Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Token collectToken()
            Loc loc;
            Token token;
            string value;
            Token entry;

            loc = new Loc()
                start = new Loc.Position()
                    line = lineNumber,
                    column = index - lineStart

            token = advance();
            loc.end = new Loc.Position()
                line = lineNumber,
                column = index - lineStart

            if (token.type != TokenType.EOF)

                value = source.Substring(token.start, token.end - token.start);
                entry = new Token
                    type = token.type,
                    value = value,
                    range = new Token.TokenRange() { start = token.start, end = token.end },

                    loc = loc,
                    lineNumber = lineNumber,
                    start = loc.start.column,
                    end = loc.end.column,

                if (token.regex != null)
                    entry.regex = new Regex()
                        pattern = token.regex.pattern,
                        flags = token.regex.flags

            return token;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private dynamic ParseVariableDeclaration(string kind)

            var id = ParseVariableIdentifier();
            dynamic init = null;

            var firstToken = _extra.Tokens[_extra.Tokens.Count - 1];

            // 12.2.1
            if (_strict && IsRestrictedWord(id.Name))
                ThrowErrorTolerant(null, Messages.StrictVarName);

            if (kind == "const")
                init = ParseAssignmentExpression();
            else if (Match('='))
                init = ParseAssignmentExpression();

            Token lastToken = null;

            if (init != null)
                if (init.Type != "ArrayExpression")
                    lastToken = new Token
                                        Range = new Token.TokenRange
                                                        Start = init.Range.Start,
                                                        End = init.Range.End
                                        Loc = new Token.TokenLoc
                                                      Start = new Token.TokenLoc.TokenPosition
                                                                      Line = init.Loc.Start.Line,
                                                                      Column = init.Loc.Start.Column
                                                      End = new Token.TokenLoc.TokenPosition
                                                                    Line = init.Loc.End.Line,
                                                                    Column = init.Loc.End.Column
                lastToken = firstToken;

            if (lastToken != null)
                return new VariableDeclarator(_codeGeneration)
                               Id = id,
                               Init = init,
                               Range = new Range {Start = firstToken.Range.Start, End = lastToken.Range.End},
                               Loc =
                                   new Loc
                                           Start =
                                               new Loc.Position
                                                       Line = firstToken.Loc.Start.Line,
                                                       Column = firstToken.Loc.Start.Column
                                           End =
                                               new Loc.Position
                                                   {Line = lastToken.Loc.End.Line, Column = lastToken.Loc.End.Column}
                return new VariableDeclarator(_codeGeneration)
                    Id = id,
                    Init = init
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private object CreateRawLiteral(Token token)
     //return new Token {
     //    Type= Syntax.Literal,
     //    Value: token.value,
     //    Raw: sliceSource(token.range[0], token.range[1])
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ThrowError(Token token, string msg)
            Error error = null;

            //if (typeof token.lineNumber === 'number') {
            if (token != null)
                error = new Error("Line " + token.LineNumber + ": " + msg)
                    Index = token.Range.Start,
                    LineNumber = token.LineNumber,
                    Column = token.Range.Start - _lineStart + 1
                error = new Error("Line " + _lineNumber + ": " + msg)
                    Index = _index,
                    LineNumber = _lineNumber,
                    Column = _index - _lineStart + 1

            throw error;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Throw an exception because of the token.

        private void ThrowUnexpected(Token token)
            if (token.Type == TokenType.EOF)
                ThrowError(token, Messages.UnexpectedEOS);

            if (token.Type == TokenType.NumericLiteral)
                ThrowError(token, Messages.UnexpectedNumber);

            if (token.Type == TokenType.StringLiteral)
                ThrowError(token, Messages.UnexpectedString);

            if (token.Type == TokenType.Identifier)
                ThrowError(token, Messages.UnexpectedIdentifier);

            if (token.Type == TokenType.Keyword)
                if (IsFutureReservedWord(token.Value))
                    ThrowError(token, Messages.UnexpectedReserved);
                else if (_strict && IsStrictModeReservedWord(token.Value))
                    ThrowError(token, Messages.StrictReservedWord);
                ThrowError(token, string.Format(Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.Value));

            // BooleanLiteral, NullLiteral, or Punctuator.
            ThrowError(token, string.Format(Messages.UnexpectedToken, token.Value));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private Token ScanRegExp()
            var str = ""; //, ch, start, pattern, flags, value, classMarker = false, restore, terminated = false;
            var classMarker = false;
            var terminated = false;
            string pattern;
            int restore;
            var value = "";

