Ejemplo n.º 1
        }//judge if a voxel is inside the surface

        public static void InitAdj6(Int16Triple[] adjPoints6, Int16Triple p)
            adjPoints6[0].X = p.X;
            adjPoints6[0].Y = p.Y + 1;
            adjPoints6[0].Z = p.Z;

            adjPoints6[1].X = p.X;
            adjPoints6[1].Y = p.Y - 1;
            adjPoints6[1].Z = p.Z;

            adjPoints6[2].X = p.X + 1;
            adjPoints6[2].Y = p.Y;
            adjPoints6[2].Z = p.Z;

            adjPoints6[3].X = p.X - 1;
            adjPoints6[3].Y = p.Y;
            adjPoints6[3].Z = p.Z;

            adjPoints6[4].X = p.X;
            adjPoints6[4].Y = p.Y;
            adjPoints6[4].Z = p.Z + 1;

            adjPoints6[5].X = p.X;
            adjPoints6[5].Y = p.Y;
            adjPoints6[5].Z = p.Z - 1;
        }//initialize poistions of the 6-adjacency points
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private int FindXLeft(int x, int y, int z)
            int xleft = x - 1;

            while (true)
                if (xleft == -1)// || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xleft, y, z))
                    if (IncludePredicate(xleft, y, z))
                        Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xleft, y, z);
                        Process(xleft, y, z);
            return(xleft + 1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ExtractSquare(int r, Int16Triple p, MeshBuilder_IntegerVertex mb)
            int         p0x, p0y, p0z, p1x, p1y, p1z, p2x, p2y, p2z;//
            Int16Triple deltaA0 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][0].X];
            Int16Triple deltaA1 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][0].Y];
            Int16Triple deltaA2 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][0].Z];

            p0x = p.X + deltaA0.X;
            p0y = p.Y + deltaA0.Y;
            p0z = p.Z + deltaA0.Z;
            p1x = p.X + deltaA1.X;
            p1y = p.Y + deltaA1.Y;
            p1z = p.Z + deltaA1.Z;
            p2x = p.X + deltaA2.X;
            p2y = p.Y + deltaA2.Y;
            p2z = p.Z + deltaA2.Z;
            mb.AddTriangle(new Int16Triple(p0x, p0y, p0z), new Int16Triple(p1x, p1y, p1z), new Int16Triple(p2x, p2y, p2z));

            Int16Triple deltaB0 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][1].X];
            Int16Triple deltaB1 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][1].Y];
            Int16Triple deltaB2 = VertexIndexToPositionDelta[AdjIndexToVertexIndices[r][1].Z];

            p0x = p.X + deltaB0.X;
            p0y = p.Y + deltaB0.Y;
            p0z = p.Z + deltaB0.Z;
            p1x = p.X + deltaB1.X;
            p1y = p.Y + deltaB1.Y;
            p1z = p.Z + deltaB1.Z;
            p2x = p.X + deltaB2.X;
            p2y = p.Y + deltaB2.Y;
            p2z = p.Z + deltaB2.Z;
            mb.AddTriangle(new Int16Triple(p0x, p0y, p0z), new Int16Triple(p1x, p1y, p1z), new Int16Triple(p2x, p2y, p2z));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private int FindXRight(int x, int y, int z)
            int xright = x + 1;

            while (true)
                if (xright == bmp.width)// || flagsMap.GetFlagOn(xright, y, z))
                    if (IncludePredicate(xright, y, z))
                        Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(xright, y, z);
                        Process(xright, y, z);
            return(xright - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void AddTriangle(Int16Triple p0, Int16Triple p1, Int16Triple p2)
            int  p0i;
            int  p1i;
            int  p2i;
            int  index = 0;
            bool hasValue;

            hasValue = hashMap.GetHashValue(p0.X, p0.Y, p0.Z, ref index);
            if (!hasValue)
                p0i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p0.X, p0.Y, p0.Z));
                hashMap.SetHashValue(p0.X, p0.Y, p0.Z, p0i);
                p0i = index;

            hasValue = hashMap.GetHashValue(p1.X, p1.Y, p1.Z, ref index);
            if (!hasValue)
                p1i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p1.X, p1.Y, p1.Z));
                hashMap.SetHashValue(p1.X, p1.Y, p1.Z, p1i);
                p1i = index;

            hasValue = hashMap.GetHashValue(p2.X, p2.Y, p2.Z, ref index);
            if (!hasValue)
                p2i = mesh.AddVertex(new Point3d(p2.X, p2.Y, p2.Z));
                hashMap.SetHashValue(p2.X, p2.Y, p2.Z, p2i);
                p2i = index;
            Triangle t = new Triangle(p0i, p1i, p2i);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public Mesh GeneratorSurface()
            int Width  = bmp.width;
            int Height = bmp.height;
            int Depth  = bmp.depth;

