Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Create table given its structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName">Table name</param>
        /// <param name="fields">Table fields</param>
        /// <returns>Return code (int)CLI.ErrorCode</returns>
        public int CreateTable(string TableName, FastDbFields fields)
            CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[] flds = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CLI.CliFieldDescriptor), fields.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
                flds[i].type                = fields[i].Type;
                flds[i].flags               = fields[i].Flags;
                flds[i].name                = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].Name);
                flds[i].refTableName        = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].RefTable);
                flds[i].inverseRefFieldName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].InvRefField);

            int rc = CLI.cli_create_table(session, TableName, fields.Count, flds);

            for (int i = 0; i < fields.Count; i++)
            if (rc < 0 && rc != (int)CLI.ErrorCode.cli_table_already_exists)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract a DDL of a table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName">Name of a table</param>
        /// <returns>A string representing the table's DDL.</returns>
        public string ExtractTableDDL(string TableName)
            FastDbFields  flds   = DescribeTable(TableName);
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("create table " + TableName + " (\n");

            int nLen = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < flds.Count; i++)
                nLen = (nLen > flds[i].Name.Length) ? nLen : flds[i].Name.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < flds.Count; i++)
                result.AppendFormat("\t{0} {1}{2}", flds[i].Name.PadRight(nLen, ' '), CLI.CliTypeToStr(flds[i].Type, true),
                                    (flds[i].RefTable == null) ? "" : " to " + flds[i].RefTable);
                result.Append((i == (flds.Count - 1)) ? "" : ",\n");
            string IDX_STR = "create {0} on {1}.{2};\n";

            for (int i = 0; i < flds.Count; i++)
                if (Enum.IsDefined(flds[i].Flags.GetType(), CLI.FieldFlags.cli_hashed))
                    result.AppendFormat(IDX_STR, "hash", TableName, flds[i].Name);
                if (Enum.IsDefined(flds[i].Flags.GetType(), CLI.FieldFlags.cli_indexed))
                    result.AppendFormat(IDX_STR, "index", TableName, flds[i].Name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Describes a table given its name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table to describe</param>
        /// <param name="RaiseError">If true, an error check will be performed (default: true).</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of fields fetched from the database's table.</returns>
        public unsafe FastDbFields DescribeTable(string TableName, bool RaiseError)
            FastDbFields fields = new FastDbFields();
            void *       p      = null;

            int rc = CLI.cli_describe(session, TableName, ref p);

            if (RaiseError)
            if (rc > 0)
                try {
                    CLI.CliFieldDescriptor *fld = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor *)p;
                    for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++, fld++)
                        Debug.Assert(fld->name != IntPtr.Zero, "Field name is a null pointer!");
                        string s  = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->name);
                        string sr = (fld->refTableName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->refTableName);
                        string si = (fld->inverseRefFieldName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->inverseRefFieldName);
                        fields.Add(s, fld->type, fld->flags, sr, si);
                finally {
                    CLI.cli_free_memory(session, p);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 internal FastDbCommand(FastDbConnection connection)
     this.connection = connection;
       statement   = -1;
       sql         = "";
       described   = false;
       sql_changed = false;
       bof         = false;
       eof         = false;
       rec_no      = -1;
       table_name  = "";
       read_only   = true;
       row_count   = 0;
       fields      = new FastDbFields();
       vars        = new FastDbParameters();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal FastDbCommand(FastDbConnection connection)
     this.connection = connection;
     statement       = -1;
     sql             = "";
     described       = false;
     sql_changed     = false;
     bof             = false;
     eof             = false;
     rec_no          = -1;
     table_name      = "";
     read_only       = true;
     row_count       = 0;
     fields          = new FastDbFields();
     vars            = new FastDbParameters();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Describes a table given its name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName">Name of the table to describe</param>
        /// <param name="RaiseError">If true, an error check will be performed (default: true).</param>
        /// <returns>A collection of fields fetched from the database's table.</returns>
        public unsafe FastDbFields DescribeTable(string TableName, bool RaiseError)
            FastDbFields fields = new FastDbFields();
              void* p = null;

