Ejemplo n.º 1
 public GeneralizedExpectationObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset <L, F> labeledDataset, IList <IDatum <L, F> > unlabeledDataList, IList <F> geFeatures)
     System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number of labeled examples:" + labeledDataset.size + "\nNumber of unlabeled examples:" + unlabeledDataList.Count);
     System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Number of GE features:" + geFeatures.Count);
     this.numFeatures       = labeledDataset.NumFeatures();
     this.numClasses        = labeledDataset.NumClasses();
     this.labeledDataset    = labeledDataset;
     this.unlabeledDataList = unlabeledDataList;
     this.geFeatures        = geFeatures;
     this.classifier        = new LinearClassifier <L, F>(null, labeledDataset.featureIndex, labeledDataset.labelIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private double[] GetModelProbs(IDatum <L, F> datum)
            double[]     condDist    = new double[labeledDataset.NumClasses()];
            ICounter <L> probCounter = classifier.ProbabilityOf(datum);

            foreach (L label in probCounter.KeySet())
                int labelID = labeledDataset.labelIndex.IndexOf(label);
                condDist[labelID] = probCounter.GetCount(label);
 public virtual MultinomialLogisticClassifier <L, F> TrainClassifier(GeneralDataset <L, F> dataset)
     numClasses  = dataset.NumClasses();
     numFeatures = dataset.NumFeatures();
     data        = dataset.GetDataArray();
     if (dataset is RVFDataset <object, object> )
         dataValues = dataset.GetValuesArray();
         dataValues = LogisticUtils.InitializeDataValues(data);
     AugmentFeatureMatrix(data, dataValues);
     labels = dataset.GetLabelsArray();
     return(new MultinomialLogisticClassifier <L, F>(TrainWeights(), dataset.featureIndex, dataset.labelIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //  public static void main(String[] args) {
 //    List examples = new ArrayList();
 //    String leftLight = "leftLight";
 //    String rightLight = "rightLight";
 //    String broken = "BROKEN";
 //    String ok = "OK";
 //    Counter c1 = new ClassicCounter<>();
 //    c1.incrementCount(leftLight, 0);
 //    c1.incrementCount(rightLight, 0);
 //    RVFDatum d1 = new RVFDatum(c1, broken);
 //    examples.add(d1);
 //    Counter c2 = new ClassicCounter<>();
 //    c2.incrementCount(leftLight, 1);
 //    c2.incrementCount(rightLight, 1);
 //    RVFDatum d2 = new RVFDatum(c2, ok);
 //    examples.add(d2);
 //    Counter c3 = new ClassicCounter<>();
 //    c3.incrementCount(leftLight, 0);
 //    c3.incrementCount(rightLight, 1);
 //    RVFDatum d3 = new RVFDatum(c3, ok);
 //    examples.add(d3);
 //    Counter c4 = new ClassicCounter<>();
 //    c4.incrementCount(leftLight, 1);
 //    c4.incrementCount(rightLight, 0);
 //    RVFDatum d4 = new RVFDatum(c4, ok);
 //    examples.add(d4);
 //    Dataset data = new Dataset(examples.size());
 //    data.addAll(examples);
 //    NaiveBayesClassifier classifier = (NaiveBayesClassifier)
 //        new NaiveBayesClassifierFactory(200, 200, 1.0,
 //              LogPrior.LogPriorType.QUADRATIC.ordinal(),
 //              NaiveBayesClassifierFactory.CL)
 //            .trainClassifier(data);
 //    classifier.print();
 //    //now classifiy
 //    for (int i = 0; i < examples.size(); i++) {
 //      RVFDatum d = (RVFDatum) examples.get(i);
 //      Counter scores = classifier.scoresOf(d);
 //      System.out.println("for datum " + d + " scores are " + scores.toString());
 //      System.out.println(" class is " + Counters.topKeys(scores, 1));
 //      System.out.println(" class should be " + d.label());
 //    }
 //  }
 //    String trainFile = args[0];
 //    String testFile = args[1];
 //    NominalDataReader nR = new NominalDataReader();
 //    Map<Integer, Index<String>> indices = Generics.newHashMap();
 //    List<RVFDatum<String, Integer>> train = nR.readData(trainFile, indices);
 //    List<RVFDatum<String, Integer>> test = nR.readData(testFile, