Ejemplo n.º 1
        //private static TicketCompatibilityMode _TicketCompatibilityMode;

        private static byte[] MakeTicketIntoBinaryBlob(FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket)
            // None of the modes (Framework20 / Framework40 / beyond) support null values for these fields;
            // they always eventually just returned a null value.
            if (ticket.Name == null || ticket.UserData == null || ticket.CookiePath == null)

            // ** MSRC 11838 **
            // Framework20 / Framework40 ticket generation modes are insecure. We should use a
            // secure serialization mode by default.
            if (!AppSettings.UseLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility)

            // ** MSRC 11838 **
            // If we have reached this point of execution, the developer has explicitly elected
            // to continue using the insecure code path instead of the secure one. We removed
            // the Framework40 serialization mode, so everybody using the legacy code path is
            // forced to Framework20.

            byte[] bData  = new byte[4096];
            byte[] pBin   = new byte[4];
            long[] pDates = new long[2];
            byte[] pNull  = { 0, 0, 0 };

            // DevDiv Bugs 137864: 8 bytes may not be enough random bits as the length should be equal to the
            // key size. In CompatMode > Framework20SP1, use the IVType.Random feature instead of these 8 bytes,
            // but still include empty 8 bytes for compat with webengine.dll, where CookieAuthConstructTicket is.
            // Note that even in CompatMode = Framework20SP2 we fill 8 bytes with random data if the ticket
            // is not going to be encrypted.

            bool willEncrypt   = (_Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.All || _Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.Encryption);
            bool legacyPadding = !willEncrypt || (MachineKeySection.CompatMode == MachineKeyCompatibilityMode.Framework20SP1);

            if (legacyPadding)
                // Fill the first 8 bytes of the blob with random bits
                byte[] bRandom = new byte[8];
                RNGCryptoServiceProvider randgen = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
                Buffer.BlockCopy(bRandom, 0, bData, 0, 8);
                // use blank 8 bytes for compatibility with CookieAuthConstructTicket (do nothing)

            pBin[0] = (byte)ticket.Version;
            pBin[1] = (byte)(ticket.IsPersistent ? 1 : 0);

            pDates[0] = ticket.IssueDate.ToFileTime();
            pDates[1] = ticket.Expiration.ToFileTime();

            int iRet = UnsafeNativeMethods.CookieAuthConstructTicket(
                bData, bData.Length,
                ticket.Name, ticket.UserData, ticket.CookiePath,
                pBin, pDates);

            if (iRet < 0)

            byte[] ciphertext = new byte[iRet];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(bData, 0, ciphertext, 0, iRet);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Decrypt and get the auth ticket

        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>Given an encrypted authenitcation ticket as
        ///       obtained from an HTTP cookie, this method returns an instance of a
        ///       FormsAuthenticationTicket class.</para>
        /// </devdoc>
        public static FormsAuthenticationTicket Decrypt(string encryptedTicket)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(encryptedTicket) || encryptedTicket.Length > MAX_TICKET_LENGTH)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgumentValue, "encryptedTicket"));

            byte[] bBlob = null;
            if ((encryptedTicket.Length % 2) == 0)   // Could be a hex string
                try {
                    bBlob = CryptoUtil.HexToBinary(encryptedTicket);
                catch { }
            if (bBlob == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException(); //bBlob = HttpServerUtility.UrlTokenDecode(encryptedTicket);
            if (bBlob == null || bBlob.Length < 1)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.InvalidArgumentValue, "encryptedTicket"));

            int ticketLength;

            if (AspNetCryptoServiceProvider.Instance.IsDefaultProvider)
                // If new crypto routines are enabled, call them instead.
                ICryptoService cryptoService   = AspNetCryptoServiceProvider.Instance.GetCryptoService(Purpose.FormsAuthentication_Ticket);
                byte[]         unprotectedData = cryptoService.Unprotect(bBlob);
                ticketLength = unprotectedData.Length;
                bBlob        = unprotectedData;
#pragma warning disable 618 // calling obsolete methods
                // Otherwise call into MachineKeySection routines.

                if (_Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.All || _Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.Encryption)
                    // DevDiv Bugs 137864: Include a random IV if under the right compat mode
                    // for improved encryption semantics
                    bBlob = MachineKeySection.EncryptOrDecryptData(false, bBlob, null, 0, bBlob.Length, false, false, IVType.Random);
                    if (bBlob == null)

                ticketLength = bBlob.Length;

                if (_Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.All || _Protection == FormsProtectionEnum.Validation)
                    if (!MachineKeySection.VerifyHashedData(bBlob))
                    ticketLength -= MachineKeySection.HashSize;
#pragma warning restore 618 // calling obsolete methods

            // Step 4: Change binary ticket to managed struct

            // ** MSRC 11838 **
            // Framework20 / Framework40 ticket generation modes are insecure. We should use a
            // secure serialization mode by default.
            if (!AppSettings.UseLegacyFormsAuthenticationTicketCompatibility)
                return(FormsAuthenticationTicketSerializer.Deserialize(bBlob, ticketLength));

            // ** MSRC 11838 **
            // If we have reached this point of execution, the developer has explicitly elected
            // to continue using the insecure code path instead of the secure one. We removed
            // the Framework40 serialization mode, so everybody using the legacy code path is
            // forced to Framework20.

            int           iSize  = ((ticketLength > MAX_TICKET_LENGTH) ? MAX_TICKET_LENGTH : ticketLength);
            StringBuilder name   = new StringBuilder(iSize);
            StringBuilder data   = new StringBuilder(iSize);
            StringBuilder path   = new StringBuilder(iSize);
            byte[]        pBin   = new byte[4];
            long[]        pDates = new long[2];

            int iRet = UnsafeNativeMethods.CookieAuthParseTicket(bBlob, ticketLength,
                                                                 name, iSize,
                                                                 data, iSize,
                                                                 path, iSize,
                                                                 pBin, pDates);

            if (iRet != 0)

            DateTime dt1 = DateTime.FromFileTime(pDates[0]);
            DateTime dt2 = DateTime.FromFileTime(pDates[1]);

            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket((int)pBin[0],
                                                                             (bool)(pBin[1] != 0),