Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses out the survey HTML for use in an email or printing.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="responseHeaderId">The response header id.</param>
        /// <param name="title">The title.</param>
        /// <param name="displayName">The display name.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A string containing table based html that represents a survey.
        /// </returns>
        private string GenerateTableBasedSurvey(int responseHeaderId, string title, string displayName)
            var builder = new StringBuilder();
            string body = this.Localize("SurveyCompleted_Body.Text");
            if (body != null)
                body = body.Replace(Utility.UserNameMarker, displayName);
                body = body.Replace(Utility.SurveyInformationMarker, title);

                var survey = new SurveyRepository().LoadReadOnlySurvey(responseHeaderId, this.ModuleId);
                var table = new Table();
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                var writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb));
                survey.Render(table, new DnnLocalizer(this.LocalResourceFile));

                body = body.Replace(Utility.SurveyTableMarker, sb.ToString());

            ////Because the output of the controls are type "input" the disabled, checked and selected properties must be changed
            ////to just disabled, checked and selected to be recognized by certain email clients i.e. Hotmail.
                    builder.ToString().Replace('"', '\'').Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty).Replace("\t", string.Empty).Replace(
                            "='selected'", string.Empty).Replace("='disabled'", string.Empty).Replace("='checked'", string.Empty);