public static string Level1()
     return(fn.Data2Json("SELECT Depart, DeptID, DeptSeq FROM tblOD_Process GROUP BY Depart, DeptID, DeptSeq ORDER BY case when  DeptSeq is null then 10000 else DeptSeq end"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static string LoadEmpCompletePreviousData(string EmpPensionID)
     return(Fn.Data2Json("SELECT PensionEmpID, EmpID, Format(ISNULL(DateOfAppointment,  GETDATE()), 'dd-MMMM-yyyy') as DateOfAppointment, Format(ISNULL(DOB,  GETDATE()), 'dd-MMMM-yyyy') as DOB, Format(ISNULL(DateOfRetirement,  GETDATE()), 'dd-MMMM-yyyy') as DateOfRetirement, ISNULL(TotalAgeAtRetirementY, 0) as TotalAgeAtRetirementY, ISNULL(TotalAgeAtRetirementM, 0) as TotalAgeAtRetirementM, ISNULL(TotalAgeAtRetirementD, 0) as TotalAgeAtRetirementD, ISNULL(TotalServiceY, 0) as TotalServiceY, ISNULL(TotalServiceM, 0) as TotalServiceM, ISNULL(TotalServiceD, 0) as TotalServiceD, ISNULL(TotalHolidays, 0) as TotalHolidays, ISNULL(NetQualifyingServiceY, 0) as NetQualifyingServiceY, ISNULL(NetQualifyingServiceM, 0) as NetQualifyingServiceM, ISNULL(NetQualifyingServiceD, 0) as NetQualifyingServiceD,ISNULL(AgeNextBirthdays, 0) AS AgeNextBirthdays,  BankName, AccountNo, FileNo , BankID FROM tbl_PensionEmployees where PensionEmpID = " + EmpPensionID));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static string SearchEmployees(string Fileno, string name, string DepartmentID, string DesignationID, string SearchBank, string TransferTO, string Month, string Year)
     return(Fn.Data2Json("usp_SearchEmployeePensionersPensionForTransfer'" + Fileno + "', '" + name + "', '" + DepartmentID + "', '" + DesignationID + "' , '" + SearchBank + "'   , '" + TransferTO + "' , '" + Month + "', '" + Year + "'"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static string SearchEmployees(string empno, string name, string DepartmentID, string DesignationID)
     return(Fn.Data2Json("usp_SearchEmployeeBasicDataGPFAddedEmployees '" + empno + "', '" + name + "', '" + DepartmentID + "', '" + DesignationID + "', '" + Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["OfficeId"]) + "'"));
 public static string AllCompaniesList()
     return(Fn.Data2Json("SELECT CompanyID, CompanyName FROM tbl_Company order by CompanyName"));
 public static string SearchEmployees(string empno, string name, string DepartmentID, string DesignationID)
     return(Fn.Data2Json("usp_SearchEmployeeBasicDataGPF '" + empno + "', '" + name + "', '" + DepartmentID + "', '" + DesignationID + "'"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            MyClass Fn = new MyClass();

            string[] dataID = Fn.CleanSQL(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.QueryString["id"])).Split('ǁ');
            string[] fdata  = new string[500];
            if (context.Request.Form["ourformData"] != null)
                //string testing = context.Request.Form["ourformData"];
                fdata = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.Form["ourformData"]).Split('½');

                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/HTML";
                    switch (Convert.ToInt32(dataID[0]))
                    case 0:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json("Select * from [dbo].[tblInventoryDefault] where tblInventoryDefaultID=1"));

                    case 1:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"UPDATE       tblInventoryDefault
SET                MaxLevels =" + dataID[1] + @"
WHERE        (tblInventoryDefaultID = 1)"));

                    case 2:

//                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblPlaceID, Code, Name, Branch= (
//Select count(*) from tblPlace as B where B.ParentId= M.tblPlaceID
//FROM            tblPlace AS M
//WHERE  ParentId IS NULL order by Code"));

