Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void PopulateShipping(RestClient Client)
            var countries = GetCountryMapping(Client);

            List <string> USAOnly = new List <string>
                "United States",
                "Puerto Rico",
                "U.S. Virgin Islands",
                "American Samoa",
                "Northern Mariana Islands",
                "Midway Islands",
                "Wake Island",
                "Johnston Atoll",
                "Baker, Howland, and Jarvis Islands",
                "Kingman Reef",
                "Navassa Island",
                "Palmyra Atoll",
            string usonly = "USPS - First Class (USA Only)";
            string intl   = "USPS - First Class International";

            string shipmethod;

            foreach (var country in countries.Values)
                if (USAOnly.Contains(country))
                    shipmethod = usonly;
                    shipmethod = intl;
                CountryService.CreateCountyShippingMethod(country, shipmethod);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void ImportListing(RestClient RestClient)
            var dictListings = ImportHelpers.ImportTabDelimitedFile(@"C:\Internal\Etsy\listingimport.txt");
            var gclient      = InternalClientService.GetInternalClientByID(dictListings.Where(x => x.Key == 2).First().Value[0].ToString());
            string shiptempId = ShippingTemplateService.GetShippingTemplateId(RestClient, gclient.EtsyUserName);
            //string status = ShippingTemplateService.CreateShippingTemplate(RestClient, "Test Shipping Template", countries.Where(x => x.Value == "United States").FirstOrDefault().Key.ToString(), "2.00", "1.00");
            var countries = CountryService.GetCountryMapping(RestClient);

            foreach (var row in dictListings.Skip(1))
                if (row.Key != 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("CREATING A DRAFT LISTING");
                    var     obj         = row.Value;
                    Listing testListing = new Listing
                        title                = obj[1].ToString(),
                        description          = obj[2].ToString(),
                        price                = obj[3].ToString(),
                        quantity             = obj[7].ToString(),
                        shipping_template_id = shiptempId,
                        state                = "draft",
                        is_supply            = "false",
                        who_made             = "i_did",
                        when_made            = "made_to_order",
                    //var listing = CreateListing(RestClient, testListing);

                    Console.WriteLine("CREATING A LISTING IMAGE");
                    string filepath = string.Format(@"C:\Internal\EtsyProductImages\{0}", obj[4].ToString());
                    //CreateListingItemImage(RestClient, listing, obj[4].ToString(), filepath);

                    Console.WriteLine("CREATE LISTING VARIATIONS");
                    List <ListingVariation> variations = new List <ListingVariation>();
                    ListingVariation        variation;

                    List <string> sizes = new List <string> {
                        "S", "M", "L", "XL", "XXL"
                    string style = obj[6].ToString();
                    foreach (var size in sizes)
                        variation             = new ListingVariation();
                        variation.property_id = "513";
                        //variation.is_available = "TRUE";
                        variation.value = string.Format("{0}-{1}", size, style);

                    List <string> designs = obj[5].ToString().Split(';').ToList();
                    foreach (var design in designs)
                        string[] designcolor = design.Split(':');
                        variation             = new ListingVariation();
                        variation.property_id = "200";
                        variation.value       = string.Format("{0}-{1}", designcolor[0], designcolor[1]);
                    string output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(variations.ToArray());
                    //UpdateListingVariations(RestClient, listing, output);
                    Console.WriteLine("Listing Created");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <ExtractionModel> CreateExtractionFromReceipt(InternalClient GClient, bool allReceipts)
            //Creation New Rest Client
            var client = new RestClient();

            client.BaseUrl       = AppKeys.GetBaseUri();
            client.Authenticator = OAuth1Authenticator.ForProtectedResource(AppKeys.GetApiKey(), AppKeys.GetSharedSecretKey(), GClient.AccessToken, GClient.AccessSecretKey);

            //The shop servce is where we pull receipts because functionally
            //The call is related to the shop object and te shop id
            ShopService    shopservice = new ShopService();
            List <Receipt> receipts;

