Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task<ActionResult> Details(String id, String title)
            FilmTroveContext ftc = (FilmTroveContext)HttpContext.Items["ftcontext"];
            Int32 movieid = Int32.Parse(id);
            FilmTrove.Models.Movie m = ftc.Movies.Include("Roles.Person").Where(movie=>movie.MovieId == movieid).Single();

            Task<FlixSharp.Holders.Title> nfm = null;

            if (m.Netflix.NeedsUpdate)
                nfm = Netflix.Fill.Titles.GetCompleteTitle(m.Netflix.IdUrl, true);//Randomized().
            if (m.Amazon.NeedsUpdate || (m.Amazon.LastPriceUpdate.HasValue && ((m.Amazon.LastPriceUpdate.Value - DateTime.Now) > new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0))))
                if (m.Amazon.Id == null || m.Amazon.Id == "" ||
                    m.Amazon.LastFullUpdate.HasValue && ((m.Amazon.LastFullUpdate.Value - DateTime.Now) > new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)))
                    ///1) do query to match up title and fill in id with priority to blu-ray
                ///1) else use Id

                ///2) fill in found id
                ///3) purchase url (prioritize blu-ray)
                ///4) price
                ///5) update lastpriceupdate
            if (m.Imdb.NeedsUpdate)
            if (m.RottenTomatoes.NeedsUpdate ||
                (m.RottenTomatoes.LastFullUpdate.HasValue && ((m.Amazon.LastFullUpdate.Value - DateTime.Now) > new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0))))
                if (m.RottenTomatoes.Id == null || m.RottenTomatoes.Id == "" ||
                    m.RottenTomatoes.LastFullUpdate.HasValue && ((m.RottenTomatoes.LastFullUpdate.Value - DateTime.Now) > new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)))
                    ///1) title match like with amazon or use Id if present
                ///1.5) loop through the cast and match them with the current cast to get the role name filled.
                ///2) Critic score
                ///3) critic consensus
                ///4) poster medium
                ///5) poster large
                ///6) theatrical release
                ///7) dvd release
                ///8) average rating
                ///9) studio
                ///10) synopsis
            #region Fill Netflix
            if (nfm != null)
                var netflixtitle = await nfm;

                ///populate all the netflix information
                m.Netflix.NeedsUpdate = false;
                m.Netflix.AvgRating = netflixtitle.AverageRating;
                m.Netflix.Awards = netflixtitle.Awards.Select(a =>
                    a.AwardName + ";#" + a.PersonIdUrl + ";#" +
                    a.Type + ";#" + a.Winner + ";#" + a.Year).DefaultIfEmpty().ToList();
                m.AltTitle = netflixtitle.ShortTitle;
                m.Rating = netflixtitle.Rating.RatingType == RatingType.Mpaa ?
                        netflixtitle.Rating.MpaaRating.ToString() : netflixtitle.Rating.TvRating.ToString();
                m.RatingType = netflixtitle.Rating.RatingType;

