Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static async Task RunFlavrCuda(string framesPath, float interpFactor, string mdl)
            if (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc)      // Ensure AutoEnc is not paused
                AutoEncode.paused = false;

                string flavDir = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Networks.flavrCuda.pkgDir);
                string script  = "flavr.py";

                if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(flavDir, script)))
                    Interpolate.Cancel("FLAVR script not found! Make sure you didn't modify any files.");

                await RunFlavrCudaProcess(framesPath, Paths.interpDir, script, interpFactor, mdl);

                if (!Interpolate.canceled && Interpolate.current.alpha)
                    InterpolateUtils.progressPaused = true;
                    Logger.Log("Interpolating alpha channel...");
                    await RunFlavrCudaProcess(framesPath + Paths.alphaSuffix, Paths.interpDir + Paths.alphaSuffix, script, interpFactor, mdl);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("Error running FLAVR-CUDA: " + e.Message);

            await AiFinished("FLAVR");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static async Task RunRifeCuda(string framesPath, float interpFactor, string mdl)
            if (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc)      // Ensure AutoEnc is not paused
                AutoEncode.paused = false;

                string rifeDir = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Packages.rifeCuda.fileName));
                string script  = "rife.py";

                if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(rifeDir, script)))
                    Interpolate.Cancel("RIFE script not found! Make sure you didn't modify any files.");

                await RunRifeCudaProcess(framesPath, Paths.interpDir, script, interpFactor, mdl);

                if (!Interpolate.canceled && Interpolate.current.alpha)
                    InterpolateUtils.progressPaused = true;
                    Logger.Log("Interpolating alpha channel...");
                    await RunRifeCudaProcess(framesPath + Paths.alphaSuffix, Paths.interpDir + Paths.alphaSuffix, script, interpFactor, mdl);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("Error running RIFE-CUDA: " + e.Message);

            await AiFinished("RIFE");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task ChunksToVideos(string tempFolder, string chunksFolder, string baseOutPath)
            if (IOUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(chunksFolder, true, $"*{FFmpegUtils.GetExt(I.current.outMode)}") < 1)
                I.Cancel("No video chunks found - An error must have occured during chunk encoding!", AiProcess.hasShownError);

            await Task.Delay(10);

            Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Merging video chunks...");
                DirectoryInfo chunksDir = new DirectoryInfo(chunksFolder);
                foreach (DirectoryInfo dir in chunksDir.GetDirectories())
                    string suffix            = dir.Name.Replace("chunks", "");
                    string tempConcatFile    = Path.Combine(tempFolder, $"chunks-concat{suffix}.ini");
                    string concatFileContent = "";
                    foreach (string vid in IOUtils.GetFilesSorted(dir.FullName))
                        concatFileContent += $"file '{Paths.chunksDir}/{dir.Name}/{Path.GetFileName(vid)}'\n";
                    File.WriteAllText(tempConcatFile, concatFileContent);

                    Logger.Log($"CreateVideo: Running MergeChunks() for vfrFile '{Path.GetFileName(tempConcatFile)}'", true);
                    await MergeChunks(tempConcatFile, baseOutPath.FilenameSuffix(suffix));
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("ChunksToVideo Error: " + e.Message, false);
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to merge the video chunks.\nCheck the log for details.");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DialogResult dialog = MessageBox.Show($"Are you sure you want to cancel the interpolation?", "Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);

            if (dialog == DialogResult.Yes)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        static async Task DiskSpaceCheckLoop()
            while (true)
                if (busy)
                        if (Interpolate.current == null || Interpolate.current.tempFolder.Length < 3)

                        string drivePath = Interpolate.current.tempFolder.Substring(0, 2);
                        long   mb        = IoUtils.GetDiskSpace(Interpolate.current.tempFolder);

                        Logger.Log($"Disk space check for '{drivePath}/': {(mb / 1024f).ToString("0.0")} GB free.", true);

                        bool   lowDiskSpace    = mb < (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.lowDiskSpacePauseGb, 5) * 1024);
                        bool   tooLowDiskSpace = mb < (Config.GetInt(Config.Key.lowDiskSpaceCancelGb, 2) * 1024);
                        string spaceGb         = (mb / 1024f).ToString("0.0");

                        if (!Interpolate.canceled && (AiProcess.lastAiProcess != null && !AiProcess.lastAiProcess.HasExited) && lowDiskSpace)
                            if (tooLowDiskSpace)
                                Interpolate.Cancel($"Not enough disk space on '{drivePath}/' ({spaceGb} GB)!");
                                bool showMsg = !AiProcessSuspend.aiProcFrozen;

                                if (showMsg)
                                    UiUtils.ShowMessageBox($"Interpolation has been paused because you are running out of disk space on '{drivePath}/' ({spaceGb} GB)!\n\n" +
                                                           $"Please either clear up some disk space or cancel the interpolation.", UiUtils.MessageType.Warning);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.Log($"Disk space check failed: {e.Message}", true);

                await Task.Delay(15000);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        static string currentOutFile;   // Keeps track of the out file, in case it gets renamed (FPS limiting, looping, etc) before finishing export

        public static async Task Export(string path, string outFolder, I.OutMode mode, bool stepByStep)
            if (!mode.ToString().ToLower().Contains("vid"))     // Copy interp frames out of temp folder and skip video export for image seq export
                    string folder = Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(false, false));
                    await CopyOutputFrames(path, folder, stepByStep);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Log("Failed to move interp frames folder: " + e.Message);


            if (IOUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(path, false, $"*.{InterpolateUtils.GetOutExt()}") <= 1)
                I.Cancel("Output folder does not contain frames - An error must have occured during interpolation!", AiProcess.hasShownError);

            await Task.Delay(10);

            Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Creating output video from frames...");

                float maxFps   = Config.GetFloat("maxFps");
                bool  fpsLimit = maxFps != 0 && I.current.outFps > maxFps;

                bool dontEncodeFullFpsVid = fpsLimit && Config.GetInt("maxFpsMode") == 0;

                if (!dontEncodeFullFpsVid)
                    await Encode(mode, path, Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(false, true)), I.current.outFps);

                if (fpsLimit)
                    await Encode(mode, path, Path.Combine(outFolder, IOUtils.GetCurrentExportFilename(true, true)), I.current.outFps, maxFps);
            catch (Exception e)
                Logger.Log("FramesToVideo Error: " + e.Message, false);
                MessageBox.Show("An error occured while trying to convert the interpolated frames to a video.\nCheck the log for details.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
        static async Task DiskSpaceCheckLoop()
            while (true)
                if (busy)
                    string drivePath = Interpolate.current.tempFolder.Substring(0, 2);
                    long   mb        = IOUtils.GetDiskSpace(Interpolate.current.tempFolder);

                    Logger.Log($"Disk space check for '{drivePath}/': {(mb / 1024f).ToString("0.0")} GB free.", true);

                    if (!Interpolate.canceled && mb < (Config.GetInt("minDiskSpaceGb", 6) * 1024))
                        Interpolate.Cancel("Running out of disk space!");

                await Task.Delay(15000);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static async Task Encode(I.OutMode mode, string framesPath, string outPath, float fps, float resampleFps = -1)
            currentOutFile = outPath;
            string vfrFile = Path.Combine(framesPath.GetParentDir(), Paths.GetFrameOrderFilename(I.current.interpFactor));

            if (!File.Exists(vfrFile))
                bool sbs = Config.GetInt("processingMode") == 1;
                I.Cancel($"Frame order file for this interpolation factor not found!{(sbs ? "\n\nDid you run the interpolation step with the current factor?" : "")}");

            if (mode == I.OutMode.VidGif)
                await FfmpegEncode.FramesToGifConcat(vfrFile, outPath, fps, true, Config.GetInt("gifColors"), resampleFps);
                await FfmpegEncode.FramesToVideoConcat(vfrFile, outPath, mode, fps, resampleFps);
                await MuxOutputVideo(I.current.inPath, outPath);
                await Loop(currentOutFile, GetLoopTimes());
Ejemplo n.º 9
        static void FfmpegOutputHandler(object sendingProcess, DataReceivedEventArgs outLine)
            if (outLine == null || outLine.Data == null)
            string line = outLine.Data;

