/**== Custom Connection Implementations
		* The client abstracts sending the request and creating a response behind `IConnection`
		* By default the client will use a WebRequest based version on the desktop CLR (.NET 4.5 and up targets)
		* and a HttpClient based HttpConnection specifically build for the Core CLR (netstandard 1.6).
		* The reason for the split is because WebRequest and ServicePoint are not directly available on netstandard 1.6
		* However the implementation written against WebRequest is the most matured implementation that we weren't ready to it give up.
		* There are also a couple of important toggles that are easy to set against a `ServicePoint` that we'd have to give up
		* had we jumped on the `HttpClient` completely.
		* Another limitation is that `HttpClient` has no synchronous code paths and supporting that means doing hacky async patches which definitely
		* need time to bake.
		* So why would you ever want to pass your own `IConnection`? Let's look at a couple of examples

		public void OverrideHow()
			var connection = new InMemoryConnection();
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection);
			var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
Ejemplo n.º 2
		/** == Transports
		* The ITransport interface can be seen as the motor block of the client. It's interface is deceitfully simple. 
		* Its ultimately responsible from translating a client call to a response. If for some reasons you do not agree with the way we wrote
		* the internals of the client by implementing a custom ITransport you can circumvent all of it and introduce your own.

		public async Task InterfaceExplained()
			* Transport is generically typed to a type that implements IConnectionConfigurationValues 
			* This is the minimum ITransport needs to report back for the client to function.
			* e.g in the low level client transport is instantiated like this:
			var lowLevelTransport = new Transport<ConnectionConfiguration>(new ConnectionConfiguration());

			/** In the high level client like this. */
			var highlevelTransport = new Transport<ConnectionSettings>(new ConnectionSettings());

			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var inMemoryTransport = new Transport<ConnectionSettings>(new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, new InMemoryConnection()));

			* The only two methods on ITransport are Request and DoRequestAsync, the default ITransport implementation is responsible for introducing
			* many of the building blocks in the client, if these do not work for you can swap them out for your own custom ITransport implementation. 
			* If you feel this need report back to us we would love to learn why you'd go down this route!

			var response = inMemoryTransport.Request<SearchResponse<Project>>(HttpMethod.GET, "/_search", new { query = new { match_all = new { } } });
			response = await inMemoryTransport.RequestAsync<SearchResponse<Project>>(HttpMethod.GET, "/_search", new { query = new { match_all = new { } } });
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/**== Transports
		* The `ITransport` interface can be seen as the motor block of the client. It's interface is deceitfully simple and
		* it's ultimately responsible from translating a client call to a response.
		* If for some reason you do not agree with the way we wrote the internals of the client,
		* by implementing a custom `ITransport`, you can circumvent all of it and introduce your own.
		public async Task InterfaceExplained()
			* Transport is generically typed to a type that implements `IConnectionConfigurationValues`
			* This is the minimum `ITransport` needs to report back for the client to function.
			* In the low level client, `ElasticLowLevelClient`, a `Transport` is instantiated like this:
			var lowLevelTransport = new Transport<ConnectionConfiguration>(new ConnectionConfiguration());

			/** and in the high level client, `ElasticClient`, like this: */
			var highlevelTransport = new Transport<ConnectionSettings>(new ConnectionSettings());

			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var inMemoryTransport = new Transport<ConnectionSettings>(new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, new InMemoryConnection()));

			* The only two methods on `ITransport` are `Request()` and `RequestAsync()`; the default `ITransport` implementation is responsible for introducing
			* many of the building blocks in the client. If you feel that the defaults do not work for you then you can swap them out for your own
			* custom `ITransport` implementation and if you do, {github}/issues[please let us know] as we'd love to learn why you've go down this route!
			var response = inMemoryTransport.Request<SearchResponse<Project>>(
				new { query = new { match_all = new { } } });