              int rc = CLI.cli_describe(session, TableName, ref p);
              if (RaiseError) CLI.CliCheck(rc);
              if (rc > 0) {
            try {
              CLI.CliFieldDescriptor* fld = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor*)p;
              for(int i=0; i<rc; i++, fld++) {
            Debug.Assert(fld->name != IntPtr.Zero, "Field name is a null pointer!");
            string s  = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->name);
            string sr = (fld->refTableName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->refTableName);
            string si = (fld->inverseRefFieldName == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(fld->inverseRefFieldName);
            fields.Add(s, fld->type, fld->flags, sr, si);
            finally {
              CLI.cli_free_memory(session, p);
              return fields;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Create table given its structure.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="TableName">Table name</param>
        /// <param name="fields">Table fields</param>
        /// <returns>Return code (int)CLI.ErrorCode</returns>
        public int CreateTable(string TableName, FastDbFields fields)
            CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[] flds = (CLI.CliFieldDescriptor[])Array.CreateInstance(typeof(CLI.CliFieldDescriptor), fields.Count);

              for(int i=0; i<fields.Count; i++) {
            flds[i].type                = fields[i].Type;
            flds[i].flags               = fields[i].Flags;
            flds[i].name                = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].Name);
            flds[i].refTableName        = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].RefTable);
            flds[i].inverseRefFieldName = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(fields[i].InvRefField);

              int rc = CLI.cli_create_table(session, TableName, fields.Count, flds);

              for(int i=0; i < fields.Count; i++) {
              if (rc < 0 && rc != (int)CLI.ErrorCode.cli_table_already_exists) CLI.CliCheck(rc);
              return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  rc;
              uint oid = 0;
              int  nRecords = 3;

              FastDbConnection connection = new FastDbConnection("test");
              connection.InitDbSize       = FastDbConnection.DefaultInitDatabaseSize*2;
              connection.InitIdxSize      = FastDbConnection.DefaultInitIndexSize*2;
              connection.ExtensionQuantum = FastDbConnection.DefaultExtensionQuantum*2;

              FastDbFields fields = new FastDbFields();
              fields.Add("int_field", CLI.FieldType.cli_int8,   CLI.FieldFlags.cli_hashed);
              fields.Add("str_field", CLI.FieldType.cli_asciiz, CLI.FieldFlags.cli_indexed);

              rc = connection.CreateTable("test", fields);
              if (rc < 0) Console.WriteLine("cli_create_table: {0}", CLI.CliErrorToStr(rc));

              FastDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand("insert into test");
              command.Fields.Assign(fields);  // You could also do:  command.Describe();

              DateTime time = DateTime.Now;

              long key = 1999;

              for (int i = 0; i < nRecords; i++)
            key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L;
            command.Fields[0].asInt64 = key;
            command.Fields[1].asString = key.ToString();
            oid = command.Insert();

              Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Elapsed time for inserting {0} records: {1} (speed: {2:F2})", nRecords, DateTime.Now - time, nRecords*1000 / (DateTime.Now - time).TotalMilliseconds));

              command = connection.CreateCommand("insert into persons");

              command.Fields.Add("name",          CLI.FieldType.cli_asciiz, CLI.FieldFlags.cli_indexed);
              command.Fields.Add("salary",        CLI.FieldType.cli_int8);
              command.Fields.Add("address",       CLI.FieldType.cli_asciiz);
              command.Fields.Add("weight",        CLI.FieldType.cli_real8);
              command.Fields.Add("subordinates",  CLI.FieldType.cli_array_of_oid, CLI.FieldFlags.cli_noindex, "persons");

              rc = connection.CreateTable("persons", command.Fields);
              if (rc < 0)
            Console.WriteLine("cli_create_table: {0}", rc);

              for (int i=0; i < command.Fields.Count; ++i)
            FastDbField f = command.Fields[i];
              f.Name, f.Type, f.Size, f.Capacity, f.Flags);


              time = DateTime.Now;

              for (int i=0; i < nRecords; ++i)
            int n = 0;
            command.Fields[n++].asString = String.Format("Name{0}", i+1);
            command.Fields[n++].asInt64  = (i+1) * 1000;
            command.Fields[n++].asString = String.Format("Address {0}", 100-i);
            command.Fields[n++].asDouble = (i+1) * 100;
            command.Fields[n].ArraySize = (i==0) ? 0 : 1;
            if (i > 0)
              command.Fields[n].SetArrayValue(0, oid);

            oid = command.Insert();

              Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for inserting {0} records: {1} (speed: {2:F2})", nRecords, DateTime.Now - time, nRecords*1000 / (DateTime.Now - time).TotalMilliseconds);

              command = connection.CreateCommand("select * from persons");


              command = connection.CreateCommand(@"select * from persons where length(subordinates) < %subordinates and salary > %salary");
              command.Parameters.Add("subordinates", CLI.FieldType.cli_int4);
              command.Parameters.Add("salary",       CLI.FieldType.cli_int8);

              command.Parameters["subordinates"].asInteger = 1;
              command.Parameters["salary"].asInteger       = 100;

Ejemplo n.º 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int  rc, i, n;
              uint oid = 0;
              int  nRecords = 200000;

              FastDbConnection connection = new FastDbConnection("test");
              connection.InitDbSize       = FastDbConnection.DefaultInitDatabaseSize*2;
              connection.InitIdxSize      = FastDbConnection.DefaultInitIndexSize*2;
              connection.ExtensionQuantum = FastDbConnection.DefaultExtensionQuantum*2;

              FastDbFields fields = new FastDbFields();
              fields.Add("int_field", CLI.FieldType.cli_int8,   CLI.FieldFlags.cli_hashed);
              fields.Add("str_field", CLI.FieldType.cli_asciiz, CLI.FieldFlags.cli_hashed);

              rc = connection.CreateTable("test", fields);
              if (rc < 0) Console.WriteLine("cli_create_table: {0}", CLI.CliErrorToStr(rc));

              FastDbCommand command = connection.CreateCommand("insert into test");
              command.Fields.Assign(fields);  // You could also do:  command.Describe();

              DateTime start = DateTime.Now;

              long key = 1999;

              for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) {
            key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L;
            command.Fields[0].asInt64 = key;
            command.Fields[1].asString = key.ToString();
            oid = command.Insert();

              Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for inserting {0} records: {1:F2} (speed: {2:F2})",
            (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds,
            nRecords / (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);

              FastDbCommand command1 = connection.CreateCommand("select * from test where int_field = %key");
              FastDbCommand command2 = connection.CreateCommand("select * from test where str_field = %key");
              command1.Parameters.Add("key", CLI.FieldType.cli_int8);
              command2.Parameters.Add("key", CLI.FieldType.cli_asciiz);

              int rc1;
              int rc2;

              key = 1999;
              start = System.DateTime.Now;
              for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) {
            key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L;
            command1.Parameters[0].asInt64  = key;
            command2.Parameters[0].asString = key.ToString();
            rc1 = command1.Execute();
            rc2 = command2.Execute();
              System.Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for performing {0} index searches {1:F2} (speed: {2:F2})",
            nRecords * 2, (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds,
            nRecords * 2 / (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);

              command.SQL = "select * from test";

              start = System.DateTime.Now;

              n = command.Execute();
              for(i=0; i < n; i++) {

              Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Elapsed time for iteration through {0} records: {1:F2} (speed: {2:F2})",
            (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds,
            nRecords / (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds));

              start = System.DateTime.Now;
              key = 1999;
              for (i = 0; i < nRecords; i++) {
            key = (3141592621L * key + 2718281829L) % 1000000007L;
            Record rec = (Record) intIndex.Get(new Key(key));
            Record removed = (Record)intIndex.Remove(new Key(key));
            Debug.Assert(removed == rec);
            strIndex.Remove(new Key(System.Convert.ToString(key)), rec);
              System.Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for deleting {0} records: {1:F2} (speed: {2:F2})",
            (DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds,
            nRecords/(DateTime.Now - start).TotalSeconds);