Ejemplo n.º 1
 public double Write(List<Donation> donations, Doner doner)
     if (Report == ReportType.MonthyTally)
         return WriteMonthlyTally(donations);
     else if (Report == ReportType.YearlyDonerReport)
         return WriteYearlyDonerReport(donations, doner);
         return 0.0;
 private void AddDoner(Doner newDoner)
     if (IsValidDoner(newDoner) && 
         data.Add(newDoner, new List<Donation>());
         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Doner is not acceptable. Why???");
        public void AddDonation(Doner doner, ICollection<Donation> donation)
            // TODO: once we get real IDs coming from a DB, convert this to use IDs instead of Name
            var q = from d in data.Keys
                    where d.Name == doner.Name
                    select d;

            Doner newDoner;
            if (q.Count() == 0)
                newDoner = doner;
                newDoner = q.First();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Expecting to get a list of donation for a single doner
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="donations"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private double WriteYearlyDonerReport(List<Donation> donations, Doner doner)
            double total = 0.0;

                if (oApplication == null)
                    logger.WriteError("Unable to start an excel sheet");
                    return total;
                oApplication.Visible = false;

                oWorkbook = oApplication.Workbooks.Add(Type.Missing);
                oWorksheet = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet)oWorkbook.Worksheets[1];
                int maxRowDepth = 0;
                int donationStartingRow = 10;

                MergeColumns(1, 1, 10); oWorksheet.Cells[1, 1] = "Christ Gospel Church of Tacoma WA";
                MergeColumns(2, 1, 10); oWorksheet.Cells[2, 1] = "3909 Steilacoom Blvd SW";
                MergeColumns(3, 1, 10); oWorksheet.Cells[3, 1] = "Lakewood, WA 98499";
                MergeColumns(4, 1, 10); oWorksheet.Cells[4, 1] = "(253) 584-3904";

                MergeColumns(6, 4, 8); oWorksheet.Cells[6, 4] = String.Format("As of {0:dd/MM/yyyy}", donations.Last().DonationTime.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1.0));

                MergeColumns(8, 1, 10); oWorksheet.Cells[8, 1] = String.Format("{0}:", doner.Name);

                // Fill in all the columns (categories) with the donations 
                foreach (Donation.Category currentCategory in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Donation.Category)))
                    int row = donationStartingRow;
                    oWorksheet.Cells[row, (int)currentCategory] = currentCategory.ToString();
                    foreach (var item in donations)
                        string value = item.Get(currentCategory).ToString();
                        if (value.Equals("0"))
                            value = String.Empty;
                        oWorksheet.Cells[++row, (int)currentCategory] = value;
                    // keep a running total of how deep we go (rows) into the spreadsheet
                    maxRowDepth = row > maxRowDepth ? row : maxRowDepth;
                // Fill out the first column
                int rowNum = donationStartingRow;
                oWorksheet.Cells[rowNum, 1] = "Date";
                foreach (var item in donations)
                    oWorksheet.Cells[++rowNum, 1] = String.Format("{0:MM/yyyy}", item.DonationTime);

                // donationStartingRow + 1 == where the actual donations start (first row is column name)
                int totalsRow = CalculateTotals(donationStartingRow+1, donationStartingRow + 1 + donations.Count , out total);

                // Some formatting of Donation Name row (font and bold)
                oWorksheet.Rows[donationStartingRow, Type.Missing].Font.Size = 9;
                oWorksheet.Rows[donationStartingRow, Type.Missing].Font.Bold = true;

                // Totals row bold.
                oWorksheet.Cells[totalsRow, Type.Missing].Font.Bold = true;

                rowNum = totalsRow + 4;
                MergeColumns(++rowNum, 1, 13); oWorksheet.Cells[rowNum, 1] = 
                    "The goods or services that Christ Gospel Church of Tacoma provided in return for your contribution consisted entirely of intangible religious benefits.";

                ++rowNum; ++rowNum;

                oWorksheet.Cells[rowNum, 1] = "Sincerely,";
                oWorksheet.Cells[++rowNum, 1] = "Treasury Department";

                int lastCol = (int)Donation.Category.Other + 1;
                SetPrintArea(oWorksheet.Range[oWorksheet.Cells[1, 1], oWorksheet.Cells[rowNum, lastCol]]);

            catch (Exception e)
                logger.WriteError("Failure while writing excel file. Message: {0}, Stack: {1}", e.Message, e.StackTrace);

            return total;
 public void AddDonation(Doner doner, Donation donation)
     List<Donation> singleDonation = new List<Donation>();
     AddDonation(doner, singleDonation);  
        public void MergeDoners(Doner destinationDoner, Doner sourceDoner)
            if (!data.ContainsKey(destinationDoner) || !data.ContainsKey(sourceDoner))
                return;  // Can't merge if both aren't in the collection

