public void SkippedImaging(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, DateTime dateToImage)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            string imagingID = DummyImagingTaskProvider.GetImagingID(plateID, dateToImage);

            ImagingTask task;
            bool        ok = _tasks.TryGetValue(imagingID, out task);

            if (ok)

        /// <summary>
        /// Construct an IImageProcessor instance for the specified IRobot and IProcessingInfo.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot">The Robot that took the images to be processed by this IImageProcessor instance</param>
        /// <param name="processingInfo">The description of the images to be processed by this IImageProcessor instance</param>
        public ImageProcessor2(IRobot robot, IProcessingInfo processingInfo, IPlateInfo plateInfo, IPlateType plateType)
            // Get Logger.
            _log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());

            _dateImaged = DateTime.MinValue;
            _lightPath  = 0;

            _robot          = robot;
            _processingInfo = processingInfo;
            _plateInfo      = plateInfo;
            _plateType      = plateType;

            _captureInfo = null;


                "DropNumber=" + processingInfo.DropNumber +
                ";ImagingID=\"" + processingInfo.ImagingID + "\"" +
                ";PlatedID=\"" + processingInfo.PlateID + "\"" +
                ";ProfileID=\"" + processingInfo.ProfileID + "\"" +
                ";RegionID=\"" + processingInfo.RegionID + "\"" +
                ";RegionType=" + processingInfo.RegionType.ToString() +
                ";WellNumber=" + processingInfo.WellNumber +
                ";Robot.Name=\"" + _robot.Name + "\"");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks a imaging as completed.
        /// </summary>
        void IImagingTaskProvider.ImagedPlate(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, string imagingID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");
            if (null == imagingID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("imagingID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".ImagedPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", imagingID=\"" + imagingID + "\")";

            // Set the request
            imagedPlate request = new imagedPlate();

            request.robot     = OPPF.Utilities.RobotUtils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID   = plateID;
            request.imagingID = imagingID;

            // Make the call
            WSPlate             wsPlate  = new WSPlate();
            imagedPlateResponse response = null;

                response = wsPlate.imagedPlate(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagedPlate threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagedPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", imagingID=\"" + imagingID + "\")";
                if (e is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ee = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)e;
                    msg = msg + "\n\n" + ee.Detail.InnerXml;
                _log.Fatal(msg, e);

                // Panic
                throw e;

            // Webservice always returns true if it doesn't throw an exception
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the capture profile for the plate under the microscope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plateID">The plateID to retrieve the capture profile for.</param>
 /// <returns>The default <c>ICaptureProfile</c> for this plateID, or <c>null</c> if the default imager configuration should be used.</returns>
 ICaptureProfile ICaptureProvider.GetDefaultCaptureProfile(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
     // TODO:  Add CaptureProvider.GetDefaultCaptureProfile implementation
     if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
         _log.Info("Called ICaptureProvider.GetDefaultCaptureProfile(" + Robot.ToString(robot) + ", \"" + plateID + "\") - returning null");
Ejemplo n.º 6
         * Added in Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.dll v2.0.0.73 (RockImager v2.0.3.18),
         * which is supposed to be more recent than v2.0.1.136 (RockImager v2.0.1.136).
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an <c>ICapturePointList</c> to image for this plateID on the specified <c>imagingID</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot"></param>
        /// <param name="plateID"></param>
        /// <param name="imagingID">The imaging ID started for this run.</param>
        /// <param name="includeOverview"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelectionCaptureProfileID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Added in Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.dll v2.0.0.73 (RockImager v2.0.3.18),
        /// which is supposed to be more recent than v2.0.1.136 (RockImager v2.0.1.136).
        /// </remarks>
        ICapturePointList ICaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, string imagingID, bool includeOverview, int userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
            // TODO:  Add CaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints implementation
            //return null;

            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _log.Info("Called ICaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints(" + Robot.ToString(robot) + ", \"" + plateID + "\", \"" + imagingID + "\", " + includeOverview + ", " + userSelectionCaptureProfileID + ")");

