Ejemplo n.º 1
    ///  <summary>
    ///  Creates a room but fails if this room is existing already. Can only be called on Master Server.
    ///  </summary>
    ///  <remarks>
    ///  When successful, this calls the callbacks OnCreatedRoom and OnJoinedRoom (the latter, cause you join as first player).
    ///  If the room can't be created (because it exists already), OnPhotonCreateRoomFailed gets called.
    ///  If you don't want to create a unique room-name, pass null or "" as name and the server will assign a roomName (a GUID as string).
    ///  Rooms can be created in any number of lobbies. Those don't have to exist before you create a room in them (they get
    ///  auto-created on demand). Lobbies can be useful to split room lists on the server-side already. That can help keep the room
    ///  lists short and manageable.
    ///  If you set a typedLobby parameter, the room will be created in that lobby (no matter if you are active in any).
    ///  If you don't set a typedLobby, the room is automatically placed in the currently active lobby (if any) or the
    ///  default-lobby.
    ///  Call this only on the master server.
    ///  Internally, the master will respond with a server-address (and roomName, if needed). Both are used internally
    ///  to switch to the assigned game server and roomName.
    ///  PhotonNetwork.autoCleanUpPlayerObjects will become this room's autoCleanUp property and that's used by all clients that join this room.
    ///  </remarks>
    /// <param name="roomName">Unique name of the room to create. Pass null or "" to make the server generate a name.</param>
    /// <param name="roomOptions">Common options for the room like maxPlayers, initial custom room properties and similar. See RoomOptions type..</param>
    /// <param name="typedLobby">If null, the room is automatically created in the currently used lobby (which is "default" when you didn't join one explicitly).</param>
    /// <param name="expectedUsers"></param>
    private static bool CreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby, string[] expectedUsers)
        if (offlineMode)
            if (offlineModeRoom != null)
                Debug.LogError("CreateRoom failed. In offline mode you still have to leave a room to enter another.");
                return false;
            EnterOfflineRoom(roomName, roomOptions, true);
            return true;
        if (networkingPeer.server != ServerConnection.MasterServer || !connectedAndReady)
            Debug.LogError("CreateRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.");
            return false;

        typedLobby = typedLobby ?? ((networkingPeer.insideLobby) ? networkingPeer.lobby : null);  // use given lobby, or active lobby (if any active) or none

        LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams opParams = new LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams();
        opParams.RoomName = roomName;
        opParams.RoomOptions = roomOptions;
        opParams.Lobby = typedLobby;
        //opParams.ExpectedUsers = expectedUsers;

        return networkingPeer.OpCreateGame(opParams);
Ejemplo n.º 2
    /// <summary>Lets you either join a named room or create it on the fly - you don't have to know if someone created the room already.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This makes it easier for groups of players to get into the same room. Once the group
    /// exchanged a roomName, any player can call JoinOrCreateRoom and it doesn't matter who
    /// actually joins or creates the room.
    /// The parameters roomOptions and typedLobby are only used when the room actually gets created by this client.
    /// You know if this client created a room, if you get a callback OnCreatedRoom (before OnJoinedRoom gets called as well).
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="roomName">Name of the room to join. Must be non null.</param>
    /// <param name="roomOptions">Options for the room, in case it does not exist yet. Else these values are ignored.</param>
    /// <param name="typedLobby">Lobby you want a new room to be listed in. Ignored if the room was existing and got joined.</param>
    /// <returns>If the operation got queued and will be sent.</returns>
    public static bool JoinOrCreateRoom(string roomName, RoomOptions roomOptions, TypedLobby typedLobby)
        if (offlineMode)
            if (offlineModeRoom != null)
                Debug.LogError("JoinOrCreateRoom failed. In offline mode you still have to leave a room to enter another.");
                return false;
            EnterOfflineRoom(roomName, roomOptions, true);  // in offline mode, JoinOrCreateRoom assumes you create the room
            return true;
        if (networkingPeer.server != ServerConnection.MasterServer || !connectedAndReady)
            Debug.LogError("JoinOrCreateRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.");
            return false;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomName))
            Debug.LogError("JoinOrCreateRoom failed. A roomname is required. If you don't know one, how will you join?");
            return false;

        typedLobby = typedLobby ?? ((networkingPeer.insideLobby) ? networkingPeer.lobby : null);  // use given lobby, or active lobby (if any active) or none

        LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams opParams = new LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams();
        opParams.RoomName = roomName;
        opParams.RoomOptions = roomOptions;
        opParams.Lobby = typedLobby;
        opParams.CreateIfNotExists = true;
        opParams.PlayerProperties = player.customProperties;

        return networkingPeer.OpJoinRoom(opParams);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>Join room by roomname and on success calls OnJoinedRoom(). This is not affected by lobbies.</summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// On success, the method OnJoinedRoom() is called on any script. You can implement it to react to joining a room.
    /// JoinRoom fails if the room is either full or no longer available (it might become empty while you attempt to join).
    /// Implement OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed() to get a callback in error case.
    /// To join a room from the lobby's listing, use RoomInfo.name as roomName here.
    /// Despite using multiple lobbies, a roomName is always "global" for your application and so you don't
    /// have to specify which lobby it's in. The Master Server will find the room.
    /// In the Photon Cloud, an application is defined by AppId, Game- and PUN-version.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <see cref="PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnPhotonJoinRoomFailed"/>
    /// <see cref="PhotonNetworkingMessage.OnJoinedRoom"/>
    /// <param name="roomName">Unique name of the room to join.</param>
    public static bool JoinRoom(string roomName)
        if (offlineMode)
            if (offlineModeRoom != null)
                Debug.LogError("JoinRoom failed. In offline mode you still have to leave a room to enter another.");
                return false;
            EnterOfflineRoom(roomName, null, true);
            return true;
        if (networkingPeer.server != ServerConnection.MasterServer || !connectedAndReady)
            Debug.LogError("JoinRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.");
            return false;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomName))
            Debug.LogError("JoinRoom failed. A roomname is required. If you don't know one, how will you join?");
            return false;

        LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams opParams = new LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams();
        opParams.RoomName = roomName;

        return networkingPeer.OpJoinRoom(opParams);
Ejemplo n.º 4
	/// <summary>Can be used to return to a room after a disconnect and reconnect.</summary>
	/// <remarks>
	/// After losing connection, you might be able to return to a room and continue playing,
	/// if the client is reconnecting fast enough. Use Reconnect() and this method.
	/// Cache the room name you're in and use ReJoin(roomname) to return to a game.
	/// Note: To be able to ReJoin any room, you need to use UserIDs! 
	/// You also need to set RoomOptions.PlayerTtl.
	/// <b>Important: Instantiate() and use of RPCs is not yet supported.</b>
	/// The ownership rules of PhotonViews prevent a seamless return to a game. 
	/// Use Custom Properties and RaiseEvent with event caching instead.
	/// Common use case: Press the Lock Button on a iOS device and you get disconnected immediately.
	/// </remarks>
    public static bool ReJoinRoom(string roomName)
        if (offlineMode)
            Debug.LogError("ReJoinRoom failed due to offline mode.");
            return false;
        if (networkingPeer.server != ServerConnection.MasterServer || !connectedAndReady)
            Debug.LogError("ReJoinRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.");
            return false;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(roomName))
            Debug.LogError("ReJoinRoom failed. A roomname is required. If you don't know one, how will you join?");
            return false;

        LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams opParams = new LoadbalancingPeer.EnterRoomParams();
        opParams.RoomName = roomName;
        opParams.RejoinOnly = true;
        opParams.PlayerProperties = player.customProperties;

        return networkingPeer.OpJoinRoom(opParams);