private bool resize(ddsfileinfo ddsinfo, string file, FileInfo fileinf)
            int size = 0;

            if (ddsinfo.height > ddsinfo.width)
                size = ddsinfo.height;
                size = ddsinfo.width;
            int ifgreater = 8192;

            if (texturesize.Contains("256"))
                ifgreater = 256;
            else if (texturesize.Contains("512"))
                ifgreater = 512;
            else if (texturesize.Contains("1024"))
                ifgreater = 1024;
            else if (texturesize.Contains("2048"))
                ifgreater = 2048;
            else if (texturesize.Contains("4096"))
                ifgreater = 4096;
            else if (texturesize.Contains("All"))
                ifgreater = 4;
            if (size > ifgreater)
                texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\" -w " + ddsinfo.width / 2 + " -h " + ddsinfo.height / 2 + " -m 1");
                //gen mipmaps
                texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\"" + " -m 0");
        private ddsfileinfo checkdds(string file)
            Process          process   = new Process();
            ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();

            //startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            startInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;
            startInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            startInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            startInfo.FileName  = Application.StartupPath + "\\bin\\texdiag.exe";
            startInfo.Arguments = "info \"" + file + "\"";
            process.StartInfo   = startInfo;
            ddsfileinfo ddsinfo = new ddsfileinfo();

            while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream)
                string line = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                if (line.Contains("height"))
                    //workaround for rare int.parse errors
                    int temp;
                    if (int.TryParse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2), out temp))
                        ddsinfo.height = temp;
                            ddsinfo.height = int.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse dds height. Save current message and next ones for providing more info about error. Error log: " + ex.ToString());
                            MessageBox.Show("Height line unedited: " + line);
                            MessageBox.Show("Height line edited: " + line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2));
                if (line.Contains("width"))
                    //workaround for rare int.parse errors
                    int temp;
                    if (int.TryParse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2), out temp))
                        ddsinfo.width = temp;
                            ddsinfo.width = int.Parse(line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse dds width. Save current message and next ones for providing more info about error. Error log: " + ex.ToString());
                            MessageBox.Show("Width line unedited: " + line);
                            MessageBox.Show("Width line edited: " + line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2));
                if (line.Contains("format"))
                    ddsinfo.format = line.Substring(line.IndexOf("=") + 2, line.Length - line.IndexOf("=") - 2);
                if (line.Contains("FAILED"))
                    ddsinfo.format = "Unsupported format";
                    ddsinfo.width  = 0;
                    ddsinfo.height = 0;
            ddsinfo.alpha = false;
            if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp");
            FileInfo fileinf = new FileInfo(file);

            if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC3"))
                File.Copy(file, Application.StartupPath + "\\temp\\" + fileinf.Name, true);
                if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("SRGB"))
                    texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f BC3_UNORM_SRGB -o \"" + Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "\"");
                    texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f BC3_UNORM -o \"" + Application.StartupPath + "\\temp" + "\"");
            startInfo.Arguments = "analyze \"" + Application.StartupPath + "\\temp\\" + fileinf.Name + "\"";
            process.StartInfo   = startInfo;
            bool finished6 = false;
            bool finished8 = false;
            int  blocks6   = 0;
            int  blocks8   = 0;

            while (!process.StandardOutput.EndOfStream && !(finished6 && finished8))
                string line = process.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
                if (line.Contains("8 alpha blocks") && !finished8)
                    finished8 = true;
                    //workaround for possible int.parse errors
                    int temp;
                    if (int.TryParse(line.Replace("8 alpha blocks - ", ""), out temp))
                        blocks8 = temp;
                            blocks8 = int.Parse(line.Replace("8 alpha blocks - ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse dds alpha8 channel info. Save current message and next ones for providing more info about error. Error log: " + ex.ToString());
                            MessageBox.Show("Unedited line: " + line);
                            MessageBox.Show("Edited line: " + line.Replace("8 alpha blocks - ", ""));
                if (line.Contains("6 alpha blocks") && !finished6)
                    finished6 = true;
                    //workaround for possible int.parse errors
                    int temp;
                    if (int.TryParse(line.Replace("6 alpha blocks - ", ""), out temp))
                        blocks6 = temp;
                            blocks6 = int.Parse(line.Replace("6 alpha blocks - ", ""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse dds alpha6 channel info. Save current message and next ones for providing more info about error. Error log: " + ex.ToString());
                            MessageBox.Show("Unedited line: " + line);
                            MessageBox.Show("Edited line: " + line.Replace("8 alpha blocks - ", ""));
                if (blocks6 > 0 && blocks8 > 0)
                    ddsinfo.alpha = true;
                if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp\\" + fileinf.Name + "\""))
                    File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + "\\temp\\" + fileinf.Name + "\"");
        private string compress(ddsfileinfo ddsinfo, string file, FileInfo fileinf)
            string newformat = "Already compressed";
            int    ddslvl    = 10;