                foreach (FlixSharp.Holders.FormatAvailability f in netflixtitle.Formats)
                    switch (f.Format)
                        case "Blu-ray":
                            m.Netflix.Format |= Models.Format.Bluray;
                        case "DVD":
                            m.Netflix.Format |= Models.Format.DVD;
                        case "instant":
                            m.Netflix.Format |= Models.Format.Digital;
                //m.Netflix.RelatedTitles = netflixmovie.RelatedTitles.Select(t => t.Id).ToList();
                m.Netflix.Synopsis = netflixtitle.Synopsis;
                m.Netflix.IdUrl = netflixtitle.IdUrl;
                m.Netflix.Url = netflixtitle.NetflixSiteUrl;
                m.Netflix.OfficialWebsiteUrl = netflixtitle.NetflixSiteUrl;
                var nfactorids = netflixtitle.Actors.Select(t => t.Id);
                var matchedactors = ftc.People.Where(t => nfactorids.Contains(t.Netflix.Id));
                var matchedactorids = matchedactors.Select(p => p.Netflix.Id);
                var actorsfordatabase = netflixtitle.Actors.Where(t => !matchedactorids.Contains(t.Id));
                foreach (FlixSharp.Holders.Person p in actorsfordatabase)
                    ///1) find the cast and loop through and add the people to the database in a similar manner as AsyncHelpers.GetDatabasePeople
                    FilmTrove.Models.Person ftperson = ftc.People.Local.WhereFirstOrCreate(t => t.Netflix.Id == p.Id);
                    if (ftperson.Name == null || ftperson.Name == "")
                        ftperson = ftc.People.WhereFirstOrCreate(t => t.Netflix.Id == p.Id);
                        if (ftperson.Name == null || ftperson.Name == "")
                            GeneralHelpers.FillBasicPerson(ftperson, p);
                    ///2) add this movie as a new role on the movie
                    Role r = ftc.Roles.Create();
                    r.InRole = RoleType.Actor;
                    r.Movie = m;
                    r.Person = ftperson;
                if (m.Roles.Count(c => c.InRole == RoleType.Actor) < nfactorids.Count())
                    ///need to find which roles haven't already been added.
                    var currentroles = m.Roles.Where(r => r.InRole == RoleType.Actor).Select(r => r.Person.PersonId);
                    var actorsfordb = matchedactors.Where(r => !currentroles.Contains(r.PersonId));
                    foreach (Models.Person p in actorsfordb)
                        ///2) add this movie as a new role on the movie
                        Role r = ftc.Roles.Create();
                        r.InRole = RoleType.Actor;
                        r.Movie = m;
                        r.Person = p;

                var nfdirectorids = netflixtitle.Directors.Select(t => t.Id);
                var matcheddirectors = ftc.People.Where(t => nfdirectorids.Contains(t.Netflix.Id));
                var matcheddirectorids = matcheddirectors.Select(p => p.Netflix.Id);
                var directorsfordatabase = netflixtitle.Directors.Where(t => !matcheddirectorids.Contains(t.Id));
                foreach (FlixSharp.Holders.Person p in directorsfordatabase)
                    ///1) find the cast and loop through and add the people to the database in a similar manner as AsyncHelpers.GetDatabasePeople
                    FilmTrove.Models.Person ftperson = ftc.People.Local.WhereFirstOrCreate(t => t.Netflix.Id == p.Id);
                    if (ftperson.Name == null || ftperson.Name == "")
                        ftperson = ftc.People.WhereFirstOrCreate(t => t.Netflix.Id == p.Id);
                        if (ftperson.Name == null || ftperson.Name == "")
                            GeneralHelpers.FillBasicPerson(ftperson, p);
                    ///2) add this movie as a new role on the movie
                    Role r = ftc.Roles.Create();
                    r.InRole = RoleType.Director;
                    r.Movie = m;
                    r.Person = ftperson;
                if (m.Roles.Count(c => c.InRole == RoleType.Director) < nfdirectorids.Count())
                    ///need to find which roles haven't already been added.
                    var currentroles = m.Roles.Where(r => r.InRole == RoleType.Director).Select(r => r.Person.PersonId);
                    var directorsfordb = matcheddirectors.Where(r => !currentroles.Contains(r.PersonId));
                    foreach (Models.Person p in directorsfordb)
                        ///2) add this movie as a new role on the movie
                        Role r = ftc.Roles.Create();
                        r.InRole = RoleType.Director;
                        r.Movie = m;
                        r.Person = p;

                ///3) add all similar titles to the database similar to step 1 for people
                var nftitleids = netflixtitle.SimilarTitles.Select(t => t.Id + (t.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + t.SeasonId : ""));
                var matchedtitleids = ftc.Movies.Where(t => nftitleids.Contains(t.Netflix.Id)).Select(t => t.Netflix.Id);
                var titleidsfordatabase = nftitleids.Where(t => !matchedtitleids.Contains(t));
                var titlesfordatabase = netflixtitle.SimilarTitles.Where(t => 
                        var fullid = t.Id + (t.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + t.SeasonId : "");
                        return titleidsfordatabase.Contains(fullid);
                foreach (FlixSharp.Holders.Title t in titlesfordatabase)
                    FilmTrove.Models.Movie ftmovie = ftc.Movies.Create();
                    GeneralHelpers.FillBasicTitle(ftmovie, t);
                    ///get the genres that exist in the database (local cache and db)
                    var dbgenreslocal = ftc.Genres.Local.Where(g => t.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    var dbgenres = ftc.Genres.Where(g => t.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    ///add them together into one non duplicated list
                    HashSet<Genre> genres = new HashSet<Genre>();
                    ///get the names of the database genres
                    var genrenames = genres.Select(g => g.Name);
                    ///find the genres on the movie that aren't in the database
                    var missinggenres = t.Genres.Where(g => !genrenames.Contains(g));
                    foreach (String genre in missinggenres)
                        Genre g = new Genre() { Name = genre };
                        ///add the genre to the list
                    ///create all the genre-movie records
                    foreach (Genre g in genres)
                        MovieGenre gi = ftc.GenreItems.Create();
                        gi.Genre = g;
                        gi.Movie = ftmovie;

