Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void Save(Asset asset, BinaryFile file)
            // Check if asset is delegated. Do not inline.
            bool isDelegated = asset.IsPropertyChanged(Asset.Columns.ContactEmail);

            // Validate the asset
            ErrorList errors = ValidateAsset(asset, file);

            // No point continuing if we have errors
            if (errors.HasErrors)
                throw new InvalidAssetException(errors, asset);

            // Delegate asset if required
            if (isDelegated)

            // Truncate asset description to 400 chars
            if (asset.Description.Length > 400)
                asset.Description = asset.Description.Substring(0, 400);

            // Update the asset record
            asset.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now;


            // Save the asset file
            AssetFileManager.SaveAssetFile(asset, file, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void ReplaceAssetFile(Asset asset, BinaryFile file, bool notify, User uploadUser)
            m_Logger.DebugFormat("ReplaceAssetFile() - AssetId: {0}", asset.AssetId);

            // Will save the asset file, increment version, etc
            AssetFileManager.SaveAssetFile(asset, file, notify);

            if (asset.AssetPublishStatus == AssetPublishStatus.PendingApproval)
                // The asset is still in a workflow, which we need to cancel and re-submit
                // Get the most recent workflow and perform relevant actions on it

                if (asset.AssetWorkflowList.Count > 0)
                    // Get the most recent workflow
                    AssetWorkflow assetWorkflow = asset.AssetWorkflowList[0];

                    // Cancel it
                    m_Logger.DebugFormat("Cancelled AssetWorkflow - AssetWorkflowId: {0}", assetWorkflow.AssetWorkflowId);

                    // Resubmit it
                    WorkflowManager.SubmitAssetToWorkflow(asset, uploadUser);
                    m_Logger.DebugFormat("Resubmitted asset to workflow.  AssetId: {0}", asset.AssetId);

            AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(asset, uploadUser, AuditAssetAction.ReplacedAssetFile);
            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(uploadUser, AuditUserAction.ReplacedAssetFile, string.Format("Replaced asset file of AssetId: {0}", asset.AssetId));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the asset into the database, and the file to disk.
        /// </summary>
        private Asset SaveUploadedAsset(BinaryFile file, string sourceFolder)
            // Basic asset values
            Asset asset = Asset.New();

            asset.Filename          = file.FileName;
            asset.UploadDate        = DateTime.Now;
            asset.UploadedByUserId  = UploadedBy.UserId.GetValueOrDefault();
            asset.BrandId           = UploadedBy.PrimaryBrandId;
            asset.ContactEmail      = UploadedBy.Email;
            asset.UsageRestrictions = UploadedBy.PrimaryBrand.DefaultUsageRestrictionsCopy;
            asset.CopyrightOwner    = UploadedBy.CompanyName;
            asset.CreateDate        = DateTime.Now;
            asset.LastUpdate        = DateTime.Now;

            // Get the asset type ID based on file extension if the type was not specified
            asset.AssetTypeId = (AssetTypeId == Int32.MinValue) ? AssetTypeManager.GetAssetTypeId(file.FileExtension) : AssetTypeId;

            // Set the asset publish status depending on whether the uploading user is required to use workflow
            asset.AssetPublishStatus = (UploadedBy.UseWorkflow) ? AssetPublishStatus.NotApproved : AssetPublishStatus.Approved;

            // Set the asset file path (required for referential integrity in the database)
            asset.AssetFilePathId = AssetFilePathManager.GetDefault().AssetFilePathId.GetValueOrDefault();

            // Default download restrictions
            asset.WatermarkPreview = false;
            asset.InternalUsers_DownloadApprovalRequired = false;
            asset.InternalUsers_HideFromUsers            = false;
            asset.ExternalUsers_DownloadApprovalRequired = false;
            asset.ExternalUsers_HideFromUsers            = false;

            // Default production year to current year
            asset.ProductionYear = DateTime.Now.Year;

            // Publish year cannot be null, so default to current year
            // and set expiry date to 2 years ahead
            asset.PublishDate = DateTime.Now;
            asset.ExpiryDate  = DateTime.Now.AddYears(2);

            // Get the base Category which willl be the default brand category if Specify during cataloguing
            // or the target category if a target category has been passed.
            Category baseCategory;
            int      categoryId;

            if (TargetCategoryId == int.MinValue)
                baseCategory = CategoryCache.Instance.GetRootCategory(asset.BrandId);
                baseCategory = CategoryCache.Instance.GetById(TargetCategoryId);

            if (sourceFolder != String.Empty && CreateCategorySubFolders)
                categoryId = CategoryManager.CreateCategoryTreeFromPath(baseCategory.CategoryId, asset.BrandId, sourceFolder, asset.UploadedByUser);
                categoryId = baseCategory.CategoryId.GetValueOrDefault();

            // Set processed flag depending on the DoNotProcessForPreview. If this is true
            // the IsProcessed flag should also be set to true.
            asset.IsProcessed = DoNotProcessForPreview;

            // Assign default categories
            asset.PrimaryCategoryId = asset.CategoryList[0].CategoryId.GetValueOrDefault();

            OnProgress("Saving asset...");

            if (BeforeSave != null)
                BeforeSave(this, new AssetEventArgs(asset));

            OnProgress("Saved with reference: " + asset.AssetId);

            if (AfterSave != null)
                AfterSave(this, new AssetEventArgs(asset));

            if (BeforeFileSave != null)
                BeforeFileSave(this, new AssetEventArgs(asset));

            if (!file.IsEmpty)
                // Hash should only be checked for non super-admins
                bool checkHash = (UploadedBy.UserRole != UserRole.SuperAdministrator);

                // Save the file
                OnProgress("Saving asset file to disk: " + file.FileName);
                AssetFileManager.SaveAssetFile(asset, file, SendEmailOnCompletion, checkHash, DoNotProcessForPreview);
                OnProgress("Saved file '" + file.FileName + "' to disk");

                // Fire post-save events
                if (AfterFileSave != null)
                    AfterFileSave(this, new AssetEventArgs(asset));

            m_Logger.DebugFormat("Saved {0} to database, asset ID: {1}", file.FileName, asset.AssetId);
