Execute() public method

Executes this process
public Execute ( ) : void
return void
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override int Execute()
            CommandStatus retCode;

            FdoConnection srcConn = new FdoConnection(_srcProvider, _srcConnStr);
            FdoConnection destConn = null;
            //Directory given, assume SHP
            if (Directory.Exists(_destPath))
                destConn = new FdoConnection("OSGeo.SHP", "DefaultFileLocation=" + _destPath);
                if (ExpressUtility.CreateFlatFileDataSource(_destPath))
                    destConn = ExpressUtility.CreateFlatFileConnection(_destPath);
                    throw new FdoException("Could not create data source: " + _destPath);


                string srcName = "SOURCE";
                string dstName = "TARGET";

                FdoBulkCopyOptions options = new FdoBulkCopyOptions();
                options.RegisterConnection(srcName, srcConn);
                options.RegisterConnection(dstName, destConn);
                using (FdoFeatureService srcService = srcConn.CreateFeatureService())
                using (FdoFeatureService destService = destConn.CreateFeatureService())
                    //See if spatial context needs to be copied to target
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_srcSpatialContext))
                        SpatialContextInfo srcCtx = srcService.GetSpatialContext(_srcSpatialContext);
                        if (srcCtx != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("Copying spatial context: " + srcCtx.Name);
                            ExpressUtility.CopyAllSpatialContexts(new SpatialContextInfo[] { srcCtx }, destConn, true);
                        //Copy all
                        ExpressUtility.CopyAllSpatialContexts(srcConn, destConn, true);

                    FeatureSchema srcSchema = null;
                    //See if partial class list is needed
                    if (_srcClasses.Count > 0)
                        WriteLine("Checking if partial schema discovery is supported: " + srcService.SupportsPartialSchemaDiscovery());

                        srcSchema = srcService.PartialDescribeSchema(_srcSchema, _srcClasses);
                    else //Full copy
                        WriteLine("No classes specified, reading full source schema");
                        srcSchema = srcService.GetSchemaByName(_srcSchema);

                    if (srcSchema == null)
                        WriteError("Could not find source schema: " + _srcSchema);
                        retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND;
                        WriteLine("Checking source schema for incompatibilities");
                        FeatureSchema targetSchema = null;
                        IncompatibleSchema incSchema;
                        if (destService.CanApplySchema(srcSchema, out incSchema))
                            int clsCount = srcSchema.Classes.Count;
                            WriteLine("Applying source schema (containing " +  clsCount + " classes) to target");
                            destService.ApplySchema(srcSchema, null, true);
                            targetSchema = srcSchema;
                            WriteWarning("Incompatibilities were detected in source schema. Applying a modified version to target");
                            FeatureSchema fixedSchema = destService.AlterSchema(srcSchema, incSchema);
                            int clsCount = fixedSchema.Classes.Count;
                            WriteLine("Applying modified source schema (containing " + clsCount + " classes) to target");
                            destService.ApplySchema(fixedSchema, null, true);
                            targetSchema = fixedSchema;

                        //Now set class copy options
                        foreach (ClassDefinition cd in srcSchema.Classes)
                            FdoClassCopyOptions copt = new FdoClassCopyOptions(srcName, dstName, srcSchema.Name, cd.Name, targetSchema.Name, cd.Name);
                            copt.FlattenGeometries = _flatten;

                        if (_flatten)
                            WriteWarning("The switch -flatten has been defined. Geometries that are copied will have any Z or M coordinates removed");

                        FdoBulkCopy copy = new FdoBulkCopy(options);
                        copy.ProcessMessage += new MessageEventHandler(OnMessage);
                        copy.ProcessCompleted += new EventHandler(OnCompleted);
                        Console.WriteLine("Executing bulk copy");
                        List<Exception> errors = new List<Exception>(copy.GetAllErrors());
                        if (errors.Count > 0)
                            string file = GenerateLogFileName("bcp-error-");
                            LogErrors(errors, file);
                            base.WriteError("Errors were encountered during bulk copy.");
                            retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_BULK_COPY_WITH_ERRORS;
                        else { retCode = CommandStatus.E_OK; }
                        retCode = CommandStatus.E_OK;
            catch (Exception ex)
                retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_UNKNOWN;
            return (int)retCode;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public override int Execute()
            CommandStatus retCode;
            DefinitionLoader loader = new DefinitionLoader();
            string name = null;
            if (TaskDefinitionHelper.IsBulkCopy(_file))
                FdoBulkCopyTaskDefinition def = null;
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(_file))
                    XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer(typeof(FdoBulkCopyTaskDefinition));
                    def = (FdoBulkCopyTaskDefinition)ser.Deserialize(sr);

                if (def == null)
                    return (int)CommandStatus.E_FAIL_TASK_VALIDATION;