            Int16Triple[]             adjPoints6 = new Int16Triple[6];
            MeshBuilder_IntegerVertex mb         = new MeshBuilder_IntegerVertex(bmp.width + 2, bmp.height + 2, bmp.depth + 2);

            for (int k = 0; k <= Depth - 1; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j <= Height - 1; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i <= Width - 1; i++)
                        if (IsInside(i, j, k))
                            Int16Triple p = new Int16Triple(i, j, k);
                            InitAdj6(adjPoints6, p);
                            for (int r = 0; r < adjPoints6.Length; r++)
                                Int16Triple t = adjPoints6[r];
                                if (!IsInside(t.X, t.Y, t.Z))
                                    ExtractSquare(r, p, mb);
            Mesh m = mb.GetMesh();

            for (int i = 0; i < m.Vertices.Count; i++)
                Point3d p = m.Vertices[i];
                p.X -= 0.5f;
                p.Y -= 0.5f;
                p.Z -= 0.5f;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public List <Int16Triple> GetVoxels()
            List <Int16Triple> list = new List <Int16Triple>();
            ByteMatrix         mat  = FillMesh();

            for (int k = 0; k < mat.depth; k++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mat.height; j++)
                    for (int i = 0; i < mat.width; i++)
                        if (mat.GetValue(i, j, k) == 255)
                            Int16Triple t = new Int16Triple(i + mat.stx, j + mat.sty, k + mat.stz);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public virtual void ExcuteSpanFill(ByteMatrix data, Int16Triple seed, byte includeColor, byte replaceColor)
            this.includeColor = includeColor;
            this.replaceColor = replaceColor;
            this.container    = new Stack <Span>();
            this.bmp          = data;
            Process(seed.X, seed.Y, seed.Z);
            Span seedspan = new Span();

            seedspan.XLeft           = seed.X;
            seedspan.XRight          = seed.X;
            seedspan.Y               = seed.Y;
            seedspan.Z               = seed.Z;
            seedspan.ParentDirection = ParentDirections.Non;
            seedspan.Extended        = ExtendTypes.UnRez;

            while (container.Count != 0)
                Span span = container.Pop();
                #region AllRez
                if (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.AllRez)
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y-1,z]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)//[spx-spy,y,z+1]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0)
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)//[spx-spy,y+1,z]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)//[spx-spy,y,z+1]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y-1,z]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)//[spx-spy,y+1,z]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)//[spx-spy,y,z-1]
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < data.depth)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    throw new Exception();
                #region UnRez
                if (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.UnRez)
                    int xl = FindXLeft(span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z);
                    int xr = FindXRight(span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            if (xl != span.XLeft)
                                CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                            if (span.XRight != xr)
                                CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0)
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            if (xl != span.XLeft)
                                CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                            if (span.XRight != xr)
                                CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            if (xl != span.XLeft)
                                CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                            if (span.XRight != xr)
                                CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            if (xl != span.XLeft)
                                CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                            if (span.XRight != xr)
                                CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Non)
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    throw new Exception();
                #region LeftRequired
                if (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.LeftRequired)
                    int xl = FindXLeft(span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height && xl != span.XLeft)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0 && xl != span.XLeft)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth && xl != span.XLeft)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0 && xl != span.XLeft)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XLeft, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(xl, span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    throw new Exception();
                #region RightRequired
                if (span.Extended == ExtendTypes.RightRequired)
                    int xr = FindXRight(span.XRight, span.Y, span.Z);

                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height && span.XRight != xr)
                            CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);

                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Y0)
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0 && span.XRight != xr)
                            CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z2)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth && span.XRight != xr)
                            CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    if (span.ParentDirection == ParentDirections.Z0)
                        if (span.Y - 1 >= 0)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y - 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y2);
                        if (span.Y + 1 < bmp.height)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y + 1, span.Z, ParentDirections.Y0);
                        if (span.Z - 1 >= 0 && span.XRight != xr)
                            CheckRange(span.XRight, xr, span.Y, span.Z - 1, ParentDirections.Z2);
                        if (span.Z + 1 < bmp.depth)
                            CheckRange(span.XLeft, xr, span.Y, span.Z + 1, ParentDirections.Z0);
                    throw new Exception();