Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a list of fields we are extracting and set
        /// the size hint for record I/O
        /// </summary>
        private void InitRecordFields()
            var recordAttribute = Attributes.GetFirstInherited <TypedRecordAttribute>(RecordType);

            if (recordAttribute == null)
                throw new BadUsageException(Messages.Errors.ClassWithOutRecordAttribute

            if (ReflectionHelper.GetDefaultConstructor(RecordType) == null)
                throw new BadUsageException(Messages.Errors.ClassWithOutDefaultConstructor

            Attributes.WorkWithFirst <IgnoreFirstAttribute>(
                a => IgnoreFirst = a.NumberOfLines);

            Attributes.WorkWithFirst <IgnoreLastAttribute>(
                a => IgnoreLast = a.NumberOfLines);

            Attributes.WorkWithFirst <IgnoreEmptyLinesAttribute>(
                a => {
                IgnoreEmptyLines  = true;
                IgnoreEmptySpaces = a.IgnoreSpaces;

#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
            Attributes.WorkWithFirst <IgnoreCommentedLinesAttribute>(
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
                a => {
                IgnoreEmptyLines = true;
                CommentMarker    = a.CommentMarker;
                CommentAnyPlace  = a.AnyPlace;

            Attributes.WorkWithFirst <ConditionalRecordAttribute>(
                a => {
                RecordCondition         = a.Condition;
                RecordConditionSelector = a.ConditionSelector;

                if (RecordCondition == RecordCondition.ExcludeIfMatchRegex ||
                    RecordCondition == RecordCondition.IncludeIfMatchRegex)
                    RecordConditionRegEx = new Regex(RecordConditionSelector,
                                                     RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase |

            if (CheckInterface(RecordType, typeof(INotifyRead)))
                NotifyRead = true;

            if (CheckInterface(RecordType, typeof(INotifyWrite)))
                NotifyWrite = true;

            // Create fields
            // Search for cached fields
            var fields = new List <FieldInfo>(ReflectionHelper.RecursiveGetFields(RecordType));

            Fields = CreateCoreFields(fields, recordAttribute);

            if (FieldCount == 0)
                throw new BadUsageException(Messages.Errors.ClassWithOutFields

            if (recordAttribute is FixedLengthRecordAttribute)
                // Defines the initial size of the StringBuilder
                SizeHint = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < FieldCount; i++)
                    SizeHint += ((FixedLengthField)Fields[i]).FieldLength;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the Attributes on the field and return a structure containing
        /// the settings for this file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fi">Information about this field</param>
        /// <param name="recordAttribute">Type of record we are reading</param>
        /// <returns>Null if not used</returns>
        public static FieldBase CreateField(FieldInfo fi, TypedRecordAttribute recordAttribute)
            // If ignored, return null
#pragma warning disable 612,618 // disable obsole warning
            if (fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldNotInFileAttribute), true) || fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldIgnoredAttribute), true))
#pragma warning restore 612,618

            FieldBase res = null;

            var attributes = (FieldAttribute[])fi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(FieldAttribute), true);

            // CHECK USAGE ERRORS !!!

            // Fixed length record and no attributes at all
            if (recordAttribute is FixedLengthRecordAttribute && attributes.Length == 0)
                throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' must be marked the FieldFixedLength attribute because the record class is marked with FixedLengthRecord.");

            if (attributes.Length > 1)
                throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' has a FieldFixedLength and a FieldDelimiter attribute.");

            if (recordAttribute is DelimitedRecordAttribute && fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldAlignAttribute), false))
                throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' can't be marked with FieldAlign attribute, it is only valid for fixed length records and are used only for write purpose.");

            if (fi.FieldType.IsArray == false && fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldArrayLengthAttribute), false))
                throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' can't be marked with FieldArrayLength attribute is only valid for array fields.");


            if (attributes.Length > 0)
                FieldAttribute fieldAttb = attributes[0];