            CapturePointList capturePointList = null;

            // OPPF Vis
            if (1 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning empty ICapturePointList");
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

            // OPPF UV
            else if (2 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning ICapturePointList with PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints set to an ICaptureProfile with one IProperty of \"LightPath\" = \"1\"");

                // Create the property array containing the UV LightPath property
                IProperty[] properties = new OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property[1];
                properties[0] = new OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property("LightPath", "1");

                // Create a new CaptureProfile and apply the UV LightPath property
                CaptureProfile captureProfile = new CaptureProfile();

                // Create the array of capture profiles to be used for each drop - in this case only one
                CaptureProfile[] captureProfiles = new CaptureProfile[1];
                captureProfiles[0] = captureProfile;

                // Create a CapturePoint for each drop using RockImager's default drop position and the UV LightPath
                // TODO: Get number of wells and drops from plate type
                int            wells         = 96;
                CapturePoint[] capturePoints = new CapturePoint[wells];
                for (int i = 0; i < wells; i++)
                    // TODO: Loop over drops - currently assumes one drop per well
                    capturePoints[i] = new CapturePoint(i + 1, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop);

                // Create the CapturePointList and set the PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints
                // NB I don't think RockImager actually uses the PlateCaptureProfile
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// This method is intended to cause any resources that are no
 /// longer necessary to be released
 /// </summary>
 void IDisposable.Dispose()
     _regionName     = null;
     _profileName    = null;
     _captureInfo    = null;
     _robot          = null;
     _processingInfo = null;
     _plateInfo      = null;
     _plateType      = null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// If this <c>IImagingTaskProvider</c> supports changing priority,
        /// changes the priority of the IImagingTask with this <c>dateToImage</c>.
        /// </summary>
        void IImagingTaskProvider.UpdatedPriority(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, DateTime dateToImage, int priority)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".UpdatedPriority(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, priority=" + priority + ")";

            // Set the request
            updatedPriority request = new updatedPriority();

            request.robot   = OPPF.Utilities.RobotUtils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID = plateID;
            // .NET < 2.0
            //request.dateToImage = dateToImage;
            // .NET >= 2.0
            request.dateToImage = dateToImage.ToUniversalTime();
            request.priority    = priority;

            // Make the call
            WSPlate wsPlate = new WSPlate();

            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.updatedPriority threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - ignoring";
                if (e is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ee = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)e;
                    msg = msg + "\n\n" + ee.Detail.InnerXml;
                _log.Warn(msg, e);

                // Don't rethrow - just return - don't really care if this didn't work

            // Webservice always returns true if there is no exception
        /// <summary>
        /// Plate is starting to image. Returns an imaging identifier that will be
        /// embedded in the image names, and returned in ImagedPlate or null if
        /// the ImagingID is unavailable.
        /// </summary>
        public string ImagingPlate(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, bool scheduled, DateTime dateToImage, DateTime dateImaged)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            string imagingID = DummyImagingTaskProvider.GetImagingID(plateID, dateToImage);

             * Unnecessary code
             * bool exists = true;
             * if (!scheduled)
             * {
             *  ImagingTask task = new ImagingTask();
             *  task.SetDateImaged(dateImaged);
             *  task.SetDateToImage(dateToImage);
             *  task.SetInQueue(true);
             *  task.SetPriority(5);
             *  task.SetState(ImagingState.Imaging);
             *  lock (_tasks)
             *  {
             *      if (! _tasks.ContainsKey(imagingID))
             *      {
             *          exists = false;
             *          _tasks.Add(imagingID, task);
             *      }
             *  }
             * }
             * if (scheduled || exists)

            if (scheduled)
                ImagingTask task;
                bool        ok = _tasks.TryGetValue(imagingID, out task);
                if (ok)

            return(DummyImagingTaskProvider.GetImagingID(plateID, dateToImage));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Marks an imaging as skipped.
        /// </summary>
        void IImagingTaskProvider.SkippedImaging(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, DateTime dateToImage)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".SkippedImaging(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