                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"Select M.CompanyID AS tblPlaceID, M.Code , M.CompanyName AS Name, 0 bIsHead, Branch= (
Select count(*) from tbl_Company AS B Where B.ParentId=M.CompanyID
) from tbl_Company as M WHERE  M.ParentId  IS NULL
order by M.CompanyID, M.Code"));


                    case 3:

//                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@" SELECT        tblPlaceID, Code, Name, Branch= (
//Select count(*) from tblPlace as B where B.ParentId= M.tblPlaceID
//FROM            tblPlace AS M
//WHERE  ParentId =" + dataID[1] + " order by Code"));

                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@" SELECT       M.CompanyID AS  tblPlaceID, Code, M.CompanyName Name, 0 bIsHead, Branch= (

Select count(*) from tbl_Company as B where B.ParentId= M.CompanyID
FROM            tbl_Company AS M
WHERE  ParentId =" + dataID[1] + " order by Code"));


                    case 4:
//                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"UPDATE       tblPlace
//SET                Name = '" + dataID[1] + @"'
//WHERE        (tblPlaceID = " + dataID[2] + ")"));

                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"UPDATE       tbl_Company
SET                CompanyName = '" + dataID[1] + @"'
WHERE        (CompanyID = " + dataID[2] + ")"));

                    case 5:
                        decimal?tblid   = 0;
                        int?    tblcode = 0;
                        using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext())
                            db.sp_tblPlace_Insert(dataID[1], dataID[2], ref tblid, ref tblcode);
                        string sssssss = Convert.ToString(tblid) + "½" + Convert.ToString(tblcode);

                        context.Response.Write("<p>Contents not available</p>");
                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/HTML";
                    context.Response.Write("<p>Contents not available</p>");
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static string GetUsers()
     return(Fn.Data2Json("SELECT        TblHResources.User_ID, TblHResources.Full_Name, TblHResources.ContactNos, TblHResources.Email, TblHResources.U_Status, " +
                         " User_Groups.User_Group_Name AS UGroup, TblHResources.Designation AS Designations " +
                         "FROM            TblHResources INNER JOIN User_Groups ON TblHResources.UserGroupID = User_Groups.User_Group_Id "));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            MyClass Fn = new MyClass();

            string[] dataID = Fn.CleanSQL(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(context.Request.QueryString["id"])).Split('ǁ');

                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/HTML";
                    switch (Convert.ToInt32(dataID[0]))
                    case 0:
                        using (DBDataContext db = new DBDataContext())
                            if (db.tblElecticityMeters.Where(vv => vv.MeterNo.ToUpper() == dataID[4].ToUpper()).Count() > 0)
                                context.Response.Write("Meter No Already Registered");
                        if (dataID[2] == "WAPDA In")
                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"INSERT INTO dbo.tblElecticityMeter
                            (tbl_Company_LocationID, MeterType,     MeterPlacedAt, MeterNo, MeterReading, OwnerName, OwnerType, Emp_Id, dtDateTime, MultipleFactor)
                            VALUES        ('" + dataID[1] + "','" + dataID[2] + "','" + dataID[3] + "','" + dataID[4] + "','" + dataID[5] + "','" + dataID[6] + "','" + dataID[7] + "','" + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToString(((HttpCookie)HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Emp_Id"]).Value)) + "',GETDATE() , '" + dataID[8] + "')"));
                        else if (dataID[2] == "Main Meter")
                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"INSERT INTO dbo.tblElecticityMeter
                         (tbl_Company_LocationID, MeterType, WapdaMeterID,  MeterPlacedAt, MeterNo, MeterReading, OwnerName, OwnerType, Emp_Id, dtDateTime, MultipleFactor)
                         VALUES        ('" + dataID[1] + "','" + dataID[2] + "','" + dataID[3] + "','" + dataID[4] + "','" + dataID[5] + "','" + dataID[6] + "','" + dataID[7] + "','" + dataID[8] + "','" + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToString(((HttpCookie)HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Emp_Id"]).Value)) + "',GETDATE() , '" + dataID[9] + "')"));
                        else if (dataID[2] == "Sub Meter")
                            context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"INSERT INTO dbo.tblElecticityMeter
                         (tbl_Company_LocationID, MeterType, WapdaMeterID, MainMeterID, MeterPlacedAt, MeterNo, MeterReading, OwnerName, OwnerType, Emp_Id, dtDateTime, MultipleFactor)
                         VALUES        ('" + dataID[1] + "','" + dataID[2] + "','" + dataID[3] + "','" + dataID[4] + "','" + dataID[5] + "','" + dataID[6] + "','" + dataID[7] + "','" + dataID[8] + "','" + dataID[9] + "','" + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToString(((HttpCookie)HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["Emp_Id"]).Value)) + "',GETDATE() , '" + dataID[10] + "')"));