            _buffer = null;

            var start = _index;
            var ch = _source[_index];
            Assert(ch == '/', "Regular expression literal must start with a slash");
            str = NextChar().ToString();

            while (_index < _length)
                ch = NextChar();
                str += ch;
                if (classMarker)
                    if (ch == ']')
                        classMarker = false;
                    if (ch == '\\')
                        ch = NextChar();
                        // ECMA-262 7.8.5
                        if (IsLineTerminator(ch))
                            ThrowError(null, Messages.UnterminatedRegExp);
                        str += ch;
                    else if (ch == '/')
                        terminated = true;
                    else if (ch == '[')
                        classMarker = true;
                    else if (IsLineTerminator(ch))
                        ThrowError(null, Messages.UnterminatedRegExp);

            if (!terminated)
                ThrowError(null, Messages.UnterminatedRegExp);

            // Exclude leading and trailing slash.
            pattern = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2);

            var flags = '\0';
            while (_index < _length)
                ch = _source[_index];
                if (!IsIdentifierPart(ch))

                if (ch == '\\' && _index < _length)
                    ch = _source[_index];
                    if (ch == 'u')
                        restore = _index;
                        ch = ScanHexEscape('u');
                        if (ch != '\0')
                            flags += ch;
                            str += "\\u";
                            for (; restore < _index; ++restore)
                                str += _source[restore];
                            _index = restore;
                            flags += 'u';
                            str += "\\u";
                        str += '\\';
                    flags += ch;
                    str += ch;

                value = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern).Match(flags.ToString()).Value;
            catch (Exception e)
                ThrowError(null, Messages.InvalidRegExp);

            return new Token
                Literal = str,
                Value = value,
                Range = new Token.TokenRange() { Start = start, End = _index }
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Token Lex()
            if (_buffer != null)
                _index = _buffer.Range.End;
                _lineNumber = _buffer.LineNumber;
                _lineStart = _buffer.LineStart;
                var token = _buffer;
                _buffer = null;
                return token;

            _buffer = null;
            return Advance();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void tolerateUnexpectedToken(Token token = null, string message = "")
     var error = unexpectedTokenError(token, message);
     if (extra.errors.Any())
         throw error;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 // Cover grammar support.
 // When an assignment expression position starts with an left parenthesis, the determination of the type
 // of the syntax is to be deferred arbitrarily long until the end of the parentheses pair (plus a lookahead)
 // or the first comma. This situation also defers the determination of all the expressions nested in the pair.
 // There are three productions that can be parsed in a parentheses pair that needs to be determined
 // after the outermost pair is closed. They are:
 //  1. AssignmentExpression
 //  2. BindingElements
 //  3. AssignmentTargets
 // In order to avoid exponential backtracking, we use two flags to denote if the production can be
 // binding element or assignment target.
 // The three productions have the relationship:
 //  BindingElements ? AssignmentTargets ? AssignmentExpression
 // with a single exception that CoverInitializedName when used directly in an Expression, generates
 // an early error. Therefore, we need the third state, firstCoverInitializedNameError, to track the
 // first usage of CoverInitializedName and report it when we reached the end of the parentheses pair.
 // isolateCoverGrammar function runs the given parser function with a new cover grammar context, and it does not
 // effect the current flags. This means the production the parser parses is only used as an expression. Therefore
 // the CoverInitializedName check is conducted.
 // inheritCoverGrammar function runs the given parse function with a new cover grammar context, and it propagates
 // the flags outside of the parser. This means the production the parser parses is used as a part of a potential
 // pattern. The CoverInitializedName check is deferred.
 public Node isolateCoverGrammar(Func<Node> parser)
     bool oldIsBindingElement = isBindingElement;
     bool oldIsAssignmentTarget = isAssignmentTarget;
     Token oldFirstCoverInitializedNameError = firstCoverInitializedNameError;
     Node result;
     isBindingElement = true;
     isAssignmentTarget = true;
     firstCoverInitializedNameError = null;
     result = parser();
     if (firstCoverInitializedNameError != null)
     isBindingElement = oldIsBindingElement;
     isAssignmentTarget = oldIsAssignmentTarget;
     firstCoverInitializedNameError = oldFirstCoverInitializedNameError;
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Throw an exception because of the token.

