Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void BindData()
     Pilot current = new Pilot();
     Pilot p = new Pilot();
     DateTime? From = null;
     DateTime? To = null;
     CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
     provider = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiTextBoxFrom.Text))
         From = DateTime.ParseExact(uiTextBoxFrom.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiTextBoxTo.Text))
         To = DateTime.ParseExact(uiTextBoxTo.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
     if (current.RowCount > 0)
         p.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, From, To);
         p.GetPilotSchedule(0, From, To);
     uiGridViewSchedule.DataSource = p.DefaultView;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void BindData()
            Pilot current = new Pilot();
            Pilot p = new Pilot();
            DateTime? From = null;
            DateTime? To = null;
            CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            provider = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiTextBoxFrom.Text))
                From = DateTime.ParseExact(uiTextBoxFrom.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uiTextBoxTo.Text))
                To = DateTime.ParseExact(uiTextBoxTo.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
            if (current.RowCount > 0)
                p.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, From, To);
                p.GetPilotSchedule(3, From, To);
            uiLabelFullName.Text = current.FirstName + " " + current.SecondName;
            uiLabelShortName.Text = current.ShortName;
            uiDataListSchedule.DataSource = p.DefaultView;
            Header.Visible = true;
            totals.Visible = true;
            grandTotal.Visible = true;
            guide.Visible = true;
            CurrentMonthTotal.Visible = true;
            AverageTotals.Visible = true;

            uiLabelCompanyTotal.Text = Math.Floor(Companytotal.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + Companytotal.Minutes.ToString("00");

            if (Companytotal.TotalHours < 50)
                DIVcompanyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "greenI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 50 && Companytotal.TotalHours < 70)
                DIVcompanyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "yellowI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 70 && Companytotal.TotalHours < 80)
                DIVcompanyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "blueI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 80)
                DIVcompanyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "redI");

            uiLabelCAATotal.Text = Math.Floor(Companytotal.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + Companytotal.Minutes.ToString("00");

            if (Companytotal.TotalHours < 50)
                DIVCAATotal.Attributes.Add("class", "greenI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 50 && Companytotal.TotalHours < 70)
                DIVCAATotal.Attributes.Add("class", "yellowI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 70 && Companytotal.TotalHours < 80)
                DIVCAATotal.Attributes.Add("class", "blueI");
            else if (Companytotal.TotalHours >= 80)
                DIVCAATotal.Attributes.Add("class", "redI");

            uiLabelDutyTotal.Text = Math.Floor(DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + DutyHoursTotal.Minutes.ToString("00");

            if (DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours < 50)
                DIVDutyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "greenI");
            else if (DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours >= 50 && DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours < 70)
                DIVDutyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "yellowI");
            else if (DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours >= 70 && DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours < 80)
                DIVDutyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "blueI");
            else if (DutyHoursTotal.TotalHours >= 80)
                DIVDutyTotal.Attributes.Add("class", "redI");

            DateTime FromAverage, ToAverage = new DateTime();
            FromAverage = To.Value.AddDays(-28);
            ToAverage = To.Value;

            TimeSpan AverageTotal = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan DutyAverageTotal = new TimeSpan();

            /***********current month Grand Total *************/
            Pilot pTotal = new Pilot();
            DateTime FromTotal = new DateTime(To.Value.Year, To.Value.Month, 1);
            DateTime ToTotal = new DateTime(To.Value.Year, To.Value.Month, getLastDay(To.Value.Month));

            pTotal.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, FromTotal, ToTotal);
            TimeSpan TotalTime = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan TotalTimeUpToDate = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan DutyTotalUpToDate = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (DataRow row in pTotal.DefaultView.Table.Rows)
                TimeSpan currentTime = new TimeSpan();
                if (row["ChoxOff"] != null && row["ChoxOn"] != null && (DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString())) != TimeSpan.Zero))
                    DateTime choxon = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString());
                    DateTime choxoff = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString());
                    currentTime = choxon.Subtract(choxoff);
                    DateTime STD = DateTime.Parse(row["STD"].ToString());
                    DateTime STA = DateTime.Parse(row["STA"].ToString());
                    currentTime = STA.Subtract(STD);

                if (TotalTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    TotalTime = currentTime;
                    TotalTime = TotalTime.Add(currentTime);

                /* calculate total for currrent month from 1 to the ToDate */
                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= To.Value)
                    if (TotalTimeUpToDate == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        TotalTimeUpToDate = currentTime;
                        TotalTimeUpToDate = TotalTimeUpToDate.Add(currentTime);

                    if (DutyTotalUpToDate == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyTotalUpToDate = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0));
                        DutyTotalUpToDate = DutyTotalUpToDate.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0)));