			response = await inMemoryTransport.RequestAsync<SearchResponse<Project>>(
				new { query = new { match_all = new { } } });
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public void Ping_should_work()
     var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection(TestConfig.AwsSettings);
     var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(TestConfig.Endpoint));
     var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(pool, httpConnection);
     var client = new ElasticLowLevelClient(config);
     var response = client.Ping<object>();
     Assert.AreEqual(200, response.HttpStatusCode.GetValueOrDefault(-1));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public void NestPing_should_work()
     var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection(TestConfig.AwsSettings);
     var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(TestConfig.Endpoint));
     var config = new Nest.ConnectionSettings(pool, httpConnection);
     var client = new Nest.ElasticClient(config);
     var response = client.Ping();
     Assert.AreEqual(true, response.IsValid);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void Asterisk_encoded_url_should_work()
     var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection(TestConfig.AwsSettings);
     var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(TestConfig.Endpoint));
     var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(pool, httpConnection);
     var client = new ElasticLowLevelClient(config);
     var response = client.Get<Stream>("index*", "type", "id");
     Assert.AreEqual(404, response.HttpStatusCode.GetValueOrDefault(-1));
		public IElasticClient CreateClient(string jsonResponse, Action<JsonSerializerSettings, IConnectionSettingsValues> settingsOverride)
			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonResponse));
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection, new MyCustomJsonFactory(settingsOverride))
			var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
			return client;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public void Random_encoded_url_should_work()
     var randomString = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
     var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection(TestConfig.AwsSettings);
     var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(TestConfig.Endpoint));
     var config = new ConnectionConfiguration(pool, httpConnection);
     var client = new ElasticLowLevelClient(config);
     var response = client.Get<Stream>(randomString, string.Join(",", Enumerable.Repeat(randomString, 2)), randomString);
     Assert.AreEqual(404, response.HttpStatusCode.GetValueOrDefault(-1));
		public IElasticClient CreateClient(string jsonResponse, Action<JsonSerializerSettings, IConnectionSettingsValues> settingsOverride)
			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonResponse));
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
#pragma warning disable CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
			var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection, settings =>
				new LocalJsonNetSerializer(settings.DefaultIndex("default-index"), settingsOverride));
#pragma warning restore CS0618 // Type or member is obsolete
			var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
			return client;
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures the elasticsearch sink
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nodes">The nodes to write to</param>
 public ElasticsearchSinkOptions(IEnumerable<Uri> nodes)
     : this()
     nodes = nodes != null && nodes.Any(n => n != null)
         ? nodes.Where(n => n != null)
         : new[] { new Uri("http://localhost:9200") };
     if (nodes.Count() == 1)
         ConnectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(nodes.First());
         ConnectionPool = new StaticConnectionPool(nodes);
Ejemplo n.º 11
		public static IElasticClient GetFixedReturnClient(object responseJson)
			var serializer = new NestSerializer(new ConnectionSettings());
			byte[] fixedResult;
			using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
				serializer.Serialize(responseJson, ms);
				fixedResult = ms.ToArray();
			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(fixedResult);
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection);
			return new ElasticClient(settings);
Ejemplo n.º 12
		public void SeesInterfaceProperties()
			var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, new InMemoryConnection());
			var c = new ElasticClient(settings);

			var serialized = c.Serializer.SerializeToString(new Nest.Analysis { CharFilters = new CharFilters() });

			serialized = c.Serializer.SerializeToString(new AnalysisDescriptor().CharFilters(cf=>cf));
Ejemplo n.º 13
		public void CanDeserializeCopyTo()
			var json = "{\"test-events-v1-201412\":{\"mappings\":{\"events\":{\"dynamic\":\"false\",\"_size\":{\"enabled\":true},\"properties\":{\"created_utc\":{\"type\":\"date\"},\"data\":{\"properties\":{\"@environment\":{\"properties\":{\"o_s_name\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"index\":false,\"copy_to\":[\"os\"]}}}}},\"id\":{\"type\":\"keyword\"},\"os\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"fields\":{\"keyword\":{\"type\":\"keyword\",\"ignore_above\":256}}}}}}},\"test-events-v1-201502\":{\"mappings\":{\"events\":{\"dynamic\":\"false\",\"_size\":{\"enabled\":true},\"properties\":{\"created_utc\":{\"type\":\"date\"},\"data\":{\"properties\":{\"@environment\":{\"properties\":{\"o_s_name\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"index\":false,\"copy_to\":[\"os\"]}}}}},\"id\":{\"type\":\"keyword\"},\"os\":{\"type\":\"text\",\"fields\":{\"keyword\":{\"type\":\"keyword\",\"ignore_above\":256}}}}}}}}";

			var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));

			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, connection).DefaultIndex("test-events-v1-201412");
			var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

			var mappingResponse = client.GetMapping<Events>();


			var mappingWalker = new MappingWalker(new CopyToVisitor());
Ejemplo n.º 14
		/**=== Overriding Json.NET settings
		* Overriding the default Json.NET behaviour in NEST is an expert behavior but if you need to get to the nitty gritty, this can be really useful.

		 * The easiest way is to create an instance of `SerializerFactory` that allows you to register a modification callback
		 * in the constructor
		public void EasyWay()
			var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(
				new HttpConnection(),
				new SerializerFactory((jsonSettings, nestSettings) => jsonSettings.PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.All));

			var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
Ejemplo n.º 15
		public static IElasticClient GetFixedReturnClient(
			object response,
			int statusCode = 200,
			Func<ConnectionSettings, ConnectionSettings> modifySettings = null,
			string contentType = "application/json",
			Exception exception = null)
			var serializer = new JsonNetSerializer(new ConnectionSettings());
			byte[] fixedResult;

			if (contentType == "application/json")
				using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
					serializer.Serialize(response, ms);
					fixedResult = ms.ToArray();
				fixedResult = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response.ToString());

