Ejemplo n.º 1
		public  async void ListView_Refreshing (object sender, EventArgs e)
			WebService conn = new WebService ();
			var dbUpdated =  await conn.GetData(App.Current.Properties["key"] as string);
			listView.ItemsSource = App.Database.GetBets ();
			listView.EndRefresh ();
		//Here you will receive all push notification messages
		//Messages arrives as a dictionary, the device type is also sent in order to check specific keys correctly depending on the platform.
		public async void OnMessage(IDictionary<string, object> Parameters, DeviceType deviceType)
			Debug.WriteLine("Message Arrived");
			WebService conn = new WebService ();
			var dbUpdated =  await conn.GetData(App.Current.Properties["key"] as string);
			Debug.WriteLine("Data UPDATED");

			IEnumerable<Bet> allBets = App.Database.GetBets ().ToList ();
			List<Dictionary<string, dynamic>> rep2 = null;
			rep2 = await conn.GetResults (App.Current.Properties ["key"] as string);
			var msg  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<HelperAPI>(rep2[0]["drawn"]);

			Bet Sorteio = new Bet ();

			//Parse string[] to string
			string numbersFinal = "";
			string starsFinal = "";
			int counter = 0;
			foreach (string n in msg.numbers)
				if (counter != 4) {
					numbersFinal += n + "-";
				} else {
					numbersFinal += n;
			counter = 0;
			foreach (string s in msg.stars)
				if (counter != 1) {
					starsFinal += s + "-";
				} else {
					starsFinal += s;
			Sorteio.Numbers = numbersFinal;
			Sorteio.Stars = starsFinal;
			Sorteio.Date = DateTime.Now.ToString ();

			BetResult BetRes = new BetResult ();
			foreach (Bet b in allBets)
				//Consoante resultado da funcao checkPrize();
				if (b.Status.Equals("WAIT"))
					//Consoante resultado da funcao checkPrize();
					if (BetRes.checkPrize (b, Sorteio)) {
						b.Status = "WIN";
					} else {
						b.Status = "LOSS";

					App.Database.SaveBet (b);