                /* calculate the average total for the last 4 weeks  */
                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= ToAverage && Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) >= FromAverage)
                    if (AverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        AverageTotal = currentTime;
                        AverageTotal = AverageTotal.Add(currentTime);

                    if (DutyAverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyAverageTotal = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0));
                        DutyAverageTotal = DutyAverageTotal.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0)));


            uiLabelGrandTotal.Text = "<div style='float:left;width:230px'>" + From.Value.ToString("MMMM") + " Total Hours : </div><div style='float:right;width:50px'>" + Math.Floor(TotalTime.TotalHours).ToString("00") + ":" + TotalTime.Minutes.ToString("00") + "</div>";


            /***********last month Grand Total *************/
            Pilot pLastTotal = new Pilot();
            DateTime FromLastTotal = new DateTime((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Year : From.Value.Year - 1, (From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12, 1);
            DateTime ToLastTotal = new DateTime((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Year : From.Value.Year - 1, (From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12, getLastDay((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12));

            pLastTotal.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, FromLastTotal, ToLastTotal);
            TimeSpan LastTotalTime = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (DataRow row in pLastTotal.DefaultView.Table.Rows)
                TimeSpan currentTime = new TimeSpan();
                if (row["ChoxOff"] != null && row["ChoxOn"] != null && (DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString())) != TimeSpan.Zero))
                    DateTime choxon = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString());
                    DateTime choxoff = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString());
                    currentTime = choxon.Subtract(choxoff);
                    DateTime STD = DateTime.Parse(row["STD"].ToString());
                    DateTime STA = DateTime.Parse(row["STA"].ToString());
                    currentTime = STA.Subtract(STD);

                if (LastTotalTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    LastTotalTime = currentTime;
                    LastTotalTime = LastTotalTime.Add(currentTime);

                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= ToAverage && Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) >= FromAverage)
                    if (AverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        AverageTotal = currentTime;
                        AverageTotal = AverageTotal.Add(currentTime);

                    if (DutyAverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyAverageTotal = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0));
                        DutyAverageTotal = DutyAverageTotal.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan (1, 30, 0)));


            uiLabelLastTotal.Text = "<div style='float:left;width:230px'>" + FromLastTotal.ToString("MMMM") + " Total Hours : </div><div style='float:right;width:50px'>" + Math.Floor(LastTotalTime.TotalHours).ToString("00") + ":" + LastTotalTime.Minutes.ToString("00") + "</div>";

            //uiLabelCurrentMonth.Text = "<div style='float:left;width:230px'>" + "Current Month Total Hours : </div><div style='float:right;width:50px'>" + Math.Floor(TotalTimeUpToDate.TotalHours).ToString("00") + ":" + TotalTimeUpToDate.Minutes.ToString("00") + "</div>";
            //uiLabelAverageTotal.Text = "<div style='float:left;width:230px'>" + "Last four weeks Avergae Total Hours : </div><div style='float:right;width:50px'>" + Math.Floor(AverageTotal.TotalHours / 4.0).ToString("00") + ":" + Math.Floor(AverageTotal.Minutes / 4.0).ToString("00") +"</div>";

            uiLabelCurrentMCompantTotal.Text = Math.Floor(TotalTimeUpToDate.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + TotalTimeUpToDate.Minutes.ToString("00");
            uiLabelCurrentMCAATotal.Text = Math.Floor(TotalTimeUpToDate.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + TotalTimeUpToDate.Minutes.ToString("00");
            uiLabelCurrentMDutyTotal.Text = Math.Floor(DutyTotalUpToDate.TotalHours).ToString() + ":" + DutyTotalUpToDate.Minutes.ToString("00");

            uiLabelAverageCompany.Text = Math.Floor(AverageTotal.TotalHours / 4.0).ToString() + ":" + Math.Floor(AverageTotal.Minutes  / 4.0 ).ToString("00");
            uiLabelAverageCAA.Text = Math.Floor(AverageTotal.TotalHours / 4.0).ToString() + ":" + Math.Floor(AverageTotal.Minutes / 4.0).ToString("00");
            uiLabelAverageDuty.Text = Math.Floor(DutyAverageTotal.TotalHours / 4.0).ToString() + ":" + Math.Floor(DutyAverageTotal.Minutes / 4.0).ToString("00");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static TimeSpan[] CalculatePilotStatus(int pilotID, string fromdate, string todate)
            TimeSpan []result;
            Pilot current = new Pilot();
            Pilot p = new Pilot();
            DateTime? From = null;
            DateTime? To = null;
            CultureInfo provider = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            provider = new CultureInfo("fr-FR");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromdate))
                From = DateTime.ParseExact(fromdate, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(todate))
                To = DateTime.ParseExact(todate, "dd/MM/yyyy", provider);
            if (current.RowCount > 0)
                p.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, From, To);
                return null;


