Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// An example of a command line is
        /// <br />
        /// java -mx1g edu.stanford.nlp.parser.dvparser.CacheParseHypotheses -model /scr/horatio/dvparser/wsjPCFG.nocompact.simple.ser.gz -output cached9.simple.ser.gz  -treebank /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/Treebank/3/parsed/mrg/wsj 200-202
        /// <br />
        /// java -mx4g edu.stanford.nlp.parser.dvparser.CacheParseHypotheses -model ~/scr/dvparser/wsjPCFG.nocompact.simple.ser.gz -output cached.train.simple.ser.gz -treebank /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/Treebank/3/parsed/mrg/wsj 200-2199 -numThreads 6
        /// <br />
        /// java -mx4g edu.stanford.nlp.parser.dvparser.CacheParseHypotheses -model ~/scr/dvparser/chinese/xinhuaPCFG.ser.gz -output cached.xinhua.train.ser.gz -treebank /afs/ir/data/linguistic-data/Chinese-Treebank/6/data/utf8/bracketed  026-270,301-499,600-999
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            string parserModel = null;
            string output      = null;
            IList <Pair <string, IFileFilter> > treebanks = Generics.NewArrayList();
            int dvKBest    = 200;
            int numThreads = 1;

            for (int argIndex = 0; argIndex < args.Length;)
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-dvKBest"))
                    dvKBest   = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[argIndex + 1]);
                    argIndex += 2;
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-parser") || args[argIndex].Equals("-model"))
                    parserModel = args[argIndex + 1];
                    argIndex   += 2;
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-output"))
                    output    = args[argIndex + 1];
                    argIndex += 2;
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-treebank"))
                    Pair <string, IFileFilter> treebankDescription = ArgUtils.GetTreebankDescription(args, argIndex, "-treebank");
                    argIndex = argIndex + ArgUtils.NumSubArgs(args, argIndex) + 1;
                if (Sharpen.Runtime.EqualsIgnoreCase(args[argIndex], "-numThreads"))
                    numThreads = System.Convert.ToInt32(args[argIndex + 1]);
                    argIndex  += 2;
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown argument " + args[argIndex]);
            if (parserModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply a parser model with -model");
            if (output == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply an output filename with -output");
            if (treebanks.IsEmpty())
                throw new ArgumentException("Need to supply a treebank with -treebank");
            log.Info("Writing output to " + output);
            log.Info("Loading parser model " + parserModel);
            log.Info("Writing " + dvKBest + " hypothesis trees for each tree");
            LexicalizedParser    parser      = ((LexicalizedParser)LexicalizedParser.LoadModel(parserModel, "-dvKBest", int.ToString(dvKBest)));
            CacheParseHypotheses cacher      = new CacheParseHypotheses(parser);
            ITreeTransformer     transformer = DVParser.BuildTrainTransformer(parser.GetOp());
            IList <Tree>         sentences   = new List <Tree>();

            foreach (Pair <string, IFileFilter> description in treebanks)
                log.Info("Reading trees from " + description.first);
                Treebank treebank = parser.GetOp().tlpParams.MemoryTreebank();
                treebank.LoadPath(description.first, description.second);
                treebank = treebank.Transform(transformer);
                Sharpen.Collections.AddAll(sentences, treebank);
            log.Info("Processing " + sentences.Count + " trees");
            IList <Pair <Tree, byte[]> > cache = Generics.NewArrayList();

            transformer = new SynchronizedTreeTransformer(transformer);
            MulticoreWrapper <Tree, Pair <Tree, byte[]> > wrapper = new MulticoreWrapper <Tree, Pair <Tree, byte[]> >(numThreads, new CacheParseHypotheses.CacheProcessor(cacher, parser, dvKBest, transformer));

            foreach (Tree tree in sentences)
                while (wrapper.Peek())
                    if (cache.Count % 10 == 0)
                        System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Processed " + cache.Count + " trees");
            while (wrapper.Peek())
                if (cache.Count % 10 == 0)
                    System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Processed " + cache.Count + " trees");
            System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Finished processing " + cache.Count + " trees");
            IOUtils.WriteObjectToFile(cache, output);