public void Setup()
     this.person1  = new Person(100, "Pesho");
     this.person2  = new Person(101, "Gosho");
     this.person3  = new Person(102, "Shepo");
     this.database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(this.person1, this.person2);
        public void Test_Add_Range_Exception_With_Empty_People()
            Person[] people = new Person[17];

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                                              this.database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(people));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void AddCommand_ThrowsException_WhenUserIDExists()
            database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase();
            database.Add(new Person(1, "Username"));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => database.Add(new Person(1, "Username2")));
 public void Setup()
     this.firstPerson  = new Person(123456, "Ivan");
     this.secondPerson = new Person(654321, "Pesho");
     this.thirdPerson  = new Person(12312300, "Gosho");
     this.database     = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(firstPerson, secondPerson, thirdPerson);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void Test_Added_Range_Length_Is_Not_Correctly()
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
         database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);
        public void Test_Add_Null_People()
            Person[] people = new Person[5];

            Assert.Throws <NullReferenceException>(() =>
                                                   this.database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(people));
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void RemoveOperationShouldRemoveLastElement()
        const long   lastPersonId       = 13579;
        const string lastPersonUsername = "******";
        const int    expectedCount      = 2;
        List <Person> persons = new List <Person>()
            new Person(12345, "Ivan"),
            new Person(67890, "Asen"),
            new Person(13579, "Gosho")

        ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons.ToArray());


        int actualCount = database.Count;

        Assert.AreEqual(expectedCount, actualCount);
        Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => database.FindById(lastPersonId));
        Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => database.FindByUsername(lastPersonUsername));
 public void AddValidPersonToFullDbShouldThrowException()
     Person p1  = new Person(1, "a1");
     Person p2  = new Person(2, "a2");
     Person p3  = new Person(3, "a3");
     Person p4  = new Person(4, "a4");
     Person p5  = new Person(5, "a5");
     Person p6  = new Person(6, "a6");
     Person p7  = new Person(7, "a7");
     Person p8  = new Person(8, "a8");
     Person p9  = new Person(9, "a9");
     Person p10 = new Person(10, "a10");
     Person p11 = new Person(11, "a11");
     Person p12 = new Person(12, "a12");
     Person p13 = new Person(13, "a13");
     Person p14 = new Person(14, "a14");
     Person p15 = new Person(15, "a15");
     Person p16 = new Person(16, "a16");
     db = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(new Person[16] {
         p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16
     Assert.That(() => db.Add(new Person(14213, "yett")), Throws.InvalidOperationException, "Added person to full db.");
 public void Setup()
     this.peopleArr = new Person[2] {
         firstPerson, secondPerson
     this.extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(this.peopleArr);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Setup()
     this.personOne   = new Person(100, "Pesho");
     this.personTwo   = new Person(101, "Gosho");
     this.personThree = new Person(102, "Ljubo");
     this.database    = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(this.personOne, this.personTwo);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void FindByUsernameNegativeArgumentShouldThrow()
            var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho };
            var db      = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);

            Assert.That(() => db.FindById(-5), Throws.Exception);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void FindByUsernameIsCaseSensitive()
            var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho };
            var db      = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);

            Assert.That(() => db.FindByUsername("GOSHO"), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void FindByIdNonExistingPersonShouldThrow()
            var persons = new Person[] { pesho, gosho };
            var db      = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);

            Assert.That(() => db.FindById(123456789), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
        [Test] // Test Ctor.
        public void CreatedEmtyDatabase()
            int expected = 1;

            this.exDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(new Person(1, "A"));
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, this.exDatabase.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void RemoveEmptyCollectionShouldThrow()
            var persons = new Person[] { };
            var db      = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);

            Assert.That(() => db.Remove(), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public void Setup()
     this.users = new Person[2] {
         new Person(1, "Pesho"), new Person(2, "Gosho")
     this.database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(users);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void AddRangeShouldThrowExceptionWhenDatabaseIsFull()
            Person[] data = new Person[] {
                new Person(1, "a"),
                new Person(2, "b"),
                new Person(3, "c"),
                new Person(4, "d"),
                new Person(5, "e"),
                new Person(6, "f"),
                new Person(7, "g"),
                new Person(8, "h"),
                new Person(9, "i"),
                new Person(10, "j"),
                new Person(11, "k"),
                new Person(12, "l"),
                new Person(13, "m"),
                new Person(14, "n"),
                new Person(15, "o"),
                new Person(16, "p"),
            var newDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(data);

            Assert.That(() => newDatabase.Add(this.person),
                        .EqualTo("Array's capacity must be exactly 16 integers!"));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void Setup()
     this.person100 = new Person(100, "Name_100");
     this.person101 = new Person(101, "Name_101");
     this.person102 = new Person(102, "Name_102");
     this.database  = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(this.person100, this.person101);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ConstructorShouldThrowExIfThereAreSameIDs()
            Person person  = new Person(17, "Gary");
            Person person2 = new Person(17, "Lary");

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(person, person2));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void CheckAddMethodThrowExceptionIfCapacityIsFull()
            var persons = new Person[]
                new Person(01, "X"),
                new Person(02, "A"),
                new Person(03, "B"),
                new Person(04, "C"),
                new Person(05, "D"),
                new Person(06, "E"),
                new Person(07, "F"),
                new Person(08, "G"),
                new Person(09, "H"),
                new Person(10, "I"),
                new Person(11, "J"),
                new Person(12, "K"),
                new Person(13, "L"),
                new Person(14, "M"),
                new Person(15, "N"),
                new Person(16, "O"),

            extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase(persons);
            var persom = new Person(1, "Z");

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() =>
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void CheckConstructorAddRangeThrowsException()
            var persons = new Person[]
                new Person(01, "X"),
                new Person(02, "A"),
                new Person(03, "B"),
                new Person(04, "C"),
                new Person(05, "D"),
                new Person(06, "E"),
                new Person(07, "F"),
                new Person(08, "G"),
                new Person(09, "H"),
                new Person(10, "I"),
                new Person(11, "J"),
                new Person(12, "K"),
                new Person(13, "L"),
                new Person(14, "M"),
                new Person(15, "N"),
                new Person(16, "O"),
                new Person(17, "P"),

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
                                              { extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase(persons); });
        public void Setup()
            this.first  = new Person(1234, "Misheto");
            this.second = new Person(5678, "Plamen");

            this.extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(new Person[] { this.first, this.second });
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public void Setup()
     this.person = new Person(1, "gosho");
     Person[] persons = new Person[1] {
     this.database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void RemoveThrowsExceptionIfNoPeople()
     database = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase();
     Assert.That(() => database.Remove(), //Act
                 Throws.InstanceOf <InvalidOperationException>());
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void ConstructorExtendedDBShouldInitializeCollection()
            var expected = new Person[] { pesho, gosho };

            var db = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(expected);

Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void FindByIdDoesntContainsId()

            ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(people);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => extendedDatabase.FindById(100));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public void AddSameIdShouldThrow()
            var persons   = new Person[] { pesho, gosho };
            var db        = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(persons);
            var newPerson = new Person(11223344, "Stamat");

            Assert.That(() => db.Add(newPerson), Throws.InvalidOperationException);
 public void ConstructorShouldThrowExceptionIfMoreThan16People()
     this.peopleArr = new Person[17];
     Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() =>
         this.extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(this.peopleArr);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void FindByIdTakesNegativeId()

            ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(people);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => extendedDatabase.FindById(-1));
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void FindByUsernameTakesNullOrEmptyName(string name)

            ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase extendedDatabase = new ExtendedDatabase.ExtendedDatabase(people);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => extendedDatabase.FindByUsername(name));