			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(fixedResult, statusCode, exception);
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var defaultSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection)
			var settings = (modifySettings != null) ? modifySettings(defaultSettings) : defaultSettings;
			return new ElasticClient(settings);
Ejemplo n.º 16
		public void ModifyJsonSerializerSettingsIsCalled()
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, new InMemoryConnection(), s => new MyJsonNetSerializer(s));
			var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
			var serializer = ((IConnectionSettingsValues)settings).Serializer as MyJsonNetSerializer;
Ejemplo n.º 17
	     * An example of using `OnRequestCompleted()` for complex logging. Remember, if you would also like 
         * to capture the request and/or response bytes, you also need to set `.DisableDirectStreaming()`
         * to `true`
        [U]public async Task UsingOnRequestCompletedForLogging()
		    var list = new List<string>();
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, new InMemoryConnection())
				.OnRequestCompleted(response =>
                    // log out the request
                    if (response.RequestBodyInBytes != null)
                            $"{response.HttpMethod} {response.Uri} \n" +
                        list.Add($"{response.HttpMethod} {response.Uri}");

                    // log out the response
                    if (response.ResponseBodyInBytes != null)
                        list.Add($"Status: {response.HttpStatusCode}\n" +
                                 $"{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.ResponseBodyInBytes)}\n" +
                                 $"{new string('-', 30)}\n");
                        list.Add($"Status: {response.HttpStatusCode}\n" +
                                 $"{new string('-', 30)}\n");

			var client = new ElasticClient(settings);

            var syncResponse = client.Search<object>(s => s
                .Sort(ss => ss


            var asyncResponse = await client.SearchAsync<object>(s => s
                .Sort(ss => ss

            list.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(new []
                "POST http://localhost:9200/_search?scroll=2m \n{\"sort\":[{\"_doc\":{\"order\":\"asc\"}}]}",
                "Status: 200\n------------------------------\n",
                "POST http://localhost:9200/_search?scroll=2m \n{\"sort\":[{\"_doc\":{\"order\":\"asc\"}}]}",
                "Status: 200\n------------------------------\n"
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public void OnRequestCompletedIsCalled()
     var counter = 0;
     var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
     var settings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, new InMemoryConnection())
         .OnRequestCompleted(r => counter++);
     var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
Ejemplo n.º 19
		public static IElasticClient GetFixedReturnClient(
			object response,
			int statusCode = 200,
			Func<ConnectionSettings, ConnectionSettings> modifySettings = null,
			string contentType = "application/json",
			Exception exception = null)
			var serializer = Default.Serializer;
			var fixedResult = contentType == "application/json"
				? serializer.SerializeToBytes(response)
				: Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(response.ToString());

			var connection = new InMemoryConnection(fixedResult, statusCode, exception);
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
			var defaultSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection)
			var settings = (modifySettings != null) ? modifySettings(defaultSettings) : defaultSettings;
			return new ElasticClient(settings);
Ejemplo n.º 20
		[U] public void SearchDoesNotTakeDefaultIndexIntoAccount()
			var node = new Uri("http://localhost:9200");
			var connectionPool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(node);
			var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(connectionPool, connection: new InMemoryConnection())
				.DefaultFieldNameInferrer(p => p)
				.OnRequestCompleted(info =>
					// info.Uri is /_search/ without the default index
					// my ES instance throws an error on the .kibana index (@timestamp field not mapped because I sort on @timestamp)

			var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
			var response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(s=>s);


			response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(new SearchRequest<ESLogEvent>{ });

			response = client.Search<ESLogEvent>(new SearchRequest { });

		/** = Connection Pooling
		 * Connection pooling is the internal mechanism that takes care of registering what nodes there are in the cluster and which
		 * we can use to issue client calls on.
		/** == SingleNodeConnectionPool 
		* The simplest of all connection pools, this takes a single `Uri` and uses that to connect to elasticsearch for all the calls
		* It doesn't opt in to sniffing and pinging behavior, and will never mark nodes dead or alive. The one `Uri` it holds is always
		* ready to go. 
		[U] public void SingleNode()
			var uri = new Uri("http://localhost:9201");
			var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(uri);
			var node = pool.Nodes.First();

			/** This type of pool is hardwired to optout out sniffing*/
			/** and pinging */

			/** When you use the low ceremony ElasticClient constructor that takes a single Uri
			* We default to this SingleNodeConnectionPool */
			var client = new ElasticClient(uri);

			/** However we urge that you always pass your connection settings explicitly */
			client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(uri));

			/** or even better pass the connection pool explicitly  */
			client = new ElasticClient(new ConnectionSettings(pool));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to server.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ConnectToServer()
            if ( GetAttributeValue( "NodeUrl" ).IsNotNullOrWhitespace() )
                try {
                    var node = new Uri( GetAttributeValue( "NodeUrl" ) );
                    var region = GetAttributeValue( "Region" );
                    var accessKey = GetAttributeValue( "AccessKey" );
                    var secretKey = GetAttributeValue( "SecretKey" );

                    var httpConnection = new AwsHttpConnection( new AwsSettings
                        AccessKey = accessKey,
                        SecretKey = secretKey,
                        Region = region,
                    } );

                    var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool( node );
                    var config = new ConnectionSettings( pool, httpConnection );
                    _client = new ElasticClient( config );
                catch { }