        public Error unexpectedTokenError(Token token, string message = null)
            string value;
            string msg = message ?? Messages.UnexpectedToken;

            if (token != null)
                if (message != null)
                    msg = (token.type == TokenType.EOF)
                        ? Messages.UnexpectedEOS
                        : (token.type == TokenType.Identifier)
                            ? Messages.UnexpectedIdentifier
                            : (token.type == TokenType.NumericLiteral)
                                ? Messages.UnexpectedNumber
                                : (token.type == TokenType.StringLiteral)
                                    ? Messages.UnexpectedString
                                    : (token.type == TokenType.Template)
                                        ? Messages.UnexpectedTemplate
                                        : Messages.UnexpectedToken;

                    if (token.type == TokenType.Keyword)
                        if (isFutureReservedWord(token.value))
                            msg = Messages.UnexpectedReserved;
                        else if (strict && isStrictModeReservedWord(token.value))
                            msg = Messages.StrictReservedWord;

                // value = (token.type == TokenType.Template) ? token.value.raw : token.value;
                value = token.value;
                value = "ILLEGAL";

            //msg = msg.replace("%0", value);

            return createError(token.lineNumber, token.start, msg); //:
            //  createError(scanning ? lineNumber : lastLineNumber, scanning ? index : lastIndex, msg);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public void throwUnexpectedToken(Token token = null, string message = "")
     throw unexpectedTokenError(token, message);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public static Loc WrappingSourceLocation(Token startToken)
     return new Loc()
         start = new Loc.Position()
             line = startToken.lineNumber,
             column = startToken.start - startToken.lineStart
         end = null
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void peek()
            scanning = true;


            lastIndex = index;
            lastLineNumber = lineNumber;
            lastLineStart = lineStart;

            startIndex = index;
            startLineNumber = lineNumber;
            startLineStart = lineStart;

            lookahead = extra.tokens.Count >= 0 ? collectToken() : advance();
            scanning = false;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public Token lex()
            Token token;
            scanning = true;

            lastIndex = index;
            lastLineNumber = lineNumber;
            lastLineStart = lineStart;


            token = lookahead;

            startIndex = index;
            startLineNumber = lineNumber;
            startLineStart = lineStart;

            lookahead = extra.tokens.Count >= 0 ? collectToken() : advance();
            scanning = false;
            return token;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public Node parse(string code, Options options)
            // Program program, toString;

            //toString = String;
            //if (typeof code !== "string" && !(code instanceof String)) {
            //    code = toString(code);

            source = code;
            index = 0;
            lineNumber = (source.Length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
            lineStart = 0;
            startIndex = index;
            startLineNumber = lineNumber;
            startLineStart = lineStart;
            length = source.Length;
            lookahead = null;
            state = new State()
                allowIn = true,
                allowYield = true,
                labelSet = new List<string>(),
                inFunctionBody = false,
                inIteration = false,
                inSwitch = false,
                lastCommentStart = -1,
                curlyStack = new Stack<string>(),
                sourceType = "script"
            strict = false;

            extra = new Extra();
            if (options != null)
                extra.range = options.range;
                extra.loc = options.loc;
                extra.attachComment = options.attachComment;

                //if (extra.loc && options.source != null && options.source != undefined) {
                //    extra.source = toString(options.source);

                if (options.tokens)
                    extra.tokens = new List<Token>();
                if (options.comment)
                    extra.comments = new List<Comment>();
                if (options.tolerant)
                    extra.errors = new List<Error>();
                if (extra.attachComment)
                    extra.range = true;
                    extra.comments = new List<Comment>();
                    extra.bottomRightStack = new List<Token>();
                    extra.trailingComments = new List<Comment>();
                    extra.leadingComments = new List<Comment>();
                if (options.sourceType == "module")
                    // very restrictive condition for now
                    state.sourceType = options.sourceType;
                    strict = true;

            var program = parseProgram();
            //if (typeof extra.comments !== "undefined") {
            //    program.comments = extra.comments;
            //if (typeof extra.tokens !== "undefined") {
            //    filterTokenLocation();
            //    program.tokens = extra.tokens;
            //if (typeof extra.errors !== "undefined") {
            //    program.errors = extra.errors;
            //catch (Exception e)