            // Set the request
            skippedImaging request = new skippedImaging();

            request.robot       = OPPF.Utilities.Robot2Utils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID     = plateID;
            request.dateToImage = dateToImage.ToUniversalTime();

            // Make the call
            WSPlate wsPlate = WSPlateFactory.getWSPlate2();
            skippedImagingResponse response = null;

                response = wsPlate.skippedImaging(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.skippedImaging threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - ignoring";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".SkippedImaging(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";
                if (e is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ee = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)e;
                    msg = msg + "\n\n" + ee.Detail.InnerXml;
                _log.Warn(msg, e);

                // Don't rethrow - just return - don't really care if this didn't work

            // Webservice always returns true if it doesn't throw an exception
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ImageProcessor(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, IProcessingInfo processingInfo)
            // Get Logger.
            _log = LogManager.GetLogger(this.GetType());

            _captureInfo    = null;
            _imageInfo      = null;
            _robot          = robot;
            _processingInfo = processingInfo;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Return <c>true</c> if this provider supplies <c>IImagingTask.Priority</c>.
        /// Otherwise the imager should manage individual task priority.
        /// </summary>
        bool IImagingTaskProvider.SupportsPriority(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot)
            // OPPF PERFORMANCE BODGE - Actually this method should always return true!

            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".SupportsPriority(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ")";

            // Set the request
            supportsPriority request = new supportsPriority();

            request.robot = OPPF.Utilities.RobotUtils.createProxy(robot);

            // Make the call
            WSPlate wsPlate = new WSPlate();
            supportsPriorityResponse response = null;

                response = wsPlate.supportsPriority(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.supportsPriority threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - ignoring";
                if (e is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ee = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)e;
                    msg = msg + "\n\n" + ee.Detail.InnerXml;
                _log.Warn(msg, e);

                // Don't rethrow - just return false

            // Return the response's value
            //_log.Debug("supportsPriority returned " + response.supportsPriorityReturn);
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (!this.disposed)
                if (disposing)
                    // dispose managed resources

                // free native resources
                _regionName     = null;
                _profileName    = null;
                _captureInfo    = null;
                _robot          = null;
                _processingInfo = null;
                _plateInfo      = null;
                _plateType      = null;

                disposed = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// If this <c>IImagingTaskProvider</c> supports changing priority,
        /// changes the priority of the IImagingTask with this <c>dateToImage</c>.
        /// </summary>
        void IImagingTaskProvider.UpdatedPriority(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, DateTime dateToImage, int priority)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            string imagingID = DummyImagingTaskProvider.GetImagingID(plateID, dateToImage);

            ImagingTask task;
            bool        ok = _tasks.TryGetValue(imagingID, out task);

            if (ok)

Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Plate is starting to image. Returns an imaging identifier that will be
        /// embedded in the image names, and returned in ImagedPlate or null if
        /// the ImagingID is unavailable.
        /// </summary>
        public string ImagingPlate(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, bool scheduled, DateTime dateToImage, DateTime dateImaged)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", scheduled=\"" + scheduled + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

            // Set the request
            imagingPlate request = new imagingPlate();

            request.robot     = global::OPPF.Utilities.Robot2Utils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID   = plateID;
            request.scheduled = scheduled;
            //request.dateToImage = dateToImage.ToUniversalTime();
            // Is this a fix for the date collision problem?
            if (scheduled)
                request.dateToImage = dateToImage.ToUniversalTime();
                request.dateToImage = dateImaged.ToUniversalTime();
            request.dateImaged = dateImaged.ToUniversalTime();

            // Make the call
            WSPlate wsPlate = WSPlateFactory.getWSPlate2();
            imagingPlateResponse response = null;

                response = wsPlate.imagingPlate(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";
                msg = msg + WSPlateFactory.SoapExceptionToString(e);
                _log.Fatal(msg, e);

                // Panic

            // If we got no response
            if (null == response)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate returned null - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

                // Panic
                throw new System.NullReferenceException(msg);

