Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static void PathHelper_CalP(List <Route> allPaths, LocalizationGraph localizationGraph, int xind, int yind, int[] temp, double[] temp_costs, double p, int n)
            if (xind == 0)
                var k = temp_costs.Sum() + localizationGraph.NoLocalCost;

                //To understand the math, ref to "phosphoRS" papar.
                var cp = 1 / (1 - MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial.CDF(p, n, k) + MathNet.Numerics.Distributions.Binomial.PMF(p, n, (int)k));

                var route = GetLocalizedPath(localizationGraph, temp);
                route.Score         = k;
                route.ReversePScore = cp;

            foreach (var pre in localizationGraph.array[xind][yind].AllSources)
                yind             = pre;
                temp[xind]       = yind;
                temp_costs[xind] = localizationGraph.array[xind][yind].CurrentCost;
                PathHelper_CalP(allPaths, localizationGraph, xind, yind, temp, temp_costs, p, n);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        //To understand this funciton, ref to "phosphoRS" papar. It is complicated unless you understand how 'phosphoRS' works.
        //In order to calculate localization probability for each glycosite, one need to get all possible modifications combinations; which is all Routes from a Graph.
        //The function is to get all routes and calculate the 1/P value for each route which is used to calculate localization probability later.
        public static List <Route> GetAllPaths_CalP(LocalizationGraph localizationGraph, double p, int n)
            List <Route> allPaths = new List <Route>();

            int xlength = localizationGraph.array.Length;
            int ylength = localizationGraph.array.First().Length;

            //temp is a path. check function GetLocalizedPath.
            int[]    temp      = new int[xlength];
            double[] temp_cost = new double[xlength];

            //A path in graph localization is always the end of the matrix.
            temp[xlength - 1] = ylength - 1;

            PathHelper_CalP(allPaths, localizationGraph, xlength - 1, ylength - 1, temp, temp_cost, p, n);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        //The original path we get is just an array of AdjNode positions. For example, path = [1, 1, 2, 2] means the best nodes are at array[0][1], array[1][1], array[2][2], array[3][2]
        //This function here is to transfer the path into localized Route. Route contains each glycosite with glycanId.
        //Basicly, any change from left to right of the path indicates a modification. For example, the path = [1, 1, 2, 2] which means there is a modification at ModPos[0] and ModPos[2]
        public static Route GetLocalizedPath(LocalizationGraph localizationGraph, int[] path)
            Route route = new Route();

            if (path.Length == 1)
                bool onlyOneLocalized = false;
                if (localizationGraph.TotalScore > 0)
                    onlyOneLocalized = true;
                route.AddPos(localizationGraph.ModPos[0], localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[path[0]].ModIds.First(), onlyOneLocalized);

            //Add first mod. If the childBoxes[path[0]].ModIds.Count == 0, means this is an empty childBox.
            //Otherwise childBoxes[path[0]].ModIds.Count == 1 and childBoxes[path[0]].ModIds only contains one ModId.
            if (localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[path[0]].ModIds.Count() != 0)
                route.AddPos(localizationGraph.ModPos[0], localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[path[0]].ModIds.First(), localizationGraph.array[0][path[0]].CurrentCost > 0);

            for (int i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
                //If there is a change of the path, get the difference between the two Adjnodes of the array.
                if (path[i] != path[i - 1])
                    var left = GetLeft(localizationGraph.array[i][path[i]].ModBox.ModIds, localizationGraph.array[i - 1][path[i - 1]].ModBox.ModIds).First();

                    var localPeakExist = localizationGraph.array[i - 1][path[i - 1]].CurrentCost > 0 && (localizationGraph.array[i][path[i]].CurrentCost > 0 || i == path.Length - 1);
                    route.AddPos(localizationGraph.ModPos[i], left, localPeakExist);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //The modification problem is turned into a Directed Acyclic Graph. The Graph was build with matrix, and dynamic programming is used.
        //The function goes through the AdjNode[][] array from left to right, assign weight to each AdjNode, keep track of the heaviest previous AdjNode.
        public static void LocalizeOGlycan(LocalizationGraph localizationGraph, Ms2ScanWithSpecificMass theScan, Tolerance productTolerance, List <Product> products)
            var boxSatisfyBox = BoxSatisfyBox(localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes);

            for (int i = 0; i < localizationGraph.ModPos.Length; i++)
                //maxLength: the most mods we can have up to current mod pos; minlengtt: the least mods we can have up to current mod pos.
                int maxLength = i + 1;
                int minlength = localizationGraph.ModBox.ModIds.Length - (localizationGraph.ModPos.Length - 1 - i);

                for (int j = 0; j < localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes.Length; j++)
                    if (localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[j].NumberOfMods <= maxLength && localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[j].NumberOfMods >= minlength)
                        AdjNode adjNode = new AdjNode(i, j, localizationGraph.ModPos[i], localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[j]);

                        double cost = 0;
                        if (i != localizationGraph.ModPos.Length - 1)
                            var fragments = GlycoPeptides.GetLocalFragment(products, localizationGraph.ModPos, i, localizationGraph.ModBox, localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes[j]);
                            cost = CalculateCost(theScan, productTolerance, fragments);

                        adjNode.CurrentCost = cost;
                        //The first line of the graph didnot have Sources.
                        if (i == 0)
                            //Get cost
                            adjNode.maxCost = cost;
                            double maxCost = 0;
                            for (int prej = 0; prej <= j; prej++)
                                //Check if a previous AdjNode exist and the current AdjNode could link to previous AdjNode.
                                if (boxSatisfyBox[j][prej] && localizationGraph.array[i - 1][prej] != null)

                                    var tempCost = cost + localizationGraph.array[i - 1][prej].maxCost;
                                    if (tempCost > maxCost)


                                        maxCost = tempCost;
                                    else if (tempCost == maxCost)

                            adjNode.maxCost = maxCost;

                        localizationGraph.array[i][j] = adjNode;

            var unlocalFragments = GlycoPeptides.GetUnlocalFragment(products, localizationGraph.ModPos, localizationGraph.ModBox);
            var noLocalScore     = CalculateCost(theScan, productTolerance, unlocalFragments);

            localizationGraph.NoLocalCost = noLocalScore;
            localizationGraph.TotalScore  = localizationGraph.array[localizationGraph.ModPos.Length - 1][localizationGraph.ChildModBoxes.Length - 1].maxCost + noLocalScore;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Correct Localization Level based on site specific probability. If LocalizationLevel = 1, and there are site probability lower than 0.75, Correct the level to 1b.
        public static LocalizationLevel CorrectLocalizationLevel(Dictionary <int, List <Tuple <int, double> > > siteSpeciLocalProb, LocalizationGraph localizationGraph, Route route, List <Tuple <int, int, bool> > localizedGlycan, LocalizationLevel localizationLevel)
            if (siteSpeciLocalProb == null || localizationLevel != LocalizationLevel.Level1)

            if (localizationGraph.ModPos.Length == 1 && localizationGraph.TotalScore == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < localizedGlycan.Count; i++)
                var g = localizedGlycan[i];
                if (siteSpeciLocalProb[g.Item1].Where(p => p.Item1 == g.Item2).First().Item2 < 0.75)

                if (!route.Mods[i].Item3)