                //If more than one task specified, load the default task and weed
                //out unneeded elements.
                if (_taskNames.Length > 0)
                    base.WriteLine("Certain tasks have been specified, only part of the bulk copy definition will execute");
                    var keepConnections = new Dictionary<string, FdoConnectionEntryElement>();
                    var keepTasks = new List<FdoCopyTaskElement>();

                    //Store needed tasks
                    foreach (var task in def.CopyTasks)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(_taskNames, task.name) >= 0)

                    //Store needed connections
                    foreach (var task in keepTasks)
                        foreach (var conn in def.Connections)
                            //Is referenced as source/target connection?
                            if (task.Source.connection == conn.name || task.Target.connection == conn.name)
                                if (!keepConnections.ContainsKey(conn.name))
                                    keepConnections.Add(conn.name, conn);

                    if (keepTasks.Count != _taskNames.Length)
                        List<string> names = new List<string>();
                        foreach (var n in _taskNames)
                            bool found = false;
                            foreach (var task in keepTasks)
                                if (task.name == n)
                                    found = true;

                            if (!found)

                        base.WriteError("Could not find specified tasks in bulk copy definition: " + string.Join(",", names.ToArray()));

                        return (int)CommandStatus.E_FAIL_MISSING_BULK_COPY_TASKS;

                    //Now replace
                    def.Connections = new List<FdoConnectionEntryElement>(keepConnections.Values).ToArray();
                    def.CopyTasks = keepTasks.ToArray();

                using (FdoBulkCopyOptions opts = loader.BulkCopyFromXml(def, ref name, true))
                    FdoBulkCopy copy = new FdoBulkCopy(opts);
                    copy.ProcessMessage += delegate(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
                    copy.ProcessAborted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                        base.WriteLine("Bulk Copy Aborted");
                    copy.ProcessCompleted += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
                        base.WriteLine("Bulk Copy Completed");
                    List<Exception> errors = new List<Exception>(copy.GetAllErrors());
                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        string file = GenerateLogFileName("bcp-error-");
                        LogErrors(errors, file);
                        base.WriteError("Errors were encountered during bulk copy.");
                        retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_BULK_COPY_WITH_ERRORS;
                    else { retCode = CommandStatus.E_OK; }
            else if (TaskDefinitionHelper.IsJoin(_file))
                if (_taskNames.Length > 0)
                    base.WriteError("Parameter -bcptask is not applicable for join tasks");
                    return (int)CommandStatus.E_FAIL_INVALID_ARGUMENTS;

                using (FdoJoinOptions opts = loader.JoinFromXml(_file, ref name, true))
                    FdoJoin join = new FdoJoin(opts);
                    join.ProcessMessage += delegate(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
                    List<Exception> errors = new List<Exception>(join.GetAllErrors());
                    if (errors.Count > 0)
                        string file = GenerateLogFileName("join-error-");
                        LogErrors(errors, file);
                        base.WriteError("Errors were encountered during join operation");
                        retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_JOIN_WITH_ERRORS;
                    else { retCode = CommandStatus.E_OK; }
            else if (TaskDefinitionHelper.IsSequentialProcess(_file))
                var def = (SequentialProcessDefinition)SequentialProcessDefinition.Serializer.Deserialize(File.OpenRead(_file));
                var proc = new FdoSequentialProcess(def);
                proc.ProcessMessage += delegate(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
                List<Exception> errors = new List<Exception>(proc.GetAllErrors());
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    string file = GenerateLogFileName("seq-process-");
                    LogErrors(errors, file);
                    base.WriteError("Errors were encountered during sequential process");
                //Why E_OK? the user should check the log for the underlying return codes
                //of individual FdoUtil.exe invocations!
                retCode = CommandStatus.E_OK;
                retCode = CommandStatus.E_FAIL_UNRECOGNISED_TASK_FORMAT;

            return (int)retCode;