            // If we got a null imagingID
            if (null == response.imagingPlateReturn)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate returned a null imagingID - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

                // Panic
                throw new System.NullReferenceException(msg);

            // Return the imagingID
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all scheduled <c>IImagingTask</c>s for the <c>plateID</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public IImagingTask[] GetImagingTasks(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".GetImagingTasks(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\")";

            // Declare the array that will be populated and returned - default to a zero-length array
            IImagingTask[] iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

            // Bail out on test plates
            if ("ReliabilityTestPlate".Equals(plateID) || "ReservedSlot".Equals(plateID))

            // Ensure connected to database - may throw an exception but we don't need/want to catch it
            if ((null == _dbConnection) || (System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed.Equals(_dbConnection.State)))

            // Try and read the imaging tasks from the db
            OdbcDataReader dataReader = null;

                // TODO - unnecessary check? Can connectToDB fail without throwing an exception?
                if (System.Data.ConnectionState.Open.Equals(_dbConnection.State))
                    // Update the parameters
                    _command.Parameters["@p1"].Value = plateID;

                    // If we care which imager
                    if (2 == _command.Parameters.Count)
                        _command.Parameters["@p2"].Value = robot.Name;

                    // Execute the select
                    dataReader = _command.ExecuteReader();

                    // Read the data reader's rows into the ProjectList
                    if (dataReader.HasRows)
                        // Get an ArrayList to hold the tasks
                        System.Collections.ArrayList tasks = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                        // Loop over all the returned rows
                        while (dataReader.Read())
                            // Create and populate a new ImagingTask
                            global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask task = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask();
                            // .NET < 2.0
                            //task.DateToImage = dataReader.GetDateTime(0);
                            // .NET >= 2.0 Only!
                            task.SetDateToImage(DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataReader.GetDateTime(0), DateTimeKind.Utc));
                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(1))
                                // .NET < 2.0
                                //task.DateImaged = dataReader.GetDateTime(1);
                                // .NET >= 2.0 Only!
                                task.SetDateImaged(DateTime.SpecifyKind(dataReader.GetDateTime(1), DateTimeKind.Utc));
                                //task.DateImaged = dataReader.GetDateTime(1).ToLocalTime();

                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(2))
                                _log.Warn("Got null priority for plateID: " + plateID + " task: " + task.DateToImage.ToLongTimeString());

                            if (dataReader.IsDBNull(3))
                                _log.Warn("Got null state for plateID: " + plateID + " task: " + task.DateToImage.ToLongTimeString());
                                if (dataReader.IsDBNull(1))


                            // Store this task in the ArrayList

                            //_log.Debug("> Got task: DateToImage=" + task.DateToImage + ", Priority=" + task.Priority + ", State=" + task.State + ", InQueue= " + task.InQueue);

                        // Convert ArrayList to IImagingTask[]
                        iImagingTasks = (IImagingTask[])tasks.ToArray(typeof(IImagingTask));

                    // Close the dataReader
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "Exception " + e.Message + " during direct db part of getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + " - will fail down to webservice call";
                _log.Error(msg, e);

                    // Clean up the dataReader
                    if ((null != dataReader) && (!dataReader.IsClosed))
                    dataReader = null;

                    if (null != _dbConnection)
                catch (Exception e1)
                    // Log it
                    string msg1 = "Exception " + e1.Message + " while handling exception during direct db part of direct db part of getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + " - will fail down to webservice call";
                    _log.Error(msg1, e1);

                // Don't rethrow - fail down to webservice call

            // If we got no or not enough tasks
            if ((null == iImagingTasks) || (iImagingTasks.GetLength(0) < MIN_IMAGING_TASKS))
                // Hit the webservice, which may cause a schedule to be created
                iImagingTasks = GetImagingTasksFromWebService(robot, plateID);

            // Set an appropriate value for InQueue

            // Ensure we never return null
            if (null == iImagingTasks)
                // Fix it
                iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

