public ThirdGenLanguageGlobals(ThirdGenCacheFile cacheFile, StructureValueCollection values, IndexOffsetConverter converter, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     _cacheFile = cacheFile;
     _converter = converter;
     _languages = LoadLanguages(values, converter, buildInfo);
     _alignment = buildInfo.LocaleAlignment;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public ThirdGenLanguage(ThirdGenLanguageGlobals languageGlobals, StructureValueCollection values, IndexOffsetConverter converter, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     _languageGlobals = languageGlobals;
     _pointerLayout = buildInfo.GetLayout("locale index table entry");
     _encryptionKey = buildInfo.LocaleKey;
     _symbols = buildInfo.LocaleSymbols;
     _converter = converter;
     _pageSize = buildInfo.LocaleAlignment;
     Load(values, converter);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public MetaInformation(BuildInformation buildInfo, TagEntry tag, ICacheFile cache)

            lblTagName.Text = tag.TagFileName != null ?
                tag.TagFileName :
                "0x" + tag.RawTag.Index.Value.ToString("X");

            lblDatum.Text = string.Format("Datum Index: {0}", tag.RawTag.Index);
            lblAddress.Text = string.Format("Memory Address: 0x{0:X8}", tag.RawTag.MetaLocation.AsAddress());
            lblOffset.Text = string.Format("File Offset: 0x{0:X}", tag.RawTag.MetaLocation.AsOffset());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void Load(IReader reader, StructureValueCollection values, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, IStringIDSource stringIDs, ExpressionTable expressions, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            Name = stringIDs.GetString(new StringID((int)values.GetNumber("name index")));
            ExecutionType = (short)values.GetNumber("execution type");
            ReturnType = (short)values.GetNumber("return type");
            DatumIndex rootExpr = new DatumIndex(values.GetNumber("first expression index"));
            if (rootExpr.IsValid)
                RootExpression = expressions.FindExpression(rootExpr);
            if (Name == null)
                Name = "script_" + rootExpr.Value.ToString("X8");

            Parameters = LoadParameters(reader, values, addrConverter, buildInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void Load(IReader reader, StructureValueCollection values, MetaAddressConverter converter, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            if (values.GetNumber("magic") != CharConstant.FromString("tags"))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid index table header magic");

            // Classes
            int numClasses = (int)values.GetNumber("number of classes");
            Pointer classTableLocation = new Pointer(values.GetNumber("class table address"), converter);
            _classes = ReadClasses(reader, classTableLocation, numClasses, buildInfo);

            // Tags
            int numTags = (int)values.GetNumber("number of tags");
            Pointer tagTableLocation = new Pointer(values.GetNumber("tag table address"), converter);
            _tags = ReadTags(reader, tagTableLocation, numTags, buildInfo, converter);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private IList<IScriptParameter> LoadParameters(IReader reader, StructureValueCollection values, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            int paramCount = (int)values.GetNumber("number of parameters");
            Pointer paramListLocation = new Pointer(values.GetNumber("address of parameter list"), addrConverter);

            StructureLayout layout = buildInfo.GetLayout("script parameter entry");
            List<IScriptParameter> result = new List<IScriptParameter>();

            for (int i = 0; i < paramCount; i++)
                StructureValueCollection paramValues = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, layout);
                result.Add(new ThirdGenScriptParameter(paramValues));
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private void Load(StructureValueCollection values, IReader reader, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, IStringIDSource stringIDs, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            StringTableReader stringReader = new StringTableReader();
            ScriptExpressions = LoadScriptExpressions(values, reader, addrConverter, stringReader, buildInfo.GetLayout("script expression entry"));
            ScriptObjects = LoadScriptObjects(values, reader, addrConverter, stringIDs, buildInfo.GetLayout("script object entry"));
            ScriptGlobals = LoadScriptGlobals(values, reader, addrConverter, ScriptExpressions, buildInfo.GetLayout("script global entry"));
            Scripts = LoadScripts(values, reader, addrConverter, stringIDs, ScriptExpressions, buildInfo.GetLayout("script entry"), buildInfo);

            CachedStringTable strings = LoadStrings(values, reader, stringReader, addrConverter);
            foreach (IExpression expr in ScriptExpressions)
                // FIXME: hax
                if (expr != null)
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public PluginEditor(BuildInformation buildInfo, TagEntry tag, MetaContainer parent, MetaEditor sibling)

            txtPlugin.TextArea.TextEntered += PluginTextEntered;