            //    throw e;
            //    extra = new Extra();

            return program;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public Node inheritCoverGrammar(Func<Node> parser)
     bool oldIsBindingElement = isBindingElement;
     bool oldIsAssignmentTarget = isAssignmentTarget;
     Token oldFirstCoverInitializedNameError = firstCoverInitializedNameError;
     Node result;
     isBindingElement = true;
     isAssignmentTarget = true;
     firstCoverInitializedNameError = null;
     result = parser();
     isBindingElement = isBindingElement && oldIsBindingElement;
     isAssignmentTarget = isAssignmentTarget && oldIsAssignmentTarget;
     firstCoverInitializedNameError = oldFirstCoverInitializedNameError ?? firstCoverInitializedNameError;
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // ECMA-262 11.7 Punctuators

        public Token scanPunctuator()
            Token token;
            string str;

            token = new Token()
                type = TokenType.Punctuator,
                value = "",
                lineNumber = lineNumber,
                lineStart = lineStart,
                start = index,
                end = index

            // Check for most common single-character punctuators.
            str = source.Substring(index, 1);
            switch (str)

                case "(":
                    if (extra.tokenize)
                        extra.openParenToken = extra.tokens.Count;

                case "{":
                    if (extra.tokenize)
                        extra.openCurlyToken = extra.tokens.Count;

                case ".":
                    if (source[index] == '.' && source[index + 1] == '.')
                        // Spread operator: ...
                        index += 2;
                        str = "...";

                case "}":
                case ")":
                case ";":
                case ",":
                case "[":
                case "]":
                case ":":
                case "?":
                case "~":

                    // 4-character punctuator.
                    str = source.Substring(index, 4);
                    if (str == ">>>=")
                        index += 4;

                        // 3-character punctuators.
                        str = str.Substring(0, 3);
                        if (str == "==" || str == "!==" || str == ">>>" ||
                            str == "<<=" || str == ">>=")
                            index += 3;

                            // 2-character punctuators.
                            str = str.Substring(0, 2);
                            if (str == "&&" || str == "||" || str == "==" || str == "!=" ||
                                str == "+=" || str == "-=" || str == "*=" || str == "/=" ||
                                str == "++" || str == "--" || str == "<<" || str == ">>" ||
                                str == "&=" || str == "|=" || str == "^=" || str == "%=" ||
                                str == "<=" || str == ">=" || str == "=>")
                                index += 2;

                                // 1-character punctuators.
                                str = source[index].ToString();
                                if ("<>=!+-*%&|^/".IndexOf(str) >= 0)

            if (index == token.start)

            token.end = index;
            token.value = str;
            return token;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // This function is to try to parse a MethodDefinition as defined in 14.3. But in the case of object literals,
        // it might be called at a position where there is in fact a short hand identifier pattern or a data property.
        // This can only be determined after we consumed up to the left parentheses.
        // In order to avoid back tracking, it returns `null` if the position is not a MethodDefinition and the caller
        // is responsible to visit other options.
        public Node tryParseMethodDefinition(Token token, Node key, bool computed, Node node)
            Node value;
            Options options;
            Node methodNode;
            Options @params;
            bool previousAllowYield = state.allowYield;

            if (token.type == TokenType.Identifier)
                // check for `get` and `set`;

                if (token.value == "get" && lookaheadPropertyName())
                    computed = match("[");
                    key = parseObjectPropertyKey();
                    methodNode = new Node();

                    state.allowYield = false;
                    value = parsePropertyFunction(methodNode, new Options()
                        @params = new List<Node>(),
                        defaults = new List<Node>(),
                        stricted = null,
                        firstRestricted = null,
                        message = null
                    }, false);
                    state.allowYield = previousAllowYield;

                    return node.finishProperty("get", key, computed, value, false, false);
                else if (token.value == "set" && lookaheadPropertyName())
                    computed = match("[");
                    key = parseObjectPropertyKey();
                    methodNode = new Node();

                    options = new Options()
                        @params = new List<Node>(),
                        defaultCount = 0,
                        defaults = new List<Node>(),
                        firstRestricted = null,
                        // paramSet = {}
                    if (match(")"))
                        state.allowYield = false;
                        state.allowYield = previousAllowYield;
                        if (options.defaultCount == 0)
                            options.defaults = new List<Node>();

                    state.allowYield = false;
                    value = parsePropertyFunction(methodNode, options, false);
                    state.allowYield = previousAllowYield;

                    return node.finishProperty("set", key, computed, value, false, false);
            else if (token.type == TokenType.Punctuator && token.value == "*" && lookaheadPropertyName())
                computed = match("[");
                key = parseObjectPropertyKey();
                methodNode = new Node();

                state.allowYield = true;
                @params = parseParams();
                state.allowYield = previousAllowYield;

                state.allowYield = false;
                value = parsePropertyFunction(methodNode, @params, true);
                state.allowYield = previousAllowYield;

                return node.finishProperty("init", key, computed, value, true, false);

            if (key != null && match("("))
                value = parsePropertyMethodFunction();
                return node.finishProperty("init", key, computed, value, true, false);