                m.Netflix.SimilarTitles = netflixtitle.SimilarTitles.Select(t => t.IdUrl).ToList();
                m.Netflix.NeedsUpdate = false;

                var dbgl = ftc.Genres.Local.Where(g => netflixtitle.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                var dbg = ftc.Genres.Where(g => netflixtitle.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                HashSet<Genre> gs = new HashSet<Genre>();

                var gn = gs.Select(g => g.Name);
                var mgs = netflixtitle.Genres.Where(g => !gn.Contains(g));
                foreach (String genre in mgs)
                    Genre g = new Genre() { Name = genre };
                //newmovie.Genres = netflixmovie.Genres;
                foreach (Genre g in gs)
                    MovieGenre gi = ftc.GenreItems.Create();
                    gi.Genre = g;
                    gi.Movie = m;

                m.Netflix.Synopsis = netflixtitle.Synopsis;
                m.Description = netflixtitle.Synopsis;

            if (m.Netflix.SimilarTitles.Count > 0)
                var similars = m.Netflix.SimilarTitles.Take(20).Select(f => 
                        MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(f, "[0-9]{3,10}");
                        var r = match.Cast<Match>().Select(t => t.Value).Take(2);
                        return r.First() + (r.Count() > 1 ? ";" + r.LastOrDefault() : "");
                ViewBag.Similars = ftc.Movies.Where(t => similars.Contains(t.Netflix.Id)).ToArray();
            ViewBag.Roles = m.Roles;
            ViewBag.Movie = m;

            ViewBag.Id = id;
            return View();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static List<Models.Movie> GetDatabaseMovies(Titles results)
            var netflixids = results.Select((m) => m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : ""));
            using (FilmTroveContext ftc = new FilmTroveContext())

                ///1) find the matching records from the database
                var matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id));
                ///2) find the records that don't have a match
                ///select the ids and get the netflix Ids that aren't in the FT database
                var ftnfids = matchedmovies.Select(m => m.Netflix.Id);
                var netflixidsunmatched = netflixids.Where(m => !ftnfids.Contains(m));
                //Int32 count = 0;
                foreach (String nid in netflixidsunmatched)
                    ///create FT database records for each of these with the movies basic information for now
                    FilmTrove.Models.Movie newmovie = ftc.Movies.Create();
                    FlixSharp.Holders.Title netflixmovie = results.Find(nid);
                    FillBasicTitle(newmovie, netflixmovie);

                    var dbgenreslocal = ftc.Genres.Local.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    var dbgenres = ftc.Genres.Where(g => netflixmovie.Genres.Contains(g.Name));
                    HashSet<Genre> genres = new HashSet<Genre>();

                    var genrenames = genres.Select(g => g.Name);
                    var missinggenres = netflixmovie.Genres.Where(g => !genrenames.Contains(g));
                    foreach (String genre in missinggenres)
                        Genre g = new Genre() { Name = genre };
                    //newmovie.Genres = netflixmovie.Genres;
                    foreach (Genre g in genres)
                        MovieGenre gi = ftc.GenreItems.Create();
                        gi.Genre = g;
                        gi.Movie = newmovie;

                    //count =
                //catch (Exception ex)
                //    ///need to add some sort of logging?

                //if (count > 0)
                if (matchedmovies.Count() < results.Count())
                    matchedmovies = ftc.Movies.Where(m => netflixids.Contains(m.Netflix.Id));
                //    return matchedmovies.ToList();

                return results.Select(m =>
                    matchedmovies.First(f =>
                        f.Netflix.Id == (m.Id + (m.SeasonId != "" ? ";" + m.SeasonId : "")))).ToList();