public int FindContacts(Primitive primOne, Primitive primTwo)
     CollisionData data = new CollisionData();
       data.contactsLeft = 1;
       int numContacts = FindContacts(primOne, primTwo, data);
       return numContacts;
        public static void Render(Primitive prim, RenderContext context, Color color)
            if (prim.PrimType == Forever.Physics.Collide.CollideType.Sphere)
            Sphere sphere = (Sphere)prim;
            BoundingSphere bs = new BoundingSphere(prim.Body.Position, sphere.Radius);
            BoundingSphereRenderer.Render(bs, context, color);
              else if (prim.PrimType == Forever.Physics.Collide.CollideType.Box)
            Box b = (Box)prim;
            Matrix world = prim.Body.World;
              world * b.OffsetMatrix,
              }else if(prim.PrimType == Forever.Physics.Collide.CollideType.Plane){

              Render((Forever.Physics.Collide.Plane)prim, context, color);
            throw new Exception("I don't know how to draw that!");
 public bool Intersecting(Primitive primOne, Primitive primTwo)
     return FindContacts(primOne, primTwo) > 0;
 public int FindContacts(Primitive primOne, Primitive primTwo, CollisionData data)
     return IntersectionTests.primAndPrim(primOne, primTwo, data);
 public void UnloadContent()
     prim = null;
        public static int primAndPrim(Primitive one, Primitive two, CollisionData data)
            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere)
                return sphereAndSphere((Sphere)one, (Sphere)two, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Plane)
                return sphereAndHalfSpace((Sphere)one, (Plane)two, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Plane
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere)
                return sphereAndHalfSpace((Sphere)two, (Plane)one, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Box
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere)
                return boxAndSphere((Box)one, (Sphere)two, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Sphere
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Box)
                return boxAndSphere((Box)two, (Sphere)one, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Box
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Plane)
                return boxAndPlane((Box)one, (Plane)two, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Plane
             && two.PrimType == CollideType.Box)
                return boxAndPlane((Box)two, (Plane)one, data);

            if (one.PrimType == CollideType.Box && two.PrimType == CollideType.Box)
                return boxAndBox((Box)one, (Box)two, data);

            throw new Exception("I don't know wtf that is!");