            // Not a MethodDefinition.
            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private bool IsIdentifierName(Token token)
     return token.Type == TokenType.Identifier ||
            token.Type == TokenType.Keyword ||
            token.Type == TokenType.BooleanLiteral ||
            token.Type == TokenType.NullLiteral;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public Node parseObjectProperty( bool hasProto)
            var token = lookahead;
            Node node = new Node();
            bool computed;
            Node key = null;
            Node maybeMethod;
            bool proto;
            Node value;

            computed = match("[");
            if (match("*")) {
            } else {
                key = parseObjectPropertyKey();
            maybeMethod = tryParseMethodDefinition(token, key, computed, node);
            if (maybeMethod!= null) {
                return maybeMethod;

            if (key== null) {

            // Check for duplicated __proto__
            if (!computed) {
                proto = (key.type == Syntax.Identifier && key.name == "__proto__") ||
                    (key.type == Syntax.Literal && key.name== "__proto__");
                if (hasProto && proto) {
                hasProto |= proto;

            if (match(":")) {
                value = inheritCoverGrammar(parseAssignmentExpression);
                return node.finishProperty("init", key, computed, value, false, false);

            if (token.type == TokenType.Identifier) {
                if (match("=")) {
                    firstCoverInitializedNameError = lookahead;
                    value = isolateCoverGrammar(parseAssignmentExpression);
                    return node.finishProperty("init", key, computed,
                        new Node(token).finishAssignmentPattern(key, value), false, true);
                return node.finishProperty("init", key, computed, key, false, true);

            return null;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private Token Lookahead()
            if (_buffer != null)
                return _buffer;

            var pos = _index;
            var line = _lineNumber;
            var start = _lineStart;
            _buffer = Advance();
            _index = pos;
            _lineNumber = line;
            _lineStart = start;

            return _buffer;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public int binaryPrecedence(Token token, bool allowIn)
            var prec = 0;

            if (token.type != TokenType.Punctuator && token.type != TokenType.Keyword)
                return 0;

            switch (token.value.ToString())
                case "||":
                    prec = 1;

                case "&&":
                    prec = 2;

                case "|":
                    prec = 3;

                case "^":
                    prec = 4;

                case "&":
                    prec = 5;

                case "==":
                case "!=":
                //case "==":
                case "!==":
                    prec = 6;

                case "<":
                case ">":
                case "<=":
                case ">=":
                case "instanceof":
                    prec = 7;

                case "in":
                    prec = allowIn ? 7 : 0;

                case "<<":
                case ">>":
                case ">>>":
                    prec = 8;

                case "+":
                case "-":
                    prec = 9;

                case "*":
                case "/":
                case "%":
                    prec = 11;


            return prec;
Ejemplo n.º 23
 private void ThrowErrorTolerant(Token token, string msg)
         ThrowError(token, msg);
     catch (Exception e)
         if (_extra.Errors.Count > 0)
             throw e;
Ejemplo n.º 24
        // ECMA-262 12.14 Assignment Operators

        public Node parseAssignmentExpression()
            Token token;
            Node expr;
            Node right;
            Options list;

            Token startToken;

            startToken = lookahead;
            token = lookahead;

            if (!state.allowYield && matchKeyword("yield"))
                return parseYieldExpression();

            expr = parseConditionalExpression();

            if (expr.type == PlaceHolders.ArrowParameterPlaceHolder || match("=>"))
                isAssignmentTarget = isBindingElement = false;
                list = reinterpretAsCoverFormalsList(expr);

                if (list != null)
                    firstCoverInitializedNameError = null;
                    return parseArrowFunctionExpression(list, new Node(startToken));

                return expr;

            if (matchAssign())
                if (!isAssignmentTarget)