            _parent = parent;
            _sibling = sibling;


            Settings.SettingsChanged += Settings_SettingsChanged;

            string className = VariousFunctions.SterilizeTagClassName(CharConstant.ToString(tag.RawTag.Class.Magic));
            _pluginPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}.xml", VariousFunctions.GetApplicationLocation() + @"Plugins", buildInfo.PluginFolder, className);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public MetaContainer(BuildInformation buildInfo, TagEntry tag, TagHierarchy tags, ICacheFile cache, IStreamManager streamManager)

            _tag = tag;
            _buildInfo = buildInfo;
            _cache = cache;

            tbMetaEditors.SelectedIndex = (int)Settings.halomapLastSelectedMetaEditor;

            // Create Meta Information Tab
            MetaInformation metaInformation = new MetaInformation(_buildInfo, _tag, _cache);
            tabTagInfo.Content = metaInformation;

            // Create Meta Editor Tab
            MetaEditor metaEditor = new MetaEditor(_buildInfo, _tag, tags, _cache, streamManager);
            tabMetaEditor.Content = metaEditor;

            // Create Plugin Editor Tab
            PluginEditor pluginEditor = new PluginEditor(_buildInfo, _tag, this, metaEditor);
            tabPluginEditor.Content = pluginEditor;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public MetaEditor(BuildInformation buildInfo, TagEntry tag, TagHierarchy tags, ICacheFile cache, IStreamManager streamManager)

            _tag = tag;
            _tags = tags;
            _buildInfo = buildInfo;
            _cache = cache;
            _streamManager = streamManager;
            _searchTimer = new Timer(SearchTimer);

            // Load Plugin Path
            string className = VariousFunctions.SterilizeTagClassName(CharConstant.ToString(tag.RawTag.Class.Magic));
            _pluginPath = string.Format("{0}\\{1}\\{2}.xml", VariousFunctions.GetApplicationLocation() + @"Plugins", _buildInfo.PluginFolder, className);

            // Set Invisibility box
            cbShowInvisibles.IsChecked = Settings.pluginsShowInvisibles;

            // Load Meta

            // Set init finished
            hasInitFinished = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public ThirdGenScenarioMeta(StructureValueCollection values, IReader reader, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, IStringIDSource stringIDs, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     Load(values, reader, addrConverter, stringIDs, buildInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private List<IScript> LoadScripts(StructureValueCollection values, IReader reader, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, IStringIDSource stringIDs, ExpressionTable expressions, StructureLayout entryLayout, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            int script = (int)values.GetNumber("number of scripts");
            ScriptsLocation = new Pointer(values.GetNumber("script table address"), addrConverter);

            // Read all of the script entries first, then go back and create the objects
            // ThirdGenScript reads parameters from its constructor - this may or may not need cleaning up to make this more obvious
            List<StructureValueCollection> scriptData = new List<StructureValueCollection>();
            for (int i = 0; i < script; i++)
                scriptData.Add(StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, entryLayout));

            List<IScript> result = new List<IScript>();
            foreach (StructureValueCollection scriptValues in scriptData)
                result.Add(new ThirdGenScript(reader, scriptValues, addrConverter, stringIDs, expressions, buildInfo));
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public ThirdGenCacheFile(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo, string buildString)
     _buildInfo = buildInfo;
     Load(reader, buildInfo, buildString);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 private ThirdGenTagTable LoadTags(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     StructureValueCollection values = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, buildInfo.GetLayout("index header"));
     return new ThirdGenTagTable(reader, values, _header.MetaPointerConverter, buildInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public ThirdGenHeader(StructureValueCollection values, BuildInformation info, string buildString)
     BuildString = buildString;
     HeaderSize = info.HeaderSize;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public ThirdGenFileNameSource(IReader reader, int count, int tableSize, Pointer indexTableLocation, Pointer dataLocation, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     _strings = new ThirdGenStringTable(reader, count, tableSize, indexTableLocation, dataLocation, buildInfo.FileNameKey);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private ThirdGenHeader LoadHeader(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo, string buildString)
     StructureValueCollection values = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, buildInfo.GetLayout("header"));
     return new ThirdGenHeader(values, buildInfo, buildString);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private ThirdGenFileNameSource LoadFileNames(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     return new ThirdGenFileNameSource(reader, _header.FileNameCount, _header.FileNameTableSize, _header.FileNameIndexTableLocation, _header.FileNameDataLocation, buildInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void Load(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo, string buildString)
            _header = LoadHeader(reader, buildInfo, buildString);
            _fileNames = LoadFileNames(reader, buildInfo);
            _stringIds = LoadStringIDs(reader, buildInfo);
            _tags = LoadTags(reader, buildInfo);
            _languageInfo = LoadLanguageGlobals(reader, buildInfo);
            _scenario = LoadScenario(reader, buildInfo);
            _localeGroups = LoadLocaleGroups(reader, buildInfo);

