Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static CryptsyOrder ReadFromJObject(JObject o, Int64 marketId = -1, ORDER_TYPE orderType = ORDER_TYPE.NA)
            if (o == null)

            var order = new CryptsyOrder
                Price            = o.Value <decimal>("price"),
                Quantity         = o.Value <decimal>("quantity"),
                Total            = o.Value <decimal>("total"),
                OriginalQuantity = o.Value <decimal?>("orig_quantity") ?? -1,
                MarketId         = o.Value <Int64?>("marketid") ?? marketId,

                //If ordertype is present, use it, if not: use the ordertype passed to the method
                OrderType =
                    o.Value <string>("ordertype") == null
                        ? orderType
                        : (o.Value <string>("ordertype").ToLower() == "buy" ? ORDER_TYPE.BUY : ORDER_TYPE.SELL),
                CreatedUtc = o.Value <DateTime?>("created")

            if (order.CreatedUtc != null)
                order.CreatedUtc = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime((DateTime)order.CreatedUtc, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Eastern Standard Time"), TimeZoneInfo.Utc); //Convert to UTC
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <List <CryptsyOrder> > GetAllMyOrders(CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            return(await RetryHelper.DoAsync(async() =>
                CryptsyResponse response = await CryptsyPrivateQuery(new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "method", "allmyorders" }
                                                                     token, RequestCategory.OpenOrders);

                //Response is an array of markets, with only the requested market
                return response.Success ? CryptsyOrder.ReadMultipleFromJArray(response.Data as JArray) : null;
            }, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Constant.DefaultRetryInterval)));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static CryptsyOrderBook ReadFromJObject(JObject o, Int64 marketId)
            var ob = new CryptsyOrderBook();

            foreach (var order in o["sellorders"])
                ob.SellOrders.Add(CryptsyOrder.ReadFromJObject(order as JObject, marketId, CryptsyOrder.ORDER_TYPE.SELL));

            foreach (var order in o["buyorders"])
                ob.BuyOrders.Add(CryptsyOrder.ReadFromJObject(order as JObject, marketId, CryptsyOrder.ORDER_TYPE.BUY));
