Ejemplo n.º 1
        public HttpResponseMessage PostSubstitutePlayers(string gameId, string teamId, HttpRequestMessage request)
            using (var log = Logger.GetLogger(this, gameId, teamId, nameof(request)))
            //return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotImplemented);


            // Check game exists and belongs to user.
            Game game;
            bool gameExists = TryFindGameForCurrentUser(gameId, out game);
            if (!gameExists)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Game with ID '{gameId}' not found");

            // Check the team exists, belongs to the game and the user is manager of the team.
            var teamService = ServiceFactory.CreateTeamService(game);
            var team = teamService.GetTeam(teamId);
            bool teamFound = team != null && game.Id == team.GameId;
            bool userIsManagerOfTeam = game.CurrentTeamId == teamId;

            if (!teamFound || !userIsManagerOfTeam)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Game with ID '{game.Id}' and/or Team with ID '{teamId}' not found");

            // Parse the request to determine whether it contains two playerIds.
            const string requestBodyInvalidError = "Request body is invalid";
            if (request?.Content == null)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get400BadRequest(requestBodyInvalidError);

            SubstitutePlayersResource substitutePlayersResource;
               var jsonString = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
               substitutePlayersResource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SubstitutePlayersResource>(jsonString.Result);
            catch (Exception exception)
               log.Error($"Error when parsing substitution request: {exception}");
               throw ResponseHelper.Get400BadRequest(requestBodyInvalidError);

            string player2Id = null;
            string player1Id = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(substitutePlayersResource?.Player1)
                && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(substitutePlayersResource.Player2))
               // Extract the playerId from the posted team URI.
               player1Id = LinkHelper.GetIdFromUri(substitutePlayersResource.Player1, @"\/players\/(.*)");

               // Extract the playerId from the posted team URI.
               player2Id = LinkHelper.GetIdFromUri(substitutePlayersResource.Player2, @"\/players\/(.*)");

            // Check if the players exist and belong to the user.
            var playerService = new ServiceFactory().CreatePlayerService(game);
            var player1 = playerService.GetPlayer(player1Id, teamId);
            if (player1 == null || player1.GameId != gameId)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Player with ID '{player1Id}' does not exist in team '{teamId}'");

            var player2 = playerService.GetPlayer(player2Id, teamId);
            if (player2 == null || player2.GameId != gameId)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Player with ID '{player2Id}' does not exist in team '{teamId}'");

            playerService.SubstitutePlayers(player1, player2);

            var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);

            log.ReturnValue = response;
            return response;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage PostTeamToManage(string gameId, string userId, HttpRequestMessage request)
            using (var log = Logger.GetLogger(this, gameId, nameof(request)))

            Game game;
            bool gameBelongsToUser = TryFindGameForCurrentUser(gameId, out game);
            if (!gameBelongsToUser)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Game ID '{gameId}' not found");

            bool userIdIsLoggedInUser = User.Identity.Id.Equals(userId);
            if (!userIdIsLoggedInUser)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"User ID '{userId}' not found");

            const string invalidRequestBodyError = "Invalid request body";
            if (request?.Content == null)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get400BadRequest(invalidRequestBodyError);

            ChosenTeamResource chosenTeamResource;
               var jsonString = request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
               chosenTeamResource = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ChosenTeamResource>(jsonString.Result);
            catch (Exception exception)
               log.Error($"Exception when parsing ChosenTeam request: {exception}");
               throw ResponseHelper.Get400BadRequest(invalidRequestBodyError);

            // Extract the teamId from the posted team URI.
            string chosenTeamId = LinkHelper.GetIdFromUri(chosenTeamResource.ChosenTeam, @"\/teams\/(.*)");

            // Get the team from the database.
            var serviceFactory = new ServiceFactory();
            var teamService = serviceFactory.CreateTeamService(game);
            var chosenTeam = teamService.GetTeam(chosenTeamId);

            // Determine team is found and belongs to current game.
            if (chosenTeam == null || game.Id != chosenTeam.GameId)
               throw ResponseHelper.Get404NotFound($"Team with ID '{chosenTeamResource.ChosenTeam}' not found");

            // Everything is OK, save the team as the current team for the game.
            var gameService = serviceFactory.CreateGameService();
            gameService.AddChosenTeam(gameId, chosenTeam);

            // Return a response containing a location with a link to the game.
            //TODO Deze locatie verwijst niet naar hetgeen daadwerkelijk gecreeerd is, wellicht dat dit een redirect moet worden of zo? maar ik vind het nu wel even best
            var gameLink = UriFactory.GetGameUri(gameId);
            var location = new Uri(gameLink);

            return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created)
               Headers = { Location = location }