Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static void FillBasicTitle(FilmTrove.Models.Movie movie, FlixSharp.Holders.Title ntitle)
     movie.Netflix.Id                 = ntitle.Id;
     movie.Netflix.IdUrl              = ntitle.IdUrl;
     movie.Netflix.SeasonId           = ntitle.SeasonId;
     movie.Netflix.Url                = ntitle.NetflixSiteUrl;
     movie.Netflix.AvgRating          = ntitle.AverageRating;
     movie.Netflix.OfficialWebsiteUrl = ntitle.OfficialWebsite;
     movie.Netflix.PosterUrlLarge     = ntitle.BoxArtUrlLarge;
     movie.Netflix.NeedsUpdate        = true;
     movie.Rating = ntitle.Rating.RatingType == RatingType.Mpaa ?
                    ntitle.Rating.MpaaRating.ToString() : ntitle.Rating.TvRating.ToString();
     movie.RatingType    = ntitle.Rating.RatingType;
     movie.AltTitle      = ntitle.ShortTitle;
     movie.Title         = ntitle.FullTitle;
     movie.BestPosterUrl = ntitle.BoxArtUrlLarge;
     movie.Year          = ntitle.Year;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static List <Models.Movie> GetDatabaseMovies(Titles results)
            var netflixids = results.Select((m) => m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : ""));

            using (FilmTroveContext ftc = new FilmTroveContext())
                ///1) find the matching records from the database
                var matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id));
                ///2) find the records that don't have a match
                ///select the ids and get the netflix Ids that aren't in the FT database
                var ftnfids             = matchedmovies.Select(m => m.Netflix.Id);
                var netflixidsunmatched = netflixids.Where(m => !ftnfids.Contains(m));
                //Int32 count = 0;
                foreach (String nid in netflixidsunmatched)
                    ///create FT database records for each of these with the movies basic information for now
                    FilmTrove.Models.Movie  newmovie     = ftc.Movies.Create();
                    FlixSharp.Holders.Title netflixmovie = results.Find(nid);
                    FillBasicTitle(newmovie, netflixmovie);

                    var             dbgenreslocal = ftc.Genres.Local.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    var             dbgenres      = ftc.Genres.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    HashSet <Genre> genres        = new HashSet <Genre>();

                    var genrenames    = genres.Select(g => g.Name);
                    var missinggenres = netflixmovie.Genres.Where(g => !genrenames.Contains(g));
                    foreach (String genre in missinggenres)
                        Genre g = new Genre()
                            Name = genre
                    //newmovie.Genres = netflixmovie.Genres;
                    foreach (Genre g in genres)
                        MovieGenre gi = ftc.GenreItems.Create();
                        gi.Genre = g;
                        gi.Movie = newmovie;

                //count =
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    ///need to add some sort of logging?

                //if (count > 0)
                if (matchedmovies.Count() < results.Count())
                    matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id));
                //    return matchedmovies.ToList();

                return(results.Select(m =>
                                      matchedmovies.First(f =>
                                                          f.Netflix.Id == (m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : "")))).ToList());