Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders INSERT statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="insert">INSERT statement that is being rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="nextSequence">Ignored. SQLite doesn't use sequences.</param>
        /// <param name="dbms">Target DBMS. Different auto-id retrieval for SQL 7.0 then in newer versions.</param>
        /// <param name="output">StringBuilder to which the SQL code is appended.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">SQL parameter collection to which the object's and its children's
        /// parameters are added. After the rendering is done the collection contains all parameters with unique names.</param>
        /// <returns><b>null</b> because automatically generated ID must be fetched via SELECT after INSERT.</returns>
        public DbParameter RenderInsert(InsertStatement insert, DbParameter nextSequence, DbmsType dbms, StringBuilder output, DbParameterCollection parameters)
            // Renders INSERT statements for DBMSs that support an auto-identity fields.
            // Auto-id field may or may not be in the column-value list.
            // If auto-incremented field is in the column-value list it will be skipped.
            // Table may have only one auto-identity field.
            // Method expects that all errors have been identified and processed in the caller.
            // Renders all fields except auto-id field; thus -1 if auto-id is contained in the column-value list.
            int numberOfFieldsToRender = GetTotalNumberOfFieldsToRender(insert);

            AppendInsertIntoTableName(insert, dbms, output);
            if (numberOfFieldsToRender > 0)
                AppendBracketsWithAllFieldsExceptAutoId(insert, dbms, output, numberOfFieldsToRender);
                AppendValuesForAllFieldsExceptAutoId(insert, dbms, output, parameters, numberOfFieldsToRender);

            // Auto ID must be fetched via SELECT after INSERT.
            DbParameter autoId = null;
            return autoId;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders INSERT statement and code that retrieves the new ID.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="insert">INSERT statement that is being rendered.</param>
        /// <param name="nextSequence">Ignored. SQL Server doesn't use sequences.</param>
        /// <param name="dbms">Target DBMS. Different auto-id retrieval for SQL 7.0 then in newer versions.</param>
        /// <param name="output">StringBuilder to which the SQL code is appended.</param>
        /// <param name="parameters">SQL parameter collection to which the object's and its children's
        /// parameters are added. After the rendering is done the collection contains all parameters with unique names.</param>
        /// <returns>Ouput parameter that will contain the value retrieved by RETURNING clause.</returns>
        public DbParameter RenderInsert(InsertStatement insert, DbParameter nextSequence, DbmsType dbms, StringBuilder output, DbParameterCollection parameters)
            // Renders INSERT statements for DBMSs that support an auto-identity fields.
            // Auto-id field may or may not be in the column-value list.
            // If auto-incremented field is in the column-value list it will be skipped.
            // Table may have only one auto-identity field.
            // Method expects that all errors have been identified and processed in the caller.
            // Renders all fields except auto-id field; thus -1 if auto-id is contained in the column-value list.
            int numberOfFieldsToRender = GetTotalNumberOfFieldsToRender(insert);

            AppendInsertIntoTableName(insert, dbms, output);
            if (numberOfFieldsToRender > 0)
                AppendBracketsWithAllFieldsExceptAutoId(insert, dbms, output, numberOfFieldsToRender);
                AppendValuesForAllFieldsExceptAutoId(insert, dbms, output, parameters, numberOfFieldsToRender);

            IDbColumn autoIdField = GetAutoIdField(insert.Table);
            DbParameter autoId = null;
            if (autoIdField != null)
                // RETURNING id
                output.Append(" RETURNING ");
                autoIdField.RenderColumnName(dbms, output);
                autoId = new DbParameter("?", DbType.Int32) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };

            // Return auto-id DB parameter. Callers require it to retrieve the new ID value.
            return autoId;
        private static IDbDataParameter ConvertToNativeParameter(DbParameter dbParameter)
            IDbDataParameter clone = new FbParameter();
            ((FbParameter)clone).IsNullable = dbParameter.IsNullable;
            clone.ParameterName = parameterRenderer.RenderParameterName(dbParameter);

            clone.DbType = dbParameter.DbType;
            clone.Direction = dbParameter.Direction;
            clone.Precision = dbParameter.Precision;
            clone.Scale = dbParameter.Scale;
            clone.Size = dbParameter.Size;
            clone.SourceColumn = dbParameter.SourceColumn;
            clone.SourceVersion = dbParameter.SourceVersion;
            clone.Value = dbParameter.Value;

            return clone;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private UpdateExpression(object parameterValue, DbType parameterType, int size, string parameterNamePrefix)
            // Unique parameter ID is automatically appended to parameter name during the rendering phase.
            // Eg: 'parameter_15'. This is a safety precaution. It is possible that there are more
            // parameters with the same name.
            DbParameter dbpar = new DbParameter();
            dbpar.ParameterName = SqlItemUtil.CleanParameterName(parameterNamePrefix);
            dbpar.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
            dbpar.DbType = parameterType;
            dbpar.Value = parameterValue;
            if (size > 0)
                dbpar.Size = size;

            this.Item = dbpar;
            this.ItemType = SqlItemType.Parameter;
            this.DataType = DBTypeUtil.NetTypeFrom(parameterType);
            this.DbType = parameterType;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Index of newId output parameter in the parameter collection.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <remarks>Renderers set the value to a positive integer if the newId output parameter has been renderd.
        ///// BatchQuery is the only class that reads the value.</remarks>
        //internal int NewIdOutputParameterIndexAfterRenderCompleted = -1;

		/// <summary>
		/// Renders INSERT statement.
		/// Throws exception if the columns/values list is empty.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dbms">Target DBMS.</param>
		/// <param name="output">StringBuilder to which SQL is appended.</param>
		/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameter collection to which the object's and its children's
		/// parameters are added. After the rendering is done the collection contains all parameters with unique names.</param>
        public override void Render(DbmsType dbms, StringBuilder output, DbParameterCollection parameters)
            // Renderers set the value to a positive integer if the newId output parameter has been renderd.
            //this.NewIdOutputParameterIndexAfterRenderCompleted = -1;
            IInserter renderer = DbmsComponentFactory.GetComponent<IInserter>(dbms);
            DbParameter newId = new DbParameter("newId", DbType.Int32, null, ParameterDirection.Input);
            renderer.RenderInsert(this, newId, dbms, output, parameters);
 public string RenderParameterName(DbParameter parameter)
     return ":" + parameter.ParameterName;