Ejemplo n.º 1
        private Dictionary <string, BaseProcessor> InitializeProcessors()
            F2BSection          config     = F2B.Config.Instance;
            ProcessorCollection processors = config.Processors;

            Dictionary <string, BaseProcessor> ret = new Dictionary <string, BaseProcessor>();

            // create processors
            for (int i = 0; i < processors.Count; i++)
                ProcessorElement processor = processors[(int)i];

                // test invalid configuration
                if (processor.Name == null || processor.Name == "")
                    throw new Exception("Undefined processor #" + (processors.Count + 1) + " name");
                if (ret.ContainsKey(processor.Name))
                    throw new Exception("Duplicate processor name: " + processor.Name);

                // add reference to next processor name
                if (i < processors.Count - 1)
                    string nextName = processors[(int)(i + 1)].Name;
                    if (processor.Goto.Next == string.Empty)
                        processor.Goto.Next = nextName;
                    if (processor.Goto.Error == string.Empty)
                        if (processor.Goto.OnErrorNext)
                            processor.Goto.Error = nextName;
                            processor.Goto.Error = null;
                    if (processor.Goto.Success == string.Empty)
                        processor.Goto.Success = nextName;
                    if (processor.Goto.Failure == string.Empty)
                        processor.Goto.Failure = nextName;

                // create processor
                string clazzName = "F2B.processors." + processor.Type + "Processor";
                Type   clazzType = Type.GetType(clazzName); // + "`1[F2B.ProcessorElement]");

                if (clazzType == null)
                    Log.Error("processor[" + processor.Name + "@" + processor.Type
                              + "]: unable to resolve class \"" + clazzName + "\"");
                else if (clazzType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BoolProcessor)))
                    Log.Info("processor[" + processor.Name + "@" + processor.Type
                             + "]: next->" + processor.Goto.Next
                             + ", error->" + processor.Goto.Error
                             + ", success->" + processor.Goto.Success
                             + ", failure->" + processor.Goto.Failure);
                    Log.Info("processor[" + processor.Name + "@" + processor.Type
                             + "]: next->" + processor.Goto.Next
                             + ", error->" + processor.Goto.Error);

                //ConstructorInfo ctor = clazzType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(ProcessorElement), typeof(Action<EventEntry, string, bool>) });
                //ret[processor.Name] = (BaseProcessor)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { processor, Delegate.CreateDelegate(GetType(), this, "Produce") });
                ConstructorInfo ctor = clazzType.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(ProcessorElement), GetType() });
                ret[processor.Name] = (BaseProcessor)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { processor, this });

Ejemplo n.º 2
        private Dictionary <string, BaseInput> InitializeInputs(EventQueue queue)
            F2BSection          config     = F2B.Config.Instance;
            InputCollection     inputs     = config.Inputs;
            SelectorCollection  selectors  = config.Selectors;
            ProcessorCollection processors = config.Processors;

            string firstProcName = null;

            if (processors.Count > 0)
                firstProcName = processors[0].Name;

            Dictionary <string, BaseInput> ret = new Dictionary <string, BaseInput>();

            // create log data sources and selectors
            foreach (InputElement input in inputs)
                Log.Info("input[" + input.Name + "]");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input.Name))
                    Log.Warn("input[" + input.Name + "] undefined input name");

                foreach (SelectorElement selector in selectors)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selector.InputName) && selector.InputName != input.Name)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selector.InputType) && selector.InputType != input.Type)

                    // create input
                    string clazzName = "F2B.inputs." + input.Type + "Input";
                    Type   clazzType = Type.GetType(clazzName);

                    if (clazzType == null)
                        Log.Error("input[" + input.Name + "]/selector[" + selector.Name
                                  + "]: unable to resolve class \"" + clazzName + "\"");
                        Log.Info("input[" + input.Name + "]/selector[" + selector.Name
                                 + "]: creating new " + clazzName + " input");

                    ConstructorInfo ctor = clazzType.GetConstructor(
                        new[] { typeof(InputElement), typeof(SelectorElement), typeof(EventQueue) });
                    BaseInput logInput = (BaseInput)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { input, selector, queue });
                    ret[input.Name + "/" + selector.Name] = logInput;