                if (fieldAttb is FieldFixedLengthAttribute)
                    // Fixed Field
                    if (recordAttribute is DelimitedRecordAttribute)
                        throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' can't be marked with FieldFixedLength attribute, it is only for the FixedLengthRecords not for delimited ones.");

                    var attbFixedLength = (FieldFixedLengthAttribute)fieldAttb;
                    var attbAlign       = Attributes.GetFirst <FieldAlignAttribute>(fi);

                    res = new FixedLengthField(fi, attbFixedLength.Length, attbAlign);
                    ((FixedLengthField)res).FixedMode = ((FixedLengthRecordAttribute)recordAttribute).FixedMode;
                else if (fieldAttb is FieldDelimiterAttribute)
                    // Delimited Field
                    if (recordAttribute is FixedLengthRecordAttribute)
                        throw new BadUsageException("The field: '" + fi.Name + "' can't be marked with FieldDelimiter attribute, it is only for DelimitedRecords not for fixed ones.");

                    res = new DelimitedField(fi, ((FieldDelimiterAttribute)fieldAttb).Delimiter);
                    throw new BadUsageException("Custom field attributes are not currently supported. Unknown attribute: " + fieldAttb.GetType().Name + " on field: " + fi.Name);
            else // attributes.Length == 0
                var delimitedRecordAttribute = recordAttribute as DelimitedRecordAttribute;

                if (delimitedRecordAttribute != null)
                    res = new DelimitedField(fi, delimitedRecordAttribute.Separator);

            if (res != null)
                // FieldDiscarded
                res.Discarded = fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldValueDiscardedAttribute), false);

                // FieldTrim
                Attributes.WorkWithFirst <FieldTrimAttribute>(fi, (x) =>
                    res.TrimMode  = x.TrimMode;
                    res.TrimChars = x.TrimChars;

                // FieldQuoted
                Attributes.WorkWithFirst <FieldQuotedAttribute>(fi, (x) =>
                    if (res is FixedLengthField)
                        throw new BadUsageException(
                            "The field: '" + fi.Name +
                            "' can't be marked with FieldQuoted attribute, it is only for the delimited records.");

                    ((DelimitedField)res).QuoteChar =
                    ((DelimitedField)res).QuoteMode =
                    ((DelimitedField)res).QuoteMultiline =

                // FieldOrder
                Attributes.WorkWithFirst <FieldOrderAttribute>(fi, x => res.FieldOrder = x.Order);

                // FieldOptional
                res.IsOptional = fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldOptionalAttribute), false);

                // FieldInNewLine
                res.InNewLine = fi.IsDefined(typeof(FieldInNewLineAttribute), false);

                // FieldArrayLength
                if (fi.FieldType.IsArray)
                    res.IsArray   = true;
                    res.ArrayType = fi.FieldType.GetElementType();

                    // MinValue indicates that there is no FieldArrayLength in the array
                    res.ArrayMinLength = int.MinValue;
                    res.ArrayMaxLength = int.MaxValue;

                    Attributes.WorkWithFirst <FieldArrayLengthAttribute>(fi, (x) =>
                        res.ArrayMinLength = x.MinLength;
                        res.ArrayMaxLength = x.MaxLength;

                        if (res.ArrayMaxLength < res.ArrayMinLength ||
                            res.ArrayMinLength < 0 ||
                            res.ArrayMaxLength <= 0)
                            throw new BadUsageException("The field: " + fi.Name + " has invalid length values in the [FieldArrayLength] attribute.");

            if (fi.IsDefined(typeof(CompilerGeneratedAttribute), false))
                if (fi.Name.EndsWith("__BackingField") && fi.Name.StartsWith("<") && fi.Name.Contains(">"))
                    res.FieldFriendlyName = fi.Name.Substring(1, fi.Name.IndexOf(">") - 1);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.FieldFriendlyName))
                res.FieldFriendlyName = res.FieldName;
