static bool Prefix()
     return(Patcher.Run(() =>
         // If escape was not pressed or if it was pressed with either shift key we run the game's default function
         if (!Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift)))
             return true;
         WindowController.CloseAll(excludeSituations: WindowController.AnyTopPanelsVisible());
         return false;
        public static void CloseAll(bool excludeSituations = false)
            var prevLastClosed = lastClosed;

            lastClosed = DateTime.Now;

            // We do a little throttling here because spamming esc can give some minor visual errors
            if ((prevLastClosed - lastClosed).TotalSeconds < 0.35)
                Registry.Retrieve <INotifier>().PushTextToLog("__HideAllNotifications()"); // hijacked method
            if (!excludeSituations)
                Registry.Retrieve <TabletopManager>().CloseAllSituationWindowsExcept(null);