Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Paints the journal
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
            if (ClientSize.Width == 0 || ClientSize.Height == 0)
            var      bitmap = new Bitmap(ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height);
            Graphics g      = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap);

            int hScroll = -HScrollBar.Value;
            var sf      = new StringFormat {
                Alignment = StringAlignment.Center

            // Caption background
            var rectCaption = new RectangleF(0, 0, ClientSize.Width, 2 * rowHeight);

            Data.GradientPaint(g, rectCaption, LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, LayoutColors.DepthCaption);

            var   font                 = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 9);
            Color colorBack            = LayoutColors.ColorControlBack;
            var   brushCaptionText     = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorCaptionText);
            var   brushEvenRowBack     = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorEvenRowBack);
            var   brushSelectedRowBack = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorSelectedRowBack);
            var   brushSelectedRowText = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorSelectedRowText);
            var   brushRowText         = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorControlText);
            var   brushWarningBack     = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorWarningRowBack);
            var   brushWarningText     = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorWarningRowText);
            var   penLines             = new Pen(LayoutColors.ColorJournalLines);
            var   penBorder            = new Pen(Data.GetGradientColor(LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, -LayoutColors.DepthCaption),

            // Print the journal caption
            string unit = Configs.AccountInMoney
                              ? " [" + Configs.AccountCurrency + "]"
                              : " [" + Language.T("points") + "]";
            string accUnit = " [" + Configs.AccountCurrency + "]";

            g.SetClip(new RectangleF(Border, 0, ClientSize.Width - 2 * Border, 2 * rowHeight));
            g.DrawString(Language.T("Market Data"), font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[8] + xScaled[0]) / 2, 0,
            g.DrawString(Language.T("Summary") + unit, font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[14] + xScaled[8]) / 2,
                         0, sf);
            g.DrawString(Language.T("Account") + unit, font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[16] + xScaled[14]) / 2,
                         0, sf);
            g.DrawString(Language.T("Margin") + accUnit, font, brushCaptionText,
                         hScroll + (xScaled[18] + xScaled[16]) / 2, 0, sf);
            g.DrawString(Language.T("Backtest"), font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[19] + xScaled[18]) / 2, 0,
            if (Configs.AccountInMoney)
                for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                    g.DrawString(titlesInMoney[i], font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[i] + xScaled[i + 1]) / 2,
                                 rowHeight, sf);
                for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                    g.DrawString(titlesInPoints[i], font, brushCaptionText, hScroll + (xScaled[i] + xScaled[i + 1]) / 2,
                                 rowHeight, sf);

            var rectField = new RectangleF(Border, 2 * rowHeight, ClientSize.Width - 2 * Border,
                                           ClientSize.Height - 2 * rowHeight - Border);

            g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(colorBack), rectField);

            var size = new Size(ClientSize.Width - VScrollBar.Width - 2 * Border, rowHeight);

            // Prints the journal data
            for (int bar = firstBar; bar < firstBar + shownBars; bar++)
                int y     = (bar - firstBar + 2) * rowHeight;
                var point = new Point(Border, y);

                // Even row
                if (Math.Abs((bar - firstBar) % 2f - 0) > 0.0001)
                    g.FillRectangle(brushEvenRowBack, new Rectangle(point, size));

                // Warning row
                bool isWarningRow = false;
                if (journalData[bar - firstBar, columns - 1] == Language.T("Ambiguous"))
                    g.FillRectangle(brushWarningBack, new Rectangle(point, size));
                    isWarningRow = true;

                // Selected row
                Brush brush;
                if (bar - firstBar == selectedRow)
                    g.FillRectangle(brushSelectedRowBack, new Rectangle(point, size));
                    brush = brushSelectedRowText;
                    brush = isWarningRow ? brushWarningText : brushRowText;

                int index = bar - firstBar;

                // Draw the position icon
                int imgY = y + (int)Math.Floor((rowHeight - 16) / 2.0);
                g.DrawImage(positionIcons[index], hScroll + 2, imgY, 16, 16);

                // Prints the data
                g.DrawString(journalData[index, 0], font, brush, hScroll + (16 + xScaled[1]) / 2, (index + 2) * rowHeight,
                for (int i = 1; i < columns; i++)
                    g.DrawString(journalData[index, i], font, brush, hScroll + (xScaled[i] + xScaled[i + 1]) / 2,
                                 (index + 2) * rowHeight, sf);

            // Vertical grid lines
            for (int i = 1; i < columns; i++)
                if (i == 8 || i == 14 || i == 16 || i == 18)
                    var rectSeparator = new RectangleF(xScaled[i] + hScroll, (float)(rowHeight / 2.0), 1,
                                                       (float)(3 * rowHeight / 2.0));
                    Data.GradientPaint(g, rectSeparator, LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, -2 * LayoutColors.DepthCaption);
                g.DrawLine(penLines, xScaled[i] + hScroll, 2 * rowHeight, xScaled[i] + hScroll, ClientSize.Height);

            // Borders
            g.DrawLine(penBorder, 1, 2 * rowHeight, 1, ClientSize.Height);
            g.DrawLine(penBorder, ClientSize.Width - Border + 1, 2 * rowHeight, ClientSize.Width - Border + 1,
            g.DrawLine(penBorder, 0, ClientSize.Height - Border + 1, ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height - Border + 1);

            DIBSection.DrawOnPaint(e.Graphics, bitmap, Width, Height);

            OnSelectedBarChange(new EventArgs());