                // Log it
                _log.Warn("Fixed null iImagingTasks at end of WSPlate.getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID);

            // Return the array of IImagingTasks
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Web service version of GetImagingTasks - useful because it will
        /// cause a full schedule to be written if one doesn't already
        /// exist.
        /// Warning - this is a lot slower than going straight to platedb!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot">The robot</param>
        /// <param name="plateID">The barcode of the plate</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IImagingTask[] GetImagingTasksFromWebService(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call
            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                string msg = "Calling WSPlate.getImagingTasks() for plate " + plateID + ", robot " + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot);

            // Declare the array that will be populated and returned
            // - default to a zero-length array
            IImagingTask[] iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[0];

            // Set the request
            getImagingTasks request = new getImagingTasks();

            request.robot   = global::OPPF.Utilities.Robot2Utils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID = plateID;

            // Make the call
            getImagingTasksResponse response = null;

                WSPlate wsPlate = WSPlateFactory.getWSPlate2();
                wsPlate.Timeout = 10000;
                response        = wsPlate.getImagingTasks(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                // Log it
                string msg = "WSPlate.getImagingTasks threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " for plateid \"" + plateID + "\" in robot \"" + robot.Name + "\" - returning empty IImagingTask[]";
                msg = msg + WSPlateFactory.SoapExceptionToString(e);
                _log.Error(msg, e);

                // Don't rethrow - just return empty array

            // If we got a response
            if (null != response)
                // Get the array of ImagingTasks from the response
                global::OPPF.Proxies2.ImagingTask[] wrapper = response.wrapper;

                // Convert to IImagingTasks
                iImagingTasks = new IImagingTask[wrapper.GetLength(0)];
                for (int i = 0; i < wrapper.GetLength(0); i++)
                    global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask task = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Scheduling.ImagingTask();
                    if (wrapper[i].dateImaged.HasValue)

                    iImagingTasks[i] = task;

            // Return the IImagingTask array
         * Added in Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.dll v2.0.0.73 (RockImager v2.0.3.18),
         * which is supposed to be more recent than v2.0.1.136 (RockImager v2.0.1.136).
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an <c>ICapturePointList</c> to image for this plateID on the specified <c>imagingID</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="robot"></param>
        /// <param name="plateID"></param>
        /// <param name="imagingID">The imaging ID started for this run.</param>
        /// <param name="includeOverview"></param>
        /// <param name="userSelectionCaptureProfileID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Added in Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.dll v2.0.0.73 (RockImager v2.0.3.18),
        /// which is supposed to be more recent than v2.0.1.136 (RockImager v2.0.1.136).
        /// </remarks>
        public ICapturePointList GetCapturePoints(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, string imagingID, bool includeOverview, int userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
            // TODO:  Add CaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints implementation
            //return null;

            if (_log.IsInfoEnabled)
                _log.Info("Called ICaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints(" + Robot.ToString(robot) + ", \"" + plateID + "\", \"" + imagingID + "\", " + includeOverview + ", " + userSelectionCaptureProfileID + ")");

            CapturePointList capturePointList = null;

            // If 0 then it is a scheduled imaging, need to find the inspection type (light path)
            if (userSelectionCaptureProfileID == 0)
                userSelectionCaptureProfileID = GetLightPathForScheduledImaging(imagingID);

            IPlateType plateType = _pip.GetPlateType(robot, _pip.GetPlateInfo(robot, plateID).PlateTypeID);

            int[] sampleLocations = GetSampleLocations(plateID);

            // OPPF Vis
            if (1 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning ICapturePointList with CapturePoints for specific drops to be imaged, with a null ICaptureProfile (Should assume visible LightPath)");
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

                CapturePoint[] capturePoints = GetCapturePointsDetails(sampleLocations, plateType, null);

            // OPPF UV
            else if (2 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning ICapturePointList with PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints set to an ICaptureProfile with one IProperty of \"LightPath\" = \"1\"");

                // Create the property array containing the UV LightPath property
                IProperty[] properties = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property[1];
                properties[0] = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property("LightPath", "1");