                    case 1:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT  tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo,      tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterType, tblElecticityMeter.OwnerName, tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterReading, tblElecticityMeter.Emp_Id, 
                         tblElecticityMeter.dtDateTime, tbl_Company.CompanyName
FROM            tblElecticityMeter INNER JOIN
                         tbl_Company ON tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID = tbl_Company.CompanyID"));

                    case 2:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"DELETE FROM tblElecticityMeter
WHERE        tblElecticityMeterID = " + dataID[1]));

                    case 3:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT  tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo,      tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterType, tblElecticityMeter.OwnerName, tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterReading, tblElecticityMeter.Emp_Id, 
                         tblElecticityMeter.dtDateTime, tbl_Company.CompanyName
FROM            tblElecticityMeter INNER JOIN
                         tbl_Company ON tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID = tbl_Company.CompanyID where tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID =" + dataID[1]));

                    case 4:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"UPDATE       tblElecticityMeter
                            SET                MeterNo ='" + dataID[1] + "', MeterType ='" + dataID[2] + "', OwnerName ='" + dataID[3] + "', tbl_Company_LocationID ='" + dataID[4] + "', MeterReading ='" + dataID[5] + "' WHERE tblElecticityMeterID=" + dataID[6]));

                    case 5:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblElecticityMeterID, MeterNo
FROM            tblElecticityMeter
WHERE        (tbl_Company_LocationID =" + dataID[1] + ") ORDER BY MeterNo"));

                    case 6:
                        string[] d6  = dataID[3].Split('-');
                        DateTime dt6 = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d6[2]), Convert.ToInt32(d6[1]), Convert.ToInt32(d6[0]));
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"INSERT INTO tblElecticityMeterReading
                         (tblElecticityMeterID, dtDate, reading, OffPeakReading, OnPeakReading)
                        VALUES        ('" + dataID[2] + "','" + dt6 + "','" + dataID[4] + "', '" + dataID[5] + "', '" + dataID[6] + "')"));

                    case 7:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterReadingID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate,103) AS dtDate, tblElecticityMeterReading.reading, tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo
FROM            tblElecticityMeterReading INNER JOIN
                         tblElecticityMeter ON tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterID = tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID ORDER BY tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate , tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo

                    case 8:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"DELETE FROM tblElecticityMeterReading
WHERE        tblElecticityMeterReadingID = " + dataID[1]));

                    case 9:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblGeneratorMaintinanceID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), dtDateTime, 103) AS dtDateTime, MeterReading, HoursValue,Parts, Description, tblGeneratorID
FROM            tblGeneratorMaintinance
WHERE tblGeneratorID=" + dataID[1] + "ORDER BY dtDateTime"));

                    case 10:
                        string[] d10  = dataID[1].Split('-');
                        DateTime dt10 = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(d10[2]), Convert.ToInt32(d10[1]), Convert.ToInt32(d10[0]));

