Ejemplo n.º 1
        } // @ internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)

        internal static void ToggleWanted(Fishie fish)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc     = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
            string      xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"]", fish.name);
            XmlNode     fishNode   = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathQuery);

            fishNode.Attributes["wanted"].Value = ("Yes" == fishNode.Attributes["wanted"].Value) ? "No" : "Yes";
        } // @ internal static void ToggleWanted(Fishie fish)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        } // @ internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)

        /// <summary>
        /// Toggle if a fish is wanted or unwanted and record the change in the XML DBs
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fish">Fish to toggle</param>
        internal static void ToggleWanted(Fishie fish)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc     = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
            string      xpathQuery = string.Format(XPathFormatFishByNameAndIDs, fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3);
            XmlNode     fishNode   = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathQuery);

            fishNode.Attributes[XMLAttrWanted].Value = (Resources.Yes == fishNode.Attributes[XMLAttrWanted].Value) ? Resources.No : Resources.Yes;
        } // @ internal static void ToggleWanted(Fishie fish)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        } // @ private static XmlDocument GetFishDB(string rod)

        /// <summary>
        /// Get all fishes in an XML fish DB that are wanted or unwanted for a rod, zone, and bait
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rod">the rod name</param>
        /// <param name="zone">the zone name</param>
        /// <param name="bait">the bait name</param>
        /// <param name="wanted">true to select wanted fish, false for unwanted fish</param>
        /// <returns>array of <c>Fishie</c> that match the conditions passed</returns>
        internal static IEnumerable <Fishie> GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc     = GetFishDB(rod);
            string      xpathQuery = string.Format(XPathFormatFishByZoneBaitAndWanted, zone, bait, wanted ? Resources.Yes : Resources.No);
            XmlNodeList nodes      = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xpathQuery);

            Fishie[] fishes = new Fishie[nodes.Count];
            int      i      = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                fishes[i++] = new Fishie(node.Attributes[XMLAttrName].Value, rod, node.Attributes[XMLAttrID1].Value, node.Attributes[XMLAttrID2].Value, node.Attributes[XMLAttrID3].Value);

        } // @ internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        } // @ private static XmlDocument GetFishDB(string rod)

        internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc     = GetFishDB(rod);
            string      xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[Zones/Zone=\"{0}\"][Baits/Bait=\"{1}\"][@wanted=\"{2}\"]", zone, bait, wanted ? "Yes" : "No");
            XmlNodeList nodes      = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xpathQuery);

            Fishie[] fishes = new Fishie[nodes.Count];
            int      i      = 0;

            foreach (XmlNode node in nodes)
                //old: fishes[i++] = new Fishie(node.Attributes["name"].Value, rod, node.Attributes["ID1"].Value, node.Attributes["ID2"].Value, node.Attributes["ID3"].Value, node.Attributes["ID4"].Value);
                fishes[i++] = new Fishie(node.Attributes["name"].Value, rod, node.Attributes["ID1"].Value, node.Attributes["ID2"].Value, node.Attributes["ID3"].Value);

        } // @ internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        } // @ internal static void AddNewFish(ref string fish, string zone, string bait, string rod, string ID1, string ID2, string ID3, string ID4, bool wanted)

        internal static void ChangeName(Fishie fish, string newName)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
            //old: string xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"][@ID4=\"{4}\"]", fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3, fish.ID4);
            //old: string xpathOldQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"][@ID4=\"{4}\"]", newName, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3, fish.ID4);
            string xpathQuery    = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"]", fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3);
            string xpathOldQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"]", newName, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3);
            //check if there is already an entry with same ID and name = newName, if there is, merge the 2 entries
            XmlNode oldFishNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathOldQuery);
            XmlNode fishNode    = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathQuery);

            if (null == oldFishNode)
                fishNode.Attributes["name"].Value = newName;
                //merging (union of Zones and Baits)
                XmlNodeList zones = fishNode["Zones"].ChildNodes;
                XmlNodeList baits = fishNode["Baits"].ChildNodes;

                foreach (XmlNode zone in zones)
                    if (null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode("Zones/Zone[text()=\"" + zone.InnerText + "\"]"))
                        XmlNode zoneNode = oldFishNode["Zones"].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Zone", xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        zoneNode.InnerText = zone.InnerText;

                foreach (XmlNode bait in baits)
                    if (null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode("Baits/Bait[text()=\"" + bait.InnerText + "\"]"))
                        XmlNode baitNode = oldFishNode["Baits"].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Bait", xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        baitNode.InnerText = bait.InnerText;

        } // @ internal static void ChangeName(Fishie fish, string newName)
Ejemplo n.º 6
 internal static void ToggleWanted(Fishie fish)
     XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
     string xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"]", fish.name);
     XmlNode fishNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathQuery);
     fishNode.Attributes["wanted"].Value = ("Yes" == fishNode.Attributes["wanted"].Value) ? "No" : "Yes";
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal static Fishie[] GetFishes(string rod, string zone, string bait, bool wanted)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetFishDB(rod);
            string xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[Zones/Zone=\"{0}\"][Baits/Bait=\"{1}\"][@wanted=\"{2}\"]", zone, bait, wanted ? "Yes" : "No");
            XmlNodeList nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(xpathQuery);
            Fishie[] fishes = new Fishie[nodes.Count];
            int i = 0;

            foreach(XmlNode node in nodes)
                //old: fishes[i++] = new Fishie(node.Attributes["name"].Value, rod, node.Attributes["ID1"].Value, node.Attributes["ID2"].Value, node.Attributes["ID3"].Value, node.Attributes["ID4"].Value);
                fishes[i++] = new Fishie(node.Attributes["name"].Value, rod, node.Attributes["ID1"].Value, node.Attributes["ID2"].Value, node.Attributes["ID3"].Value);

            return fishes;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal static void ChangeName(Fishie fish, string newName)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
            //old: string xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"][@ID4=\"{4}\"]", fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3, fish.ID4);
            //old: string xpathOldQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"][@ID4=\"{4}\"]", newName, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3, fish.ID4);
            string xpathQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"]", fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3);
            string xpathOldQuery = string.Format("/Rod/Fish[@name=\"{0}\"][@ID1=\"{1}\"][@ID2=\"{2}\"][@ID3=\"{3}\"]", newName, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3);
            //check if there is already an entry with same ID and name = newName, if there is, merge the 2 entries
            XmlNode oldFishNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathOldQuery);
            XmlNode fishNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(xpathQuery);

            if(null == oldFishNode)
                fishNode.Attributes["name"].Value = newName;
                //merging (union of Zones and Baits)
                XmlNodeList zones = fishNode["Zones"].ChildNodes;
                XmlNodeList baits = fishNode["Baits"].ChildNodes;

                foreach(XmlNode zone in zones)
                    if(null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode("Zones/Zone[text()=\"" + zone.InnerText + "\"]"))
                        XmlNode zoneNode = oldFishNode["Zones"].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Zone", xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        zoneNode.InnerText = zone.InnerText;

                foreach(XmlNode bait in baits)
                    if(null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode("Baits/Bait[text()=\"" + bait.InnerText + "\"]"))
                        XmlNode baitNode = oldFishNode["Baits"].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Bait", xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        baitNode.InnerText = bait.InnerText;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        } // @ internal static void AddNewFish(ref string fish, string zone, string bait, string rod, string ID1, string ID2, string ID3, string ID4, bool wanted)

        /// <summary>
        /// Rename a fish.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fish">Old fish name</param>
        /// <param name="newName">New fish name</param>
        /// <param name="fromDB">true if the rename is from the DB. This overrides
        /// saving the XML files, due to issues from repeated saves.</param>
        internal static void ChangeName(Fishie fish, string newName, bool fromDB)
            XmlDocument xmlDoc      = GetFishDB(fish.rod);
            XmlNode     oldFishNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format(XPathFormatFishByNameAndIDs, newName, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3));
            XmlNode     fishNode    = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode(string.Format(XPathFormatFishByNameAndIDs, fish.name, fish.ID1, fish.ID2, fish.ID3));

            // If there is no fish by the name being renamed from, return
            // TODO log this somehow
            if (null == fishNode)

            //check if there is already an entry with same ID and name = newName, if there is, merge the 2 entries
            if (null == oldFishNode)
                // Not an entry with the same ID and name
                fishNode.Attributes[XMLAttrName].Value = newName;
                // Mark for adding to DB if it's a new fish being renamed
                if (null != fishNode.Attributes[XMLAttrNew])
                    SetNew(fish.rod, fishNode, fishNode);
                    SetRenamed(fish.name, fishNode);
                if (!fromDB)
                //merging (union of Zones and Baits)
                XmlNodeList zones = fishNode[XMLNodeZones].ChildNodes;
                XmlNodeList baits = fishNode[XMLNodeBaits].ChildNodes;

                foreach (XmlNode zone in zones)
                    if (null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format(XPathFormatZoneByName, zone.InnerText)))
                        XmlNode zoneNode = oldFishNode[XMLNodeZones].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, XMLNodeZone, xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        zoneNode.InnerText = zone.InnerText;

                foreach (XmlNode bait in baits)
                    if (null == oldFishNode.SelectSingleNode(string.Format(XPathFormatBaitByName, bait.InnerText)))
                        XmlNode baitNode = oldFishNode[XMLNodeBaits].AppendChild(xmlDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, XMLNodeBait, xmlDoc.NamespaceURI));
                        baitNode.InnerText = bait.InnerText;

                if (!fromDB)
                    SetRenamed(fish.name, fishNode);
        } // @ internal static void ChangeName(Fishie fish, string newName)