private static string listMapping(AdvancedSensor s, string sensorMapping, MappingManager manager)
            foreach (string listPath in s.listProperties.Keys)
                if (s.listProperties.ContainsKey(listPath))
                    string keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = listPath.Replace(".", "");
                    keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace(" ", "");
                    keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace("_", "");

                    List <SimpleSensor> list = s.listProperties[listPath];
                    string sensorNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.sensorName[0]) + s.sensorName.Substring(1);
                    //Debug.Log("goname " + s.gOName);
                    string goNameNotCapital = "";
                    if (s.gOName.Length > 0)
                        goNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.gOName[0]) + s.gOName.Substring(1);
                    string prefix     = sensorNameNotCapital + "(" + goNameNotCapital + "(";
                    string suffix     = ")).";
                    int    start      = 0;
                    int    indexOfCap = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.IndexOf('^', start);
                    while (indexOfCap != -1)
                        string toConcatL = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Substring(start, indexOfCap - start);
                        prefix    += char.ToLower(toConcatL[0]) + toConcatL.Substring(1) + "(";
                        suffix     = ")" + suffix;
                        start      = indexOfCap + 1;
                        indexOfCap = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.IndexOf('^', start);
                    string toConcat = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Substring(start, keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Length - start);
                    prefix += char.ToLower(toConcat[0]) + toConcat.Substring(1) + "(";
                    suffix  = ")" + suffix;
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                        Type     mapperType         = typeof(SimpleSensor);
                        string[] innerSensorMapping = manager.getMapper(mapperType).Map(list[i]).Split(
                            new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string partialMap in innerSensorMapping)
                            // Debug.Log(partialMap);
                            sensorMapping += prefix + i + "," + partialMap + suffix + "\n";

            //s.matrixProperties = new Dictionary<string, SimpleSensor[,]>();

        public string Map(object o)//o is a Sensor
            AdvancedSensor s             = (AdvancedSensor)o;
            String         sensorMapping = "";

            lock (s.toLock)
                MappingManager manager = MappingManager.getInstance();
                //Debug.Log("mapping " + s.sensorName);
                sensorMapping = manager.getMapper(typeof(SimpleSensor)).Map(s);
                //Debug.Log("mapped as simple "+sensorMapping);
                sensorMapping = matrixMapping(s, sensorMapping, manager);
                sensorMapping = listMapping(s, sensorMapping, manager);

                s.dataAvailable = false;
            //Debug.Log(s.sensorName+" sensor mapping: " + sensorMapping);
        public Dictionary <string, List <string> > getTemplateASPRepresentation(AdvancedSensor s)
            MappingManager manager = MappingManager.getInstance();
            Dictionary <string, List <string> > rep = ((ASPSimpleSensorMapper)manager.getMapper(typeof(SimpleSensor))).getTemplateASPRepresentation(s);

            foreach (string p in s.advancedConf.Keys.Distinct())
                List <string> elementConf             = s.advancedConf[p].toSave;
                string        keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = p.Replace(".", "");
                keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace(" ", "");
                keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace("_", "");
                string sensorNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.sensorName[0]) + s.sensorName.Substring(1);
                //Debug.Log("goname " + s.gOName);
                string goNameNotCapital = "";
                if (s.gOName.Length > 0)
                    goNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.gOName[0]) + s.gOName.Substring(1);

                foreach (string p2 in elementConf)
                    rep.Add(p + "$" + p2, new List <string>()); //each property of the inner element is referred as propertyName$elementPropertyName
                    List <string> partial = rep[p + "$" + p2];
                    partial.Add(sensorNameNotCapital + "(");
                    if (!s.gOName.Equals(""))
                        partial[0] += goNameNotCapital + "(";
                    string elemType = s.advancedConf[p].name;
                    elemType = Char.ToLower(elemType[0]) + elemType.Substring(1);

                    List <string> inner = ASPMapperHelper.getInstance().buildTemplateMapping(p2, '^');
                    inner[0] = elemType + "(" + inner[0];
                    inner[inner.Count - 1] += ")";

