Ejemplo n.º 1
		protected void StartPage()
			if (Federation.GetPerformanceCounter(Federation.PerformanceCounterNames.TopicReads) != null)

			MainEvent = TheFederation.LogEventFactory.CreateAndStartEvent(Request.UserHostAddress, VisitorIdentityString, GetTopicName().ToString(), LogEvent.LogEventType.ReadTopic);
			VisitorEvent e = new VisitorEvent(GetTopicName(), VisitorEvent.Read, DateTime.Now);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		protected void StartPage()
			if (Federation.GetPerformanceCounter(PerformanceCounterNames.TopicsCompared) != null)

			_mainEvent = Federation.LogEventFactory.CreateAndStartEvent(Request.UserHostAddress, VisitorIdentityString, RequestedTopic.LocalName, LogEventType.CompareTopic);
			VisitorEvent e = new VisitorEvent(RequestedTopic, VisitorEvent.Compare, DateTime.Now);
Ejemplo n.º 3
//		protected AbsoluteTopicName GetTopicName()
//		{
//			string topic;
//			string topicFromQueryString = Request.QueryString["topic"];
//			if (topicFromQueryString != null)
//				topic = topicFromQueryString;
//			else
//			{
//				topic = Request.PathInfo;
//				if (topic.StartsWith("/"))
//					topic = topic.Substring(1);
//			}
//			RelativeTopicName rel;
//			if (topic == null || topic.Length == 0)
//				rel = new RelativeTopicName(DefaultContentBase.HomePage, DefaultContentBase.Namespace);
//			else
//				rel = new RelativeTopicName(topic);
//			IList topics = DefaultContentBase.AllAbsoluteTopicNamesThatExist(rel);
//			if (topics.Count == 0)
//				return rel.AsAbsoluteTopicName(DefaultContentBase.Namespace);		// topic doesn't exist, assume in the wiki's home content base
//			if (topics.Count > 1)
//			{
//				throw TopicIsAmbiguousException.ForTopic(rel);
//			}
//			AbsoluteTopicName answer = (AbsoluteTopicName)topics[0];
//			answer.Version = rel.Version;
//			return answer;
//		}

		/// <summary>
		/// Add a visitor event to the session state VisitorEvents
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="e"></param>
		protected void LogVisitorEvent(VisitorEvent e)
			ArrayList list = (ArrayList)(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["VisitorEvents"]);
			if (list == null)
				list = new ArrayList();
				System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["VisitorEvents"] = list;
			list.Insert(0, e);	// Adding to the front means we're keeping it sorted with latest first    