            if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC1"))
                ddslvl = 1;
            else if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC2"))
                ddslvl = 3;
            else if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC3"))
                ddslvl = 3;
            else if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC4"))
                ddslvl = 5;
            else if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC5"))
                ddslvl = 5;
            else if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("BC7"))
                ddslvl = 7;
            if (ddslvl == 1)
            if (ddsinfo.alpha == true)
                if (ddslvl > compressalphalvl)
                    if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("SRGB"))
                        if (compresswithalpha == "BC5")
                            texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f BC3_UNORM_SRGB -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\" -w " + ddsinfo.width / 2 + " -h " + ddsinfo.height / 2 + " -m 1");
                            newformat = "BC3_UNORM_SRGB";
                            texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f " + compresswithalpha + "_UNORM_SRGB -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\"");
                            newformat = compresswithalpha + "_UNORM_SRGB";
                        texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f " + compresswithalpha + "_UNORM -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\"");
                        newformat = compresswithalpha + "_UNORM";
                if (ddslvl > compresslvl)
                    if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("SRGB"))
                        if (compressnoalpha == "BC5")
                            texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f BC3_UNORM_SRGB -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\" -w " + ddsinfo.width / 2 + " -h " + ddsinfo.height / 2 + " -m 1");
                            newformat = "BC3_UNORM_SRGB";
                            texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f " + compressnoalpha + "_UNORM_SRGB -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\"");
                            newformat = compressnoalpha + "_UNORM_SRGB";
                        texconv("\"" + file + "\" -y -f " + compressnoalpha + "_UNORM -o \"" + fileinf.DirectoryName + "\"");
                        newformat = compressnoalpha + "_UNORM";
        private void compressmaster(string file, bool ignoresn, bool ignoreface, bool ignorediffuse, int num, bool isthreaded)
            List <string> log     = new List <string>();
            FileInfo      fileinf = new FileInfo(file);

            log.Add(num + ": " + file);
            if (ignoresn && (fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("")))
                log.Add("Specular, normal and glowmaps are ignored, skipping");
            else if (ignoreface && (fileinf.Name.Contains("femalehead") || fileinf.Name.Contains("malehead")))
                log.Add("Face textures are ignored, skipping");
            else if (ignorediffuse && !(fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("") || fileinf.Name.Contains("")))
                log.Add("Diffuse textures are ignored, skipping");
                ddsfileinfo ddsinfo = checkdds(file);
                log.Add("height = " + ddsinfo.height);
                log.Add("width  = " + ddsinfo.width);
                log.Add("format = " + ddsinfo.format);
                log.Add("alpha = " + ddsinfo.alpha.ToString());
                if (ddsinfo.format.Contains("Unsupported format"))
                    log.Add("Unsupported format, skipping");
                    double filesize = Math.Round((Double) new FileInfo(file).Length / 1024, 1);
                    originalfilessize += filesize;
                    log.Add("file size = " + filesize + " kb");

                    if (compress_check.Checked)
                        string compressed = compress(ddsinfo, file, fileinf);
                        if (!compressed.Contains("Already compressed"))
                            log.Add("new format = " + compressed);
                    if (resize_check.Checked)
                        bool resized = resize(ddsinfo, file, fileinf);
                        if (resized)
                            log.Add("new width  = " + (ddsinfo.width / 2));
                            log.Add("new height = " + (ddsinfo.height / 2));
                    double newfilesize = Math.Round((Double) new FileInfo(file).Length / 1024, 1);
                    compressedfilessize += newfilesize;
                    if (newfilesize < filesize)
                        log.Add("new file size = " + newfilesize + " kb");
            if (!isthreaded)
                foreach (string entry in log)
                foreach (string entry in log)
                if (isthreaded)