private bool TryMove(int newX, int newY, World world, bool teleport = false)
			if (!world.ValidBlock(newX, newY))
				return false;

			Tuple<int, int> acres = world.ConvertToAcre(newX, newY);
			ExplorerConstants.Items.IDS newBlockItem = world.GetTopObject(newX, newY);
			ItemBlueprint newBlockInfo = ExplorerConstants.Items.AllBlueprints[newBlockItem];

			//First, go ahead and just get the item if we have autopickup turned on
			if (newBlockInfo.CanAutoPickup && GetOption(PlayerOptions.Autopickup) && !world.InLockedArea(LockID, acres.Item1, acres.Item2) &&
            newBlockInfo.StaminaRequired <= stamina && world.PickupObject(newX, newY))

			//If we still can't occupy the space, we need to stop
			if (!world.PlayerCanPass(newX, newY) && !(newBlockItem == ExplorerConstants.Items.IDS.Gate &&
				world.GetOwner(acres.Item1, acres.Item2) == playerID))
				return false;
			if (!teleport && stamina < newBlockInfo.StaminaRequired)
				return false;

			BlockX = newX;
			BlockY = newY;

			//Assume we moved one space
			if (!teleport)
				stamina -= newBlockInfo.StaminaRequired;

			if(world.SetExplorer(playerID, acres.Item1, acres.Item2))

			return true;