                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Exec(@"INSERT INTO tblGeneratorOnOff
                         (dtDate, DipVlue, MeterReading, OnTime, OffTime, Description, tblGeneratorID)
VALUES        ('" + dt10 + "','" + dataID[5] + "','" + dataID[4] + "','" + d10[2] + '-' + d10[1] + '-' + d10[0] + ' ' + dataID[2] + "','" + d10[2] + '-' + d10[1] + '-' + d10[0] + ' ' + dataID[3] + "','" + dataID[6] + "', " + dataID[7] + ")"));

                    case 11:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblGeneratorID AS ID, ISNULL(Modal,'') +' '+ ISNULL(Brand,'') AS Modal
FROM            tblGenerator
WHERE        LocationID =" + dataID[1]));

                    case 12:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT tblGenerator.tblGeneratorID, tblGenerator.LocationID, tblGenerator.EnterbyEmp, tblGenerator.dtEnteredDate, tblGenerator.Modal, tblGenerator.Brand, tblGenerator.Capacity, tblGenerator.FuleTankSize, 
                         tblGenerator.FuleFilterModal, tblGenerator.OilFilterModal, tblGenerator.WaterFilterModal, tblGenerator.AirFilterModal, tblGenerator.OilQuantity, tblGenerator.coolentQuantity, tblGenerator.ServiceDurationHours, 
                         tblGenerator.MinFuleLevelLiter, tblGenerator.CurrentMeterReading, tblGenerator.GeneratorLifeHours, tbl_Company.CompanyName AS LocationName
FROM            tblGenerator INNER JOIN
                         tbl_Company ON tblGenerator.LocationID = tbl_Company.CompanyID where tblGenerator.tblGeneratorID=" + dataID[1]));

                    case 13:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"Select tblElecticityMeterID , MeterNo  from tblElecticityMeter where tbl_Company_LocationID='" + dataID[1] + "' AND MeterType='WAPDA In'"));

                    case 14:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"Select tblElecticityMeterID , MeterNo  from tblElecticityMeter where tbl_Company_LocationID='" + dataID[1] + "' AND WapdaMeterID='" + dataID[2] + "' AND MeterType='Main Meter'"));

                    case 15:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"Select Distinct MeterPlacedAt  from tblElecticityMeter Where MeterPlacedAt is not NULL AND tbl_Company_LocationID=" + dataID[1]));

                    case 16:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"Select Distinct OwnerName  from tblElecticityMeter Where OwnerName is not NULL AND tbl_Company_LocationID=" + dataID[1]));

                    case 17:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterReadingID, CONVERT(VARCHAR(50), tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate, 103) AS dtDate, tblElecticityMeterReading.reading, tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterID,
                          tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo, ISNULL(tblElecticityMeterReading.OffPeakReading, '0') AS OffPeakReading, ISNULL(tblElecticityMeterReading.OnPeakReading, '0') AS OnPeakReading
FROM            tblElecticityMeterReading INNER JOIN
                         tblElecticityMeter ON tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterID = tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID
WHERE        (tblElecticityMeterReading.tblElecticityMeterID = " + dataID[1] + @") and  (DATEPART(MM,tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate) = " + dataID[2].Split('-')[1] + @") AND (DATEPART(YYYY,tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate) = " + dataID[2].Split('-')[2] + @")  ORDER BY tblElecticityMeterReading.dtDate , tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo"));

                    case 18:
                        context.Response.Write(Fn.Data2Json(@"SELECT        tblElecticityMeter.MeterNo, tblElecticityMeter.tblElecticityMeterID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterType, tblElecticityMeter.OwnerName, tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID, tblElecticityMeter.MeterReading, 
                         tblElecticityMeter.Emp_Id, tblElecticityMeter.dtDateTime, tbl_Company.CompanyName
FROM            tblElecticityMeter INNER JOIN
                         tbl_Company ON tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID = tbl_Company.CompanyID
WHERE        tblElecticityMeter.tbl_Company_LocationID = " + dataID[1]));

                    //                        case 13:

                    //                        case 13:
                        context.Response.Write("<p>Contents not available</p>");
                    context.Response.ContentType = "text/HTML";
                    context.Response.Write("<p>Contents not available</p>");
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static String LocProv()
     return(Fn.Data2Json("SELECT CountryID LocID,LocName FROM TBLCountry  ORDER BY LocName"));