public static void DetermineIfBusShouldDepart(ref bool __result, ushort vehicleID, ref Vehicle vehicleData)
      * After reconsidering how everything works, I've decided to make use of
      * one large static dictionary to store info of alight+board for each bus UID.
      * Previously it was found that simply reading the vehicle info is not enough to
      * determine alight+board count because alighting uses another variable.
      * Eventually I made use of two Harmony patches to read the alight+board info
      * and write it to the static dictionary.
      * The logic is now sth like this:
      * When bus arrives at stop:
      * Write down alighting+boarding count
      * Determine if the bus can leave now given the alighting, boarding, and n-th stop info
      * It is also determined that storing stop UID is not necessary because
      * each bus can only stop at one stop at any given point in time.
      * Stopping at a new stop will simply invalidate the previous stop info.
      * This entire system has a nice property that no save-file access is needed.
     if (DepartureChecker.NowIsEligibleForInstantDeparture(vehicleID, ref vehicleData))
         // midway bus stop; implement logic here
         VehicleBAInfo info = GetInfoForBus(vehicleID);
         if (info != null && info.Alighted + info.ActualBoarded == 0)
             // this bus did not get any alight or board
             // then depart now
             __result = true;
         else if (vehicleData.m_waitCounter >= 12 && ReversePatch_VehicleAI_CanLeave.BaseVehicleAI_CanLeave(null, vehicleID, ref vehicleData))
             // this bus has alight+board but has waited enough to qualify departure AND all citizens are boarded
             // then depart now
             // (the "all citizens boarded" part is more obvious when e.g. Realistic Walking Speed mod is used)
             __result = true;
     if (__result == false && vehicleData.m_waitCounter > 12 && !ReversePatch_VehicleAI_CanLeave.BaseVehicleAI_CanLeave(null, vehicleID, ref vehicleData))
         // I can't depart because some CIMs have reserved us but run away.
         // We should correct those bugged CIMs.
         if (vehicleData.m_waitCounter % 4 == 0)
             // Don't check too frequently to reduce CPU stress.
             CitizenRunawayTable.FixInvalidPublicTransitPassengers(vehicleID, ref vehicleData);
        public static VehicleBAInfo GetInfoForBus(ushort vehicleID, bool ensureExists = false)
            VehicleBAInfo targetInfo;

            if (busPickDropTable.TryGetValue(vehicleID, out targetInfo))
                if (ensureExists)
                    targetInfo = new VehicleBAInfo();
                    busPickDropTable[vehicleID] = targetInfo;