async void refineDishResults(ListView listview)
            string uri       = "";
            string otherhalf = "DishRefinements?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon + "&dish=" + searchedString + "&sort=" + sort + "&dietary=" + dietary + "&openNow=" + openNow;

            Uri result = null;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(new Uri(uri), otherhalf, out result))
                var         httpClient     = new HttpClient();
                var         refineResult   = (await httpClient.GetStringAsync(result));
                List <Post> RestaurantList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Post> >(refineResult);
                if (RestaurantList.Count == 0)
                    test.Text = "Sorry, no restaurants nearby with those refinements";
                    test.Text = "Restaurants nearby with the dish refine '" + searchedString + "'";
                    myRestaurantListViewAdapter adapter = new myRestaurantListViewAdapter(this.Context as Activity, RestaurantList);
                    listview.Adapter    = adapter;
                    listview.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) =>
                        string restName = RestaurantList[e.Position].RestaurantName;
                        //Toast.MakeText(Context as Activity, restName, ToastLength.Short).Show();
                        Intent intent = new Intent(Context as Activity, typeof(RestaurantProfileActivity));
                        intent.PutExtra("RestaurantInfo", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RestaurantList[e.Position]));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Getting all restaurants near the users device and displaying it in order of distance
        async void GetRestaurants(ListView listview)
            string uri       = "";
            string otherhalf = "HomeResults?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon;

            Uri result = null;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(new Uri(uri), otherhalf, out result))
                var httpClient   = new HttpClient();
                var refineResult = (await httpClient.GetStringAsync(result));

                //Deserialize json object
                List <Post> RestaurantList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Post> >(refineResult);
                if (RestaurantList.Count == 0)
                    //display message to the user
                    test.Text = "Sorry, no restaurants nearby";
                    myRestaurantListViewAdapter adapter = new myRestaurantListViewAdapter(this.Context as Activity, RestaurantList);
                    listview.Adapter = adapter;

                    //when restaurant item is clicked show the restaurant's profile
                    listview.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) =>
                        Intent intent = new Intent(Context as Activity, typeof(RestaurantProfileActivity));
                        //sending all the POST information for the chosen restaurant to it's restaurant profile page.
                        intent.PutExtra("RestaurantInfo", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RestaurantList[e.Position]));
        async void ShowCategoryResults(string searchedString, ListView listview)
            string uri       = "";
            string otherhalf = "GetRestaurantsAccordingToCategories?lon=" + lon + "&lat=" + lat + "&category=" + searchedString;

            Uri result = null;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(new Uri(uri), otherhalf, out result))
                var         httpClient     = new HttpClient();
                var         refineResult   = (await httpClient.GetStringAsync(result));
                List <Post> RestaurantList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Post> >(refineResult);
                if (RestaurantList.Count == 0)
                    test.Text = "Sorry, no restaurants nearby with category '" + searchedString + "'";
                    test.Text = "Restaurants nearby with the category '" + searchedString + " " + sort + "'";
                    myRestaurantListViewAdapter adapter = new myRestaurantListViewAdapter(this.Context as Activity, RestaurantList);
                    listview.Adapter    = adapter;
                    listview.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) =>
                        string restName = RestaurantList[e.Position].RestaurantName;
                        Intent intent   = new Intent(Context as Activity, typeof(RestaurantProfileActivity));
                        intent.PutExtra("RestaurantInfo", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RestaurantList[e.Position]));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //sending the refinements to the API and displaying the results
        async void refineList(ListView listview, string value, string value2, string value3)
            string uri = "";

            string otherhalf = "refinements2?lat=" + lat + "&lon=" + lon + "&sort=" + value + "&dietary=" + value2 + "&openNow=" + value3;

            Uri result = null;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(new Uri(uri), otherhalf, out result))
                var         httpClient     = new HttpClient();
                var         refineResult   = (await httpClient.GetStringAsync(result));
                List <Post> RestaurantList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Post> >(refineResult);
                if (RestaurantList.Count == 0)
                    test.Text = "Sorry, no results";
                    myRestaurantListViewAdapter adapter = new myRestaurantListViewAdapter(this.Context as Activity, RestaurantList);
                    listview.Adapter = adapter;

                    listview.ItemClick += (object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e) =>
                        Intent intent = new Intent(Context as Activity, typeof(RestaurantProfileActivity));
                        intent.PutExtra("RestaurantInfo", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RestaurantList[e.Position]));