            lastOutputFfmpeg = lastOutputFfmpeg + "\n" + line;
            bool   hidden          = currentLogMode == LogMode.Hidden;
            bool   replaceLastLine = currentLogMode == LogMode.OnlyLastLine;
            string trimmedLine     = line.Remove("q=-0.0").Remove("size=N/A").Remove("bitrate=N/A").TrimWhitespaces();

            Logger.Log(trimmedLine, hidden, replaceLastLine, "ffmpeg");

            if (line.Contains(".srt: Invalid data found"))
                Logger.Log($"Warning: Failed to encode subtitle track {line.Split(':')[2]}. This track will be missing in the output file.");

            if (line.Contains("Could not open file"))
                Interpolate.Cancel($"FFmpeg Error: {line}");

            if (line.Contains("No NVENC capable devices found") || line.Contains("Cannot load nvcuda.dll"))
                Interpolate.Cancel($"FFmpeg Error: {line}\nMake sure you have an NVENC-capable Nvidia GPU.");

            if (!hidden && showProgressBar && line.Contains("time="))
                Regex timeRegex = new Regex("(?<=time=).*(?= )");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private void cancelBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Ejemplo n.º 11
        static void LogOutput(string line, string logFilename, bool err = false)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line) || line.Length < 6)

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


            if (line.Contains("iVBOR"))
                    string[] split = line.Split(':');
                    //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(split[1]));
                    //Image img = Image.FromStream(stream);
                    Logger.Log($"Received image {split[0]} in {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms", true);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Logger.Log($"Failed to decode b64 string - {e}:");

            Logger.LogToFile(line, false, logFilename);

            if (line.Contains("ff:nocuda-cpu"))
                Logger.Log("WARNING: CUDA-capable GPU device is not available, running on CPU instead!");

            if (!hasShownError && err && line.ToLower().Contains("out of memory"))
                hasShownError = true;
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Your GPU ran out of VRAM! Please try a video with a lower resolution or use the Max Video Size option in the settings.\n\n{line}", "Error");

            if (!hasShownError && err && line.ToLower().Contains("modulenotfounderror"))
                hasShownError = true;
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A python module is missing.\nCheck {logFilename} for details.\n\n{line}", "Error");
                if (!Python.HasEmbeddedPyFolder())

            if (!hasShownError && line.ToLower().Contains("no longer supports this gpu"))
                hasShownError = true;
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Your GPU seems to be outdated and is not supported!\n\n{line}", "Error");

            if (!hasShownError && err && (line.Contains("RuntimeError") || line.Contains("ImportError") || line.Contains("OSError")))
                hasShownError = true;
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A python error occured during interpolation!\nCheck {logFilename} for details.\n\n{line}", "Error");

            if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("vk") && line.Contains(" failed"))
                hasShownError = true;
                string dain = (Interpolate.current.ai.aiName == Networks.dainNcnn.aiName) ? "\n\nTry reducing the tile size in the AI settings." : "";
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A Vulkan error occured during interpolation!\n\n{line}{dain}", "Error");

            if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("vkAllocateMemory failed"))
                hasShownError = true;
                bool   usingDain = (Interpolate.current.ai.aiName == Networks.dainNcnn.aiName);
                string msg       = usingDain ? "\n\nTry reducing the tile size in the AI settings." : "Try a lower resolution (Settings -> Max Video Size).";
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"Vulkan ran out of memory!\n\n{line}{msg}", "Error");

            if (!hasShownError && err && line.Contains("invalid gpu device"))
                hasShownError = true;
                InterpolateUtils.ShowMessage($"A Vulkan error occured during interpolation!\n\n{line}\n\nAre your GPU IDs set correctly?", "Error");

            if (hasShownError)