Ejemplo n.º 20
 private void FindLanguageTable(BuildInformation buildInfo, out ITag tag, out StructureLayout layout)
     // Check for a PATG tag, and if one isn't found, then use MATG
     tag = null;
     layout = null;
     if (buildInfo.HasLayout("patg"))
         tag = FindTagByClass(PatgMagic);
         layout = buildInfo.GetLayout("patg");
     if (tag == null)
         tag = FindTagByClass(MatgMagic);
         layout = buildInfo.GetLayout("matg");
     if (tag == null || layout == null)
         throw new InvalidOperationException("The cache file is missing locale information.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void InitalizeMap()
            _mapManager = new FileStreamManager(_cacheLocation);
            using (Stream fileStream = _mapManager.OpenRead())
                EndianReader reader = new EndianReader(fileStream, Endian.BigEndian);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { StatusUpdater.Update("Opened File"); }));

                _version = new ThirdGenVersionInfo(reader);
                _supportedBuilds = XDocument.Load(VariousFunctions.GetApplicationLocation() + @"Formats\SupportedBuilds.xml");
                _layoutLoader = new BuildInfoLoader(_supportedBuilds, VariousFunctions.GetApplicationLocation() + @"Formats\");
                _buildInfo = _layoutLoader.LoadBuild(_version.BuildString);

                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { StatusUpdater.Update("Loaded Build Definitions"); }));

                if (_buildInfo == null)
                    Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                            if (!_0xabad1dea.IWff.Heman(reader))
                                StatusUpdater.Update("Not a supported cache build");
                                MetroMessageBox.Show("Unable to open cache file", "Unsupported blam engine build \"" + _version.BuildString + "\". Why not add support in the 'Formats' folder?");

                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                    if (Settings.startpageHideOnLaunch)

                // Load the cache file
                _cacheFile = new ThirdGenCacheFile(reader, _buildInfo, _version.BuildString);
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { StatusUpdater.Update("Loaded Cache File"); }));

                // Add to Recents
                Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate
                    RecentFiles.AddNewEntry(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(_cacheLocation), _cacheLocation, _buildInfo.ShortName, Settings.RecentFileType.Cache);
                    StatusUpdater.Update("Added To Recents");

Ejemplo n.º 22
        private static void LoadAllLocaleSymbols(XDocument localeSymbolDocument, BuildInformation info)
            // Make sure there is a root <symbols> tag
            XContainer localeSymbolContainer = localeSymbolDocument.Element("symbols");
            if (localeSymbolContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid symbols document");

            // Symbol tags have the format:
            // <symbol code="0x(the byte array)" display="(Friendly Name)" />
            foreach (XElement symbol in localeSymbolContainer.Elements("symbol"))
                XAttribute codeAttrib = symbol.Attribute("code");
                XAttribute displayAttrib = symbol.Attribute("display");
                if (codeAttrib == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Symbol tags must have a \"code\" attribute");
                if (displayAttrib == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Symbol tags must have a \"display\" attribute");

                // Convert code to int
                codeAttrib.Value = codeAttrib.Value.Replace("0x","");
                byte[] code = FunctionHelpers.HexStringToBytes(codeAttrib.Value);
                string codeString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(code);
                char codeChar = codeString[0];

                info.LocaleSymbols.AddSymbol(codeChar, displayAttrib.Value);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private ThirdGenLanguageGlobals LoadLanguageGlobals(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            // Find the language data
            ITag languageTag;
            StructureLayout tagLayout;
            FindLanguageTable(buildInfo, out languageTag, out tagLayout);

