public async Task <TransactionDto> CollectCredit(GetCreditInput input)
            var dataset = await datasetRepo.GetAsync(input.DataSetId);

            var creditResult = await GetCredit(input, true);

            var transaction = new Transaction
                CreditAmount       = creditResult.Credit,
                OwnerId            = input.UserId,
                Reason             = TransactionReason.CollectCredit,
                ReferenceDataSetId = input.DataSetId

            transaction = transactionRepo.Insert(transaction);

            var allGoldenAnswers = await answerRepo.GetAll()
                                   .Where(ff => !ff.CreditCalculated && ff.DataSetId == input.DataSetId && ff.CreatorUserId == input.UserId && ff.DataSetItem.IsGoldenData && !ff.Ignored)
                                   .Select(ff => new { ff.Id })

            foreach (var item in allGoldenAnswers)
                answerRepo.Update(item.Id, ff => ff.CreditCalculated = true);

            var userSpecificTarget = targetRepo.GetAllIncluding(ff => ff.TargetDefinition.DataSet)
                                     .Where(ff => ff.TargetDefinition.DataSetId == input.DataSetId && ff.OwnerId == input.UserId).ToList();

            userSpecificTarget.ForEach(_ => _.IsDeleted = true);


            return(ObjectMapper.Map <TransactionDto>(transaction));
        public async Task <GetCreditOutput> GetCredit(GetCreditInput input, bool checkTarget = false)
            var dataset    = datasetRepo.Get(input.DataSetId);
            var allAnswers = answerRepo
                             .Where(ff => !ff.CreditCalculated && !ff.Ignored && ff.DataSetId == input.DataSetId && ff.CreatorUserId == input.UserId);

            var allGoldenAnswers = allAnswers.Where(ff => ff.DataSetItem.IsGoldenData).Select(ff => new { ff.Id, ff.Answer });

            var userSpecificTarget = await targetRepo.GetAllIncluding(ff => ff.TargetDefinition.DataSet).OrderBy(ff => ff.CreationTime).LastOrDefaultAsync(ff => ff.TargetDefinition.DataSetId == input.DataSetId && ff.OwnerId == input.UserId);

            if (userSpecificTarget == null)
                throw new UserFriendlyException("There is no user specific target assigned to the current user in this dataset.");

            var answerBudgetPerUser = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.AnswerCount;

            if (checkTarget && (allAnswers.Count() < answerBudgetPerUser))
                throw new UserFriendlyException("You haven't reached the target yet.");

            var targetGoldenCount              = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.GoldenCount;
            var correctGoldenAsnwersToCredit   = new List <dynamic>();
            var incorrectGoldenAsnwersToCredit = new List <dynamic>();
            var G          = targetGoldenCount;
            var UMax       = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.UMax;
            var UMin       = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.UMin;
            var bonusTrue  = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.BonusTrue;
            var bonusFalse = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.BonusFalse;
            var T          = userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition.T;

            foreach (var item in allGoldenAnswers.ToList())
                if (item.Answer != dataset.CorrectGoldenAnswerIndex)
            var correctGoldenAnswersCount = correctGoldenAsnwersToCredit.Count;
            var middle = Convert.ToDouble(UMax - UMin) * Math.Pow(T, Convert.ToDouble(G));

            if (correctGoldenAnswersCount == 0)
                return new GetCreditOutput
                           Credit = UMin
            if (correctGoldenAnswersCount > answerBudgetPerUser)
                return new GetCreditOutput
                           Credit = UMax
            var result = middle * Math.Pow(bonusFalse, incorrectGoldenAsnwersToCredit.Count) * Math.Pow(bonusTrue, correctGoldenAnswersCount) + Convert.ToDouble(UMin);

            var dto = ObjectMapper.Map <TargetDefinitionDto>(userSpecificTarget.TargetDefinition);

            dto.DataSet = null;
            return(new GetCreditOutput
                Correct = correctGoldenAnswersCount,
                Incorrect = incorrectGoldenAsnwersToCredit.Count,
                Middle = middle,
                Target = dto,
                Credit = result,