                // Create a new CaptureProfile and apply the UV LightPath property
                CaptureProfile captureProfile = new CaptureProfile();

                // Create the array of capture profiles to be used for each drop - in this case only one
                CaptureProfile[] captureProfiles = new CaptureProfile[1];
                captureProfiles[0] = captureProfile;

                // Get specific well and drop numbers to be imaged
                CapturePoint[] capturePoints = GetCapturePointsDetails(sampleLocations, plateType, captureProfiles);

                // Create the CapturePointList and set the PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints
                // NB I don't think RockImager actually uses the PlateCaptureProfile
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

            // OPPF Teach 1
            else if (3 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning ICapturePointList with PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints set to an ICaptureProfile that only images the corners");

                // Create the property array containing the UV LightPath property
                IProperty[] properties = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property[1];
                properties[0] = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property("LightPath", "0");

                // Create a new CaptureProfile and apply the UV LightPath property
                CaptureProfile captureProfile = new CaptureProfile();

                // Create the array of capture profiles to be used for each drop - in this case only one
                CaptureProfile[] captureProfiles = new CaptureProfile[1];
                captureProfiles[0] = captureProfile;

                // Create a CapturePoint for each drop using RockImager's default drop position and the vis LightPath
                // TODO: Get number of wells and drops from plate type
                CapturePoint[] capturePoints = new CapturePoint[4];
                capturePoints[0] = new CapturePoint(1, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop);  // A1
                capturePoints[1] = new CapturePoint(12, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop); // A12
                capturePoints[2] = new CapturePoint(85, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop); // H1
                capturePoints[3] = new CapturePoint(96, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop); // H12

                // Create the CapturePointList and set the PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints
                // NB I don't think RockImager actually uses the PlateCaptureProfile
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

            // OPPF Teach 1-Full - Just to allow special handling in the IImageProcessor
            else if (4 == userSelectionCaptureProfileID)
                _log.Info("Returning ICapturePointList with PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints set to an ICaptureProfile that only images the corners");

                // Create the property array containing the UV LightPath property
                IProperty[] properties = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property[1];
                properties[0] = new global::OPPF.Integrations.ImagerLink.Property("LightPath", "0");

                // Create a new CaptureProfile and apply the UV LightPath property
                CaptureProfile captureProfile = new CaptureProfile();

                // Create the array of capture profiles to be used for each drop - in this case only one
                CaptureProfile[] captureProfiles = new CaptureProfile[1];
                captureProfiles[0] = captureProfile;

                // Create a CapturePoint for each drop using RockImager's default drop position and the vis LightPath
                // TODO: Get number of wells and drops from plate type
                int            wells         = 96;
                CapturePoint[] capturePoints = new CapturePoint[wells];
                for (int i = 0; i < wells; i++)
                    // TODO: Loop over drops - currently assumes one drop per well
                    capturePoints[i] = new CapturePoint(i + 1, 1, captureProfiles, null, null, "1", RegionType.Drop);

                // Create the CapturePointList and set the PlateCaptureProfile and CapturePoints
                // NB I don't think RockImager actually uses the PlateCaptureProfile
                capturePointList = new CapturePointList();

Ejemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the first drop to move the plate to under the microscope.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="plateID">The plateID uniquely identifying the plate.</param>
 /// <param name="wellNumber">The first well number of the plate. The first well is <c>1</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="dropNumber">The first drop number in the first well. The first drop is <c>1</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="robot">The robot which the plate is under.</param>
 void ICaptureProvider.GetFirstDrop(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, ref int wellNumber, ref int dropNumber)
     // TODO:  Add CaptureProvider.GetFirstDrop implementation
     wellNumber = 1;
     dropNumber = 1;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an <c>ICapturePointList</c> to image for this plateID on the specified <c>imagingID</c>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="robot"></param>
 /// <param name="plateID"></param>
 /// <param name="imagingID">The imaging ID started for this run.</param>
 /// <param name="includeOverview"></param>
 /// <returns>The list of <c>ICapturePoint</c>s, with an optional <c>ICaptureProfile</c> for this imaging.</returns>
 ICapturePointList ICaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, string imagingID, bool includeOverview)
     // TODO:  Add CaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints implementation
     _log.Debug("Called 4-arg ICaptureProvider.GetCapturePoints() - delegating to 5-arg version with userSelectionCaptureProfileID = 0");
     return(((ICaptureProvider)this).GetCapturePoints(robot, plateID, imagingID, includeOverview, 0));
 /// <summary>
 /// Return <c>true</c> if this provider supplies <c>IImagingTask.Priority</c>.
 /// Otherwise the imager should manage individual task priority.
 /// </summary>
 public bool SupportsPriority(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot)
     // OPPF PERFORMANCE BODGE - Actually this method should always return true!
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all scheduled <c>IImagingTask</c>s for the <c>plateID</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public IImagingTask[] GetImagingTasks(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            IImagingTask[] myTasks = null;

            lock (_scheduled)
                if (!_scheduled.Contains(plateID))

                    List <IImagingTask> myTaskList = new List <IImagingTask>();

                    DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++)
                        DateTime    dateToImage = now.AddHours(i);
                        string      imagingID   = DummyImagingTaskProvider.GetImagingID(plateID, dateToImage);
                        ImagingTask task        = new ImagingTask();

                            _tasks.Add(imagingID, task);
                        catch (System.ArgumentException e)
                            // Swallow duplicate key errors
                            if (!e.Message.Contains("same key has already been added"))

                    myTasks = myTaskList.ToArray();

            if (null == myTasks)
                List <IImagingTask> myTaskList = new List <IImagingTask>();
                Dictionary <string, ImagingTask> .Enumerator en = _tasks.GetEnumerator();
                while (en.MoveNext())
                    if (en.Current.Key.StartsWith(plateID))
                myTasks = myTaskList.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Plate is starting to image. Returns an imaging identifier that will be
        /// embedded in the image names, and returned in ImagedPlate or null if
        /// the ImagingID is unavailable.
        /// </summary>
        string IImagingTaskProvider.ImagingPlate(Formulatrix.Integrations.ImagerLink.IRobot robot, string plateID, bool scheduled, DateTime dateToImage, DateTime dateImaged)
            // Check arguments - do it up front to avoid possible inconsistencies later
            if (null == robot)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("robot must not be null");
            if (null == plateID)
                throw new System.NullReferenceException("plateID must not be null");

            // Log the call to the method
            if (_log.IsDebugEnabled)
                string msg = "Called " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

            // Set the request
            imagingPlate request = new imagingPlate();

            request.robot       = OPPF.Utilities.RobotUtils.createProxy(robot);
            request.plateID     = plateID;
            request.scheduled   = scheduled;
            request.dateToImage = dateToImage.ToUniversalTime();
            request.dateImaged  = dateImaged.ToUniversalTime();

            // Make the call
            WSPlate wsPlate = new WSPlate();
            imagingPlateResponse response = null;

                response = wsPlate.imagingPlate(request);
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate threw " + e.GetType() + ": " + e.Message + " - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";
                if (e is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)
                    System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ee = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)e;
                    msg = msg + "\n\n" + ee.Detail.InnerXml;
                _log.Fatal(msg, e);

                // Panic
                throw e;

            // If we got no response
            if (null == response)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate returned null - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

                // Panic
                throw new System.NullReferenceException(msg);

            // If we got a null imagingID
            if (null == response.imagingPlateReturn)
                string msg = "WSPlate.imagingPlate returned a null imagingID - panic!";
                msg = msg + "\nin " + this + ".ImagingPlate(robot=" + RobotUtils.iRobotToString(robot) + ", plateID=\"" + plateID + "\", dateToImage=" + dateToImage.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC, dateImaged=" + dateImaged.ToUniversalTime().ToString() + " UTC)";

                // Panic
                throw new System.NullReferenceException(msg);

            // Return the imagingID