                // ECMA-262 12.1.1
                if (strict && expr.type == Syntax.Identifier)
                    if (isRestrictedWord(expr.name))
                        tolerateUnexpectedToken(token, Messages.StrictLHSAssignment);
                    if (isStrictModeReservedWord(expr.name))
                        tolerateUnexpectedToken(token, Messages.StrictReservedWord);

                if (!match("="))
                    isAssignmentTarget = isBindingElement = false;

                token = lex();
                right = isolateCoverGrammar(parseAssignmentExpression);
                expr = new Node(startToken).finishAssignmentExpression(token.value, expr, right);
                firstCoverInitializedNameError = null;

            return expr;
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // 11.1.5 Object Initialiser

        private dynamic ParsePropertyFunction(List<Parameter> param, Token first)
            //var previousStrict, body;

            var previousStrict = _strict;
            var body = ParseFunctionSourceElements();
            if (first != null && _strict && IsRestrictedWord(param[0].Name))
                ThrowError(first, Messages.StrictParamName);
            _strict = previousStrict;

            return new
                Type = Syntax.FunctionExpression,
                //Id = null,
                Params = param,
                //Defaults = null,
                Body = body,
                //Rest = null,
                Generator = false,
                IsExpression = false
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public Options parseParams(Token firstRestricted = null)
            Options options;

            options = new Options
                @params = new List<Node>(),
                defaultCount = 0,
                defaults = new List<Node>(),
                firstRestricted = firstRestricted


            if (!match(")"))
                //options.paramSet =
                while (startIndex < length)
                    if (!parseParam(options))


            if (options.defaultCount == 0)
                options.defaults = new List<Node>();

            return new Options()
                @params = options.@params,
                defaults = options.defaults,
                stricted = options.stricted,
                firstRestricted = options.firstRestricted,
                message = options.message
Ejemplo n.º 27
 private dynamic CreateLiteral(Token token)
     return new Literal(_codeGeneration)
         IsString = token.Type == TokenType.StringLiteral,
         Value = token.Value,
         Range = new Range { Start = token.Range.Start, End = token.Range.End },
         Loc =
             new Loc
                 Start = new Loc.Position { Line = token.Loc.Start.Line, Column = token.Loc.Start.Column },
                 End = new Loc.Position { Line = token.Loc.End.Line, Column = token.Loc.End.Column }
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public List<Token> tokenize(string code, Options options)
            //var toString;
            List<Token> tokens;

            //toString = String;
            //if (typeof code !== "string" && !(code instanceof String)) {
            //    code = toString(code);

            source = code;
            index = 0;
            lineNumber = (source.Length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
            lineStart = 0;
            startIndex = index;
            startLineNumber = lineNumber;
            startLineStart = lineStart;
            length = source.Length;
            lookahead = null;
            state = new State()
                allowIn = true,
                allowYield = true,
                labelSet = new List<string>(),
                inFunctionBody = false,
                inIteration = false,
                inSwitch = false,
                lastCommentStart = -1,
                curlyStack = new Stack<string>()

            extra = new Extra();

            // Options matching.
            options = options ?? new Options();

            // Of course we collect tokens here.
            options.tokens = true;
            extra.tokens = new List<Token>();
            extra.tokenize = true;
            // The following two fields are necessary to compute the Regex tokens.
            extra.openParenToken = -1;
            extra.openCurlyToken = -1;

            extra.range = options.range;
            extra.loc = options.loc;

            if (options.comment)
                extra.comments = new List<Comment>();
            if (options.tolerant)
                extra.errors = new List<Error>();

            if (lookahead.type == TokenType.EOF)
                return extra.tokens;

            while (lookahead.type != TokenType.EOF)
                catch (Error lexError)
                    if (extra.errors != null)
                        // We have to break on the first error
                        // to avoid infinite loops.
                        throw lexError;

            tokens = extra.tokens;
            //tokens.comments = extra.comments;
            //tokens.errors = extra.errors;

            //catch (Exception e)
            //    throw e;
            //    extra = new Extra();
            return tokens;
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public Program Parse(ICodeGeneration codeGeneration, string code)
            _codeGeneration = codeGeneration;

            _lineNumber = (code.Length > 0) ? 1 : 0;
            _lineStart = 0;
            _length = code.Length;
            _buffer = null;
            _state = new State
                AllowIn = true,
                LabelSet = new Dictionary<string, object>(),
                LastParenthesized = null,
                InFunctionBody = false,
                InIteration = false,
                InSwitch = false

            _extra = new Extra();

            if (_length > 0)
                _source = StringToArray(code).ToList();

            return ParseProgram();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public bool isIdentifierName(Token token)
     return token.type == TokenType.Identifier ||
            token.type == TokenType.Keyword ||
            token.type == TokenType.BooleanLiteral ||
            token.type == TokenType.NullLiteral;