            // Read it
            StructureValueCollection values = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, tagLayout);
            ThirdGenLanguageGlobals result = new ThirdGenLanguageGlobals(this, values, _header.LocalePointerConverter, buildInfo);

            // If the locale data offset/size is 0, then calculate them
            if (_header.LocaleDataLocation.AsOffset() == 0 && result.Languages.Count > 0)
                _header.LocaleDataLocation = result.Languages[0].LocaleIndexTableLocation;

            if (_header.LocaleDataSize == 0 && result.Languages.Count > 0)
                ThirdGenLanguage first = result.Languages[0];
                ThirdGenLanguage last = result.Languages[result.Languages.Count - 1];
                int size = (int)(last.LocaleDataLocation.AsOffset() + last.LocaleTableSize - first.LocaleIndexTableLocation.AsOffset());
                _header.LocaleDataSize = (size + buildInfo.LocaleAlignment - 1) & ~(buildInfo.LocaleAlignment - 1);

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public ThirdGenScript(IReader reader, StructureValueCollection values, MetaAddressConverter addrConverter, IStringIDSource stringIDs, ExpressionTable expressions, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     Load(reader, values, addrConverter, stringIDs, expressions, buildInfo);
        private List<ThirdGenLanguage> LoadLanguages(StructureValueCollection values, IndexOffsetConverter converter, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            StructureValueCollection[] languageSet = values.GetArray("languages");

            var result = from language in languageSet
                         select new ThirdGenLanguage(this, language, converter, buildInfo);
            return result.ToList<ThirdGenLanguage>();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private List<ILocaleGroup> LoadLocaleGroups(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            List<ILocaleGroup> result = new List<ILocaleGroup>();

            // Locale groups are stored in unic tags
            StructureLayout layout = buildInfo.GetLayout("unic");
            foreach (ITag tag in _tags.Tags)
                if (tag != null && tag.Class != null && tag.Class.Magic == UnicMagic && tag.MetaLocation.AsAddress() > 0)
                    StructureValueCollection values = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, layout);
                    result.Add(new ThirdGenLocaleGroup(values, tag.Index));

            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the structure layouts defined in an XML document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layoutDocument">The XML document containing the structure layouts.</param>
        /// <param name="info">The BuildInformation object to add the layout to.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the XML document contains invalid layout information.</exception>
        private static void LoadAllLayouts(XDocument layoutDocument, BuildInformation info)
            // Make sure there is a root <layouts> tag
            XContainer layoutContainer = layoutDocument.Element("layouts");
            if (layoutContainer == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid layout document");

            // Layout tags have the format:
            // <layout for="(layout's purpose)">(structure fields)</layout>
            foreach (XElement layout in layoutContainer.Elements("layout"))
                XAttribute forAttrib = layout.Attribute("for");
                if (forAttrib == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Layout tags must have a \"for\" attribute");
                info.AddLayout(forAttrib.Value, XMLLayoutLoader.LoadLayout(layout));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private ThirdGenScenarioMeta LoadScenario(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
            if (!buildInfo.HasLayout("scnr"))
                return null;
            ITag scnr = FindTagByClass(ScnrMagic);
            if (scnr == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The cache file is missing a scnr tag.");

