Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Checks if selected optional scan settings may be used and sets entitlement ID to available if not manually specified
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="api"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        private static void CheckAssessmentOptions(FoDapi api, Options options)
            var assessmentFeatures = api.GetFeatureInfo();
            var features           = assessmentFeatures.Items.Select(feature => feature.Name).ToList();

            if (options.OpensourceReport)
                if (!features.Contains("SonaType"))
                    Trace.WriteLine("Note: Open-source reporting is not enabled for your account, proceeding without this option.");
            if (options.AutomatedAudit)
                if (!features.Contains("AuditPreference"))
                    Trace.WriteLine("Note: Automated Audit is not enabled for your account, proceeding without this option.");
            if (options.ExpressScan)
                if (!features.Contains("ScanPreference"))
                    Trace.WriteLine("Note: Express Scan is not enabled for your account, proceeding without this option.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Lists all valid assessment types, with entitlement IDs, for Static submissions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <param name="zipPath"></param>
        private static void DisplayAccountInformation(Options options)
            var api = new FoDapi(options, GetqueryParameters(new UriBuilder(options.UploadUrl)));

            if (!api.IsLoggedIn())
                if (!api.Authorize())
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error authenticating to Fortify on Demand, please check your settings.");

                Trace.WriteLine("Successfully authenticated to Fortify on Demand.");

            // Once logged in check and display entitlement information related to the release ID.

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///  Checks the release to determine if it's retired, in progress, or paused
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="api"></param>
        private static void CheckReleaseStatus(FoDapi api)
            var releaseInfo = api.GetReleaseInfo();
            var isRetired   = releaseInfo.sdlcStatusType.Equals("Retired");

            if (isRetired) // cannot submit to this release as it is retired in the portal
                Trace.WriteLine($"Error submitting to Fortify on Demand: You cannot create an assessment for \"{releaseInfo.applicationName} - {releaseInfo.releaseName}\" as this release is retired.");

            // Ensure a scan is not already running for the application prior to attempting to upload.

            if (releaseInfo.currentAnalysisStatusType.Equals("In_Progress") || releaseInfo.currentAnalysisStatusType.Equals("Waiting")) // "In Progress" or "Waiting" // need to checkt these values to see what they map to now
                Trace.WriteLine($"Error submitting to Fortify on Demand: You cannot create another scan for \"{releaseInfo.applicationName} - {releaseInfo.releaseName}\" at this time.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static void Run(Options options)
            var queryParameters = GetqueryParameters(new UriBuilder(options.UploadUrl));

            _technologyStack  = queryParameters.Get("ts");
            _languageLevel    = queryParameters.Get("ll");
            _tenantCode       = queryParameters.Get("tc");
            _assessmentTypeId = queryParameters.Get("astid");

            _includeAllFiles = options.IncludeAllPayload;

            if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ApiToken) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ApiTokenSecret)))
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Username) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Password))
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error: You must specify either an API token and secret or a username and password to authenticate." + Environment.NewLine);

                _isTokenAuth = false;

            // Workaround for trailing quote character in a folder bug in the CommandLine nuget library - will fix and submit a pull request on Github

            if (options.Source.EndsWith("\""))
                options.Source = options.Source.Trim('"');

            // Check specified source path



            // If the user has selected to view entitlement information display it and exit

            if (options.DisplayAccountInformation)

                Trace.WriteLine("Note: You may specify an entitlement ID manually with --entitlementID <ID>, please run the utility without --displayEntitlement to proceed.");

                if (_isConsole)
                    Trace.WriteLine("Press any key to quit...");

            var zipPath = ZipFolder(options.Source);

            var api = new FoDapi(options, zipPath, GetqueryParameters(new UriBuilder(options.UploadUrl)));

            if (!api.IsLoggedIn())
                if (!api.Authorize())
                    Trace.WriteLine("Error authenticating to Fortify on Demand, please check your settings.");

                Trace.WriteLine("Successfully authenticated to Fortify on Demand.");

            var fi = new FileInfo(zipPath);

            double mbyteSize = (fi.Length / 1024f) / 1024f;
            double kbyteSize = (fi.Length / 1024f);

            Trace.WriteLine(fi.Length < (1024f * 1024f)
                ? $"Payload prepared size: {Math.Round(kbyteSize, 2)} kb"
                : $"Payload prepared size: {Math.Round(mbyteSize, 2)} Mb");

            if (mbyteSize > MaxUploadSizeInMb)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Assessment payload size exceeds {MaxUploadSizeInMb} Mb, cannot continue.");


            CheckAssessmentOptions(api, options);


            // always retire the token


            // hold console open - ask around if this is something we want to do for interactive runs? Feedback has been conflicting regarding this behavior.

            if (_isConsole)
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");