            DateTime FromAverage, ToAverage = new DateTime();
            FromAverage = To.Value.AddDays(-28);
            ToAverage = To.Value;

            TimeSpan AverageTotal = new TimeSpan();
            //TimeSpan DutyAverageTotal = new TimeSpan();

            /***********current month Grand Total *************/

            Pilot pTotal = new Pilot();
            DateTime FromTotal = new DateTime(To.Value.Year, To.Value.Month, 1);
            DateTime ToTotal = new DateTime(To.Value.Year, To.Value.Month, getLastDay(To.Value.Month));

            pTotal.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, FromTotal, ToTotal);
            TimeSpan TotalTime = new TimeSpan();
            TimeSpan TotalTimeUpToDate = new TimeSpan();
            //TimeSpan DutyTotalUpToDate = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (DataRow row in pTotal.DefaultView.Table.Rows)
                TimeSpan currentTime = new TimeSpan();
                if (row["ChoxOff"] != null && row["ChoxOn"] != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ChoxOff"].ToString()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()) && (DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString())) != TimeSpan.Zero))
                    DateTime choxon = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString());
                    DateTime choxoff = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString());
                    currentTime = choxon.Subtract(choxoff);
                    DateTime STD = DateTime.Parse(row["STD"].ToString());
                    DateTime STA = DateTime.Parse(row["STA"].ToString());
                    currentTime = STA.Subtract(STD);

                if (TotalTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    TotalTime = currentTime;
                    TotalTime = TotalTime.Add(currentTime);

                /* calculate total for currrent month from 1 to the ToDate */

                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= To.Value)
                    if (TotalTimeUpToDate == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        TotalTimeUpToDate = currentTime;
                        TotalTimeUpToDate = TotalTimeUpToDate.Add(currentTime);
                    if (DutyTotalUpToDate == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyTotalUpToDate = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0));
                        DutyTotalUpToDate = DutyTotalUpToDate.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0)));

                /* calculate the average total for the last 4 weeks  */
                /* add times related to average of last 4 weeks period from current month  */
                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= ToAverage && Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) >= FromAverage)
                    if (AverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        AverageTotal = currentTime;
                        AverageTotal = AverageTotal.Add(currentTime);
                    if (DutyAverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyAverageTotal = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0));
                        DutyAverageTotal = DutyAverageTotal.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0)));



            /***********last month Grand Total *************/
            Pilot pLastTotal = new Pilot();
            DateTime FromLastTotal = new DateTime((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Year : From.Value.Year - 1, (From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12, 1);
            DateTime ToLastTotal = new DateTime((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Year : From.Value.Year - 1, (From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12, getLastDay((From.Value.Month != 1) ? From.Value.Month - 1 : 12));

            pLastTotal.GetPilotSchedule(current.PilotID, FromLastTotal, ToLastTotal);
            TimeSpan LastTotalTime = new TimeSpan();

            foreach (DataRow row in pLastTotal.DefaultView.Table.Rows)
                TimeSpan currentTime = new TimeSpan();
                if (row["ChoxOff"] != null && row["ChoxOn"] != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ChoxOff"].ToString()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()) && (DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString()).Subtract(DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString())) != TimeSpan.Zero))
                    DateTime choxon = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOn"].ToString());
                    DateTime choxoff = DateTime.Parse(row["ChoxOff"].ToString());
                    currentTime = choxon.Subtract(choxoff);
                    DateTime STD = DateTime.Parse(row["STD"].ToString());
                    DateTime STA = DateTime.Parse(row["STA"].ToString());
                    currentTime = STA.Subtract(STD);

                if (LastTotalTime == TimeSpan.Zero)
                    LastTotalTime = currentTime;
                    LastTotalTime = LastTotalTime.Add(currentTime);

                /* add times related to average of last 4 weeks period from last month  */
                if (Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) <= ToAverage && Convert.ToDateTime(row["SectorDate"].ToString()) >= FromAverage)
                    if (AverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        AverageTotal = currentTime;
                        AverageTotal = AverageTotal.Add(currentTime);
                    if (DutyAverageTotal == TimeSpan.Zero)
                        DutyAverageTotal = currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0));
                        DutyAverageTotal = DutyAverageTotal.Add(currentTime.Add(new TimeSpan(1, 30, 0)));

            result = new TimeSpan[4];
            result[0] = TotalTime; // current month total
            result[1] = LastTotalTime; // last month total
            result[2] = AverageTotal; // last 4 weeks average
            result[3] = TotalTimeUpToDate; // total for selected period

            return result;