            //This is just in case for some reason we want every transaction from a shop
            if (allReceipts)
                receipts = shopservice.GetShopReceipts(client, GClient.EtsyShopIDs.FirstOrDefault());
                receipts = shopservice.GetOpenShopReceipts(client, GClient.EtsyShopIDs.FirstOrDefault());

            //Get the country list from etsy in advance so it doesn't
            //Have to be called per receipt request
            var countries = CountryService.GetCountryMapping(client);

            List <ExtractionModel> extractions = new List <ExtractionModel>();

            //make sure we actually pulled back client data
            if (GClient != null)
                //iteract through receipts
                foreach (Receipt r in receipts)
                    //iterrate through transactions of receipts
                    foreach (var t in r.transactions)
                        string country = countries[int.Parse(r.country_id)];

                        ExtractionModel em = new ExtractionModel();
                        em.company_id             = GClient.clientID;
                        em.Order_ID               = r.receipt_id;
                        em.date_purchased         = FormattingHelpers.FromEpochUnixTime(t.creation_tsz).ToString("g");
                        em.customer_email_address = r.buyer_email;
                        var FirstnameLastname = FormattingHelpers.FirstNameLastNameFormatter(r.name);
                        em.first_name = FirstnameLastname.Item1;
                        em.last_name  = FirstnameLastname.Item2;

                        em.delivery_address_1 = r.first_line;
                        em.delivery_address_2 = r.second_line;
                        em.delivery_city      = r.city;
                        em.delivery_state     = r.state;
                        em.delivery_zipCode   = r.zip;
                        em.country            = country;

                        //This is for the variation that is assuming
                        //it follows the format "Color - Design"
                        string[] color_design = t.variations.Where(x => x.formatted_name == "Color").FirstOrDefault().formatted_value.Split('-');

                        //If there is not a "-" then it automatically
                        //is the wrong format
                        if (color_design.Length > 1)
                            //This is making sure that the Design actually is associated
                            //with the client
                            //TODO: Eventually check that the design is actually available in the color
                            //that is provided.
                            if (GClient.ClientDesigns.Where(x => x.design_number.Trim() == color_design[1].Trim()).Any())
                                em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                                em.design_number = FormattingHelpers.DesignNumberFormatCheck(color_design[1].Trim());
                                em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                                em.design_number = string.Format("{0} Is Not a Correct Design Id", color_design[1]);
                            em.color         = color_design[0].Trim();
                            em.design_number = "Color_Design Incorrect Format";
                        em.design_description = "TBD";
                        em.print_location     = "TBD";

                        //This is for the variation that is assuming
                        //it follows the format "Style - Size"
                        string[] size_style = t.variations.Where(x => x.formatted_name == "Size").FirstOrDefault().formatted_value.Split('-');

                        if (size_style.Length > 1)
                            string etsystyle = size_style[1].Trim();
                            em.size = size_style[0].Trim();

                            //Check to see if the style from the variation
                            //has a mapping otherwise we can't know what
                            //prodct style its suposed to be
                            var style = GClient.ClientStyles.Where(x => x.etsy_style_descripion == etsystyle).FirstOrDefault();
                            if (style != null)
                                em.style_number      = style.style_number;
                                em.style_description = style.style_description;
                                em.style_number      = "ESTY STYLE '" + etsystyle + "' NOT FOUND";
                                em.style_description = "ESTY STYLE '" + etsystyle + "' NOT FOUND";
                            em.style_number      = size_style[0].Trim();
                            em.style_description = "Size_Style Incorrect Format";

                        em.product_quantity = t.quantity;
                        em.gift_message     = r.message_from_buyer;
                        em.Insured_Order    = "No";
                        em.shipping_method  = CountryService.GetCountryShippingMethodByCountry(country).Shipping_Method;
                        em.order_status     = "2";