            StructureValueCollection values = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, buildInfo.GetLayout("scnr"));
            return new ThirdGenScenarioMeta(values, reader, _header.MetaPointerConverter, _stringIds, buildInfo);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads all of the structure layouts defined for a specified build.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buildName">The build version to load structure layouts for.</param>
        /// <returns>The build's information.</returns>
        public BuildInformation LoadBuild(string buildName)
            // Build tags have the format:
            // <build name="(name of this build of the engine)"
            //        version="(build version string)"
            //        localeKey="(key used to decrypt the locales)" // Optional
            //        requiresTaglist="bool indication if the build requires a taglist)" // Optional
            //        headerSize="(size of the header, in hex)"
            //        filename="(filename containing layouts)" />
            // Just find the first build tag whose version matches and load its file.
            XElement buildElement = _builds.Elements("build").FirstOrDefault(e => e.Attribute("version") != null && e.Attribute("version").Value == buildName);
            if (buildElement == null)
                return null;
            XAttribute gameNameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("name");
            XAttribute localeKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeKey");
            XAttribute stringidKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidKey");
            XAttribute stringidModifiersAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidModifiers"); // NOTE: Deprecated - use stringidDefinitions instead!
            XAttribute stringidDefinitionsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("stringidDefinitions");
            XAttribute filenameKeyAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("filenameKey");
            XAttribute headerSizeAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("headerSize");
            XAttribute loadStringsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("loadStrings");
            XAttribute shortNameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("shortName");
            XAttribute filenameAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("filename");
            XAttribute localeSymbolsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeSymbols");
            XAttribute pluginFolderAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("pluginFolder");
            XAttribute scriptDefinitionsAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("scriptDefinitions");
            XAttribute localeAlignmentAttrib = buildElement.Attribute("localeAlignment");
            if (gameNameAttrib == null || filenameAttrib == null || headerSizeAttrib == null || shortNameAttrib == null || pluginFolderAttrib == null)
                return null;

            bool loadStrings = true;
            string localeKey = null;
            string stringidKey = null;
            string filenameKey = null;
            string localeSymbols = null;
            string scriptOpcodes = null;
            int localeAlignment = 0x1000;
            int headerSize = ParseNumber(headerSizeAttrib.Value);

            if (filenameKeyAttrib != null)
                filenameKey = filenameKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (localeSymbolsAttrib != null)
                localeSymbols = localeSymbolsAttrib.Value;
            if (stringidKeyAttrib != null)
                stringidKey = stringidKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (localeKeyAttrib != null)
                localeKey = localeKeyAttrib.Value;
            if (loadStringsAttrib != null)
                loadStrings = Convert.ToBoolean(loadStringsAttrib.Value);
            if (scriptDefinitionsAttrib != null)
                scriptOpcodes = _basePath + @"Scripting\" + scriptDefinitionsAttrib.Value;
            if (localeAlignmentAttrib != null)
                localeAlignment = ParseNumber(localeAlignmentAttrib.Value);

            // StringID Modifers, this is a bitch
            IStringIDResolver stringIdResolver = null;
            if (stringidModifiersAttrib != null)
                StringIDModifierResolver modifierResolver = new StringIDModifierResolver();
                stringIdResolver = modifierResolver;

                string[] sets = stringidModifiersAttrib.Value.Split('|');
                foreach (string set in sets)
                    string[] parts = set.Split(',');
                     * Identifier
                     * Modifier
                     * MathSymbol (+/-)
                     * Direction (>/<)

                    int identifier = int.Parse(parts[0].Replace("0x", ""), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                    int modifier = int.Parse(parts[1].Replace("0x", ""), NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                    bool isAddition = parts[2] == "+";
                    bool isGreaterThan = parts[3] == ">";

                    modifierResolver.AddModifier(identifier, modifier, isGreaterThan, isAddition);
            else if (stringidDefinitionsAttrib != null)
                StringIDSetResolver setResolver = new StringIDSetResolver();
                stringIdResolver = setResolver;

                XDocument stringIdDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + @"StringIDs\" + stringidDefinitionsAttrib.Value);
                StringIDSetLoader.LoadAllStringIDSets(stringIdDocument, setResolver);
                // Use a blank modifier
                stringIdResolver = new StringIDModifierResolver();

            BuildInformation info = new BuildInformation(gameNameAttrib.Value, localeKey, stringidKey, stringIdResolver, filenameKey, headerSize, loadStrings, filenameAttrib.Value, shortNameAttrib.Value, pluginFolderAttrib.Value, scriptOpcodes, localeAlignment);
            XDocument layoutDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + filenameAttrib.Value);
            LoadAllLayouts(layoutDocument, info);

            if (localeSymbols != null)
                XDocument localeSymbolDocument = XDocument.Load(_basePath + @"LocaleSymbols\" + localeSymbols);
                LoadAllLocaleSymbols(localeSymbolDocument, info);

            return info;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 private ThirdGenStringIDSource LoadStringIDs(IReader reader, BuildInformation buildInfo)
     return new ThirdGenStringIDSource(reader, _header.StringIDCount, _header.StringIDTableSize, _header.StringIDIndexTableLocation, _header.StringIDDataLocation, buildInfo);