Ejemplo n.º 1
 public override int GetHashCode()
         return(((MasterGame != null ? MasterGame.GetHashCode() : 0) * 397) ^ Year);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public MasterGameYear(MasterGame masterGame, int year, decimal percentStandardGame, decimal percentCounterPick, decimal averageDraftPosition)
     MasterGame           = masterGame;
     Year                 = year;
     PercentStandardGame  = percentStandardGame;
     PercentCounterPick   = percentCounterPick;
     AverageDraftPosition = averageDraftPosition;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public DropRequest(Guid dropRequestID, Publisher publisher, LeagueYear leagueYear, MasterGame masterGame, Instant timestamp, bool?successful)
     DropRequestID = dropRequestID;
     Publisher     = publisher;
     LeagueYear    = leagueYear;
     MasterGame    = masterGame;
     Timestamp     = timestamp;
     Successful    = successful;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public PickupBid(Guid bidID, Publisher publisher, MasterGame masterGame, uint bidAmount, int priority, Instant timestamp, bool?successful)
     BidID      = bidID;
     Publisher  = publisher;
     MasterGame = masterGame;
     BidAmount  = bidAmount;
     Priority   = priority;
     Timestamp  = timestamp;
     Successful = successful;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public IReadOnlyList <ClaimError> GameIsEligible(MasterGame masterGame)
            List <ClaimError> claimErrors = new List <ClaimError>();

            bool remakeEligible = masterGame.EligibilitySettings.EligibilityLevel.Level <= EligibilityLevel.Level;

            if (!remakeEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league 'remake level' settings.", true));

            bool earlyAccessEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.EarlyAccess || EarlyAccess);

            if (!earlyAccessEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's early access settings.", true));

            bool yearlyInstallmentEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.YearlyInstallment || YearlyInstallment);

            if (!yearlyInstallmentEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's yearly installment settings.", true));

            bool freeToPlayEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.FreeToPlay || FreeToPlay);

            if (!freeToPlayEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's free to play settings.", true));

            bool releasedInternationallyEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.ReleasedInternationally || ReleasedInternationally);

            if (!releasedInternationallyEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's international release settings.", true));

            bool expansionEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.ExpansionPack || ExpansionPack);

            if (!expansionEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's expansion pack settings.", true));

            bool unannouncedEligible = (!masterGame.EligibilitySettings.UnannouncedGame || UnannouncedGame);

            if (!unannouncedEligible)
                claimErrors.Add(new ClaimError("That game is not eligible under this league's unannounced game settings.", true));

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public bool?GetOverriddenEligibility(MasterGame masterGame)
            bool found = _eligibilityOverridesDictionary.TryGetValue(masterGame, out var eligibilityOverride);

            if (!found)

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool GameIsEligible(MasterGame masterGame)
            bool found = _eligibilityOverridesDictionary.TryGetValue(masterGame, out var eligibilityOverride);

            if (found)

            var claimErrors = Options.LeagueTags.GameIsEligible(masterGame);

 public MasterGameChangeRequest(Guid requestID, FantasyCriticUser user, Instant requestTimestamp, string requestNote,
                                MasterGame masterGame, int?openCriticID, bool answered, Instant?responseTimestamp, string responseNote, bool hidden)
     RequestID         = requestID;
     User              = user;
     RequestTimestamp  = requestTimestamp;
     RequestNote       = requestNote;
     MasterGame        = masterGame;
     OpenCriticID      = openCriticID;
     Answered          = answered;
     ResponseTimestamp = responseTimestamp;
     ResponseNote      = responseNote;
     Hidden            = hidden;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public decimal?CalculateFantasyPoints(ScoringSystem scoringSystem, bool counterPick, IClock clock, bool mustBeReleased)
            if (!WillRelease())

            if (mustBeReleased && !MasterGame.IsReleased(clock.GetCurrentInstant()))

            if (MasterGame.CriticScore.HasValue)
                return(scoringSystem.GetPointsForScore(MasterGame.CriticScore.Value, counterPick));

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MasterGameYear(MasterGame masterGame, int year, double percentStandardGame, double percentCounterPick, double eligiblePercentStandardGame,
                              double eligiblePercentCounterPick, int numberOfBids, int totalBidAmount, double bidPercentile, double?averageDraftPosition, double?averageBidAmount,
                              double hypeFactor, double dateAdjustedHypeFactor, double linearRegressionHypeFactor)
            MasterGame                  = masterGame;
            Year                        = year;
            PercentStandardGame         = percentStandardGame;
            PercentCounterPick          = percentCounterPick;
            EligiblePercentStandardGame = eligiblePercentStandardGame;
            EligiblePercentCounterPick  = eligiblePercentCounterPick;
            NumberOfBids                = numberOfBids;
            TotalBidAmount              = totalBidAmount;
            BidPercentile               = bidPercentile;
            AverageDraftPosition        = averageDraftPosition;
            AverageWinningBid           = averageBidAmount;

            HypeFactor                 = hypeFactor;
            DateAdjustedHypeFactor     = dateAdjustedHypeFactor;
            LinearRegressionHypeFactor = linearRegressionHypeFactor;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public static IReadOnlyList <ClaimError> GameIsEligible(this IEnumerable <LeagueTagStatus> leagueTags, MasterGame masterGame)
            var bannedTags   = leagueTags.Where(x => x.Status == TagStatus.Banned).Select(x => x.Tag);
            var requiredTags = leagueTags.Where(x => x.Status == TagStatus.Required).Select(x => x.Tag);

            var bannedTagsIntersection = masterGame.Tags.Intersect(bannedTags);
            var missingRequiredTags    = requiredTags.Except(masterGame.Tags);

            var bannedClaimErrors   = bannedTagsIntersection.Select(x => new ClaimError($"That game is not eligible because the {x.ReadableName} tag has been banned.", true));
            var requiredClaimErrors = missingRequiredTags.Select(x => new ClaimError($"That game is not eligible because it does not have the required {x.ReadableName} tag.", true));

            var allErrors = bannedClaimErrors.Concat(requiredClaimErrors).ToList();

Ejemplo n.º 12
 public MasterGameYear(MasterGame masterGame, int year)
     MasterGame = masterGame;
     Year       = year;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public Maybe <PublisherGame> GetPublisherGame(MasterGame masterGame)
     return(PublisherGames.SingleOrDefault(x => x.MasterGame.HasValue && x.MasterGame.Value.MasterGame.MasterGameID == masterGame.MasterGameID));
 public EligibilityOverride(MasterGame masterGame, bool eligible)
     MasterGame = masterGame;
     Eligible   = eligible;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public QueuedGame(Publisher publisher, MasterGame masterGame, int rank)
     Publisher  = publisher;
     MasterGame = masterGame;
     Rank       = rank;