                    List <string> temp = ASPMapperHelper.getInstance().buildTemplateMapping(keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces, '^');
                    partial[0] = partial[0] + temp[0] + "(";
                    partial.Add(inner[inner.Count - 1] + temp[temp.Count - 1] + "))");

                    /*Debug.Log("Advanced conf " + p);
                     * if (s.matrixProperties.Count > 0)
                     * {
                     *  //Debug.Log("matrix " + s.matrixProperties.First());
                     * }
                     * if (s.listProperties.Count > 0)
                     * {
                     *  //Debug.Log("list " + s.listProperties.First());
                     * }
                     * if (s.matrixProperties.ContainsKey(p))
                     * {
                     *  //Debug.Log("is a matrix");
                     *  List<string> temp= ASPMapperHelper.getInstance().buildTemplateMapping(keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces, '^');//TODO: improve whene map other types
                     *  partial[0] = partial[0] + temp[0]+"(" + inner[0];
                     *  partial.Add("");
                     *  partial.Add(inner[inner.Count - 1] + temp[temp.Count - 1] + "))");
                     * }
                     * else if (s.listProperties.ContainsKey(p))
                     * {
                     *  //Debug.Log("is a list");
                     *  rep += ASPMapperHelper.getInstance().buildMapping(keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces, '^', "(X," + partial + ")") + ")";//TODO: improve whene map other types
                     * }*/
                    if (!s.gOName.Equals(""))
                        partial[partial.Count - 1] += ").";
        private static string matrixMapping(AdvancedSensor s, string sensorMapping, MappingManager manager)
            foreach (string matrixPath in s.matrixProperties.Keys)
                if (s.matrixProperties.ContainsKey(matrixPath))
                    //MyDebugger.MyDebug("matrix found");
                    string keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = matrixPath.Replace(".", "");
                    keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace(" ", "");
                    keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Replace("_", "");

                    SimpleSensor[,] matrix = s.matrixProperties[matrixPath];
                    //MyDebugger.MyDebug("matrix size "+matrix.GetLength(0) + " " + matrix.GetLength(1));
                    int    r = matrix.GetLength(0), c = matrix.GetLength(1);
                    string sensorNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.sensorName[0]) + s.sensorName.Substring(1);

                    //MyDebugger.MyDebug("goname " + s.gOName);
                    string goNameNotCapital     = "";
                    if (s.gOName.Length > 0)
                        goNameNotCapital = char.ToLower(s.gOName[0]) + s.gOName.Substring(1);
                    string prefix               = sensorNameNotCapital + "(" + goNameNotCapital + "(";
                    string suffix               = ")).";
                    int    start                = 0;
                    int    indexOfCap           = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.IndexOf('^', start);
                    while (indexOfCap != -1)
                        string toConcatL = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Substring(start, indexOfCap - start);
                        prefix    += char.ToLower(toConcatL[0]) + toConcatL.Substring(1) + "(";
                        suffix     = ")" + suffix;
                        start      = indexOfCap + 1;
                        indexOfCap = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.IndexOf('^', start);
                    string toConcat = keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Substring(start, keyWithoutDotsAndSpaces.Length - start);
                    prefix += char.ToLower(toConcat[0]) + toConcat.Substring(1) + "(";
                    suffix  = ")" + suffix;
                    //MyDebugger.MyDebug("prefix " + prefix + " suffix " + suffix);
                    for (int i = 0; i < r; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < c; j++)
                            Type     mapperType         = typeof(SimpleSensor);
                            string[] innerSensorMapping = manager.getMapper(mapperType).Map(matrix[i, j]).Split(
                                new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            //MyDebugger.MyDebug("innerSensorMapping count " + innerSensorMapping.Length);
                            foreach (string partialMap in innerSensorMapping)
                                sensorMapping += prefix + i + "," + j + "," + partialMap + suffix + "\n";

            //s.matrixProperties = new Dictionary<string, SimpleSensor[,]>();