            AddDonation(destinationDoner, data[sourceDoner]);
 private bool IsValidDoner(Doner newDoner)
     return true;
        public List<Donation> GetDonationsOfDonerByMonth(Doner doner, int Year)
            List<Donation> donations = new List<Donation>();
            for (int month = 1; month < 13; month++)
                DateTime startDT = new DateTime(Year, month, 1);
                Donation monthDonation = new Donation(startDT); 
                List<Donation> donationsForCurrentMonth = GetDonationsOfDoner(doner, startDT, startDT.AddMonths(1));
                foreach (Donation.Category item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Donation.Category)))
                    double donationForCategory = 0.0;
                    donationForCategory =  donationsForCurrentMonth
                        .Aggregate(donationForCategory, (runningTotal, variant) => runningTotal + variant.Get(item));
                    monthDonation.Add(item, donationForCategory);

            return donations;
 public List<Donation> GetDonationsOfDoner(Doner doner, DateTime start, DateTime end)
     return GetDonationsOfDoner(doner).Where(d => d.DonationTime >= start && d.DonationTime < end).OrderBy(item => item.DonationTime).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public List<Donation> GetDonationsOfDoner(Doner doner)
     return data.ContainsKey(doner) ? data[doner].OrderBy(item => item.DonationTime).ToList() : new List<Donation>();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public DonerCollection Deserialize()
            excelReader.IsFirstRowAsColumnNames = true;
            DataSet result = excelReader.AsDataSet();

            DateTime donationTime = GetDonationTime();
            DonerCollection donationData = new DonerCollection();
            logger.WriteInfo("INFO: Reading FileName: {0}....", Path.ToString());
            foreach (DataTable sheet in result.Tables)
                if (sheet.TableName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("tally"))
                    logger.WriteInfo("skipping sheet: " + sheet.TableName);

                // Use the donation date from the worksheet name instead if it exists.
                DateTime sheetDonationTime;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(sheet.TableName, out sheetDonationTime))
                    donationTime = new DateTime(reportYear, sheetDonationTime.Month, sheetDonationTime.Day);

                foreach (DataRow donationRow in sheet.Rows)
                    Doner currentDoner = new Doner(donationRow["Names"].ToString().Trim());
                    Donation currentDonation = new Donation(donationTime);
                    double amount = 0.0;

                    // If the row has no member name (Names) or is the date line, then skip it.
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(currentDoner.Name) ||

                    // If we have the Total Deposit line, just save this into the special variable
                    // of the Total donation (saved only in this ExcelReader) for verification
                    if (currentDoner.Name.ToLower().Contains("total deposit"))
                        if (Double.TryParse(donationRow[1].ToString(), out amount) && amount > 0.0)
                            currentDonation.DepositTotal = amount; 
                            Total.AddDonation(currentDoner, currentDonation);
                            // This is a break because the Total Deposit row should be the last one with real 
                            // data on it. everything after is used for book-keeping...

                    foreach (DataColumn columnCategory in sheet.Columns)
                        // Trimming the column names from spreadsheet; they could contain extra spaces
                        // or they could contain "/" (hack but ok)
                        string name = columnCategory.ColumnName.ToLower().Replace(" ", String.Empty);
                        name = name.Replace("/", String.Empty);

                        string strCellValue = donationRow[columnCategory].ToString();

                        // don't bother with member column
                        if (name.Equals("names") || String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(strCellValue))
                        if (name.Equals("specifyother"))
                            currentDonation.OtherCategory = strCellValue;
                        // look for the column extracted from the spreadsheet in the known category list
                        var donationCategory = from Donation.Category c in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Donation.Category))
                                               where c.ToString().ToLower().Equals(name)
                                               select c;
                        // Extract out the value from the cell
                        if (Double.TryParse(strCellValue, out amount) &&
                           (donationCategory.Count() == 1))
                            if (currentDoner.Name.ToLower().Contains("sunday school"))
                                // Always add donations for Sunday School under the Sunday School category, and keep it a running total
                                currentDonation.Add(Donation.Category.SundaySchool, currentDonation.Get(Donation.Category.SundaySchool) + amount);                                
                                currentDonation.Add(donationCategory.First(), amount);
                            logger.WriteError($"Unable to parse column or value from spreadsheet. Sheet: {sheet.TableName}, " + 
                                $"Column: {columnCategory.ColumnName}, Cell: {strCellValue}");

                        // always add amount to running total
                        currentDonation.SummarizedTotal += amount;
                    // Special "doner" is the total line. Save this the current object in the Total donation
                    if (currentDoner.Name.ToLower().Equals("grand totals") && currentDonation.HasDonations())
                        Total.AddDonation(currentDoner, currentDonation);

                    if (currentDonation.HasDonations())
                        donationData.AddDonation(currentDoner, currentDonation);
            logger.WriteInfo("INFO: Done reading file\n");
            return donationData;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private static void Test()

            Doner me = new Doner("Aaron Swerdlin");

            Donation money = new Donation();
            money.Add(Donation.Category.Tithes, 22.00);
            money.Add(Donation.Category.FirstFruits, 23.900);
            money.Add(Donation.Category.Alms, 20.10);


            money.Add(Donation.Category.Tithes, 1100.00);
            logger.WriteInfo("Totals: {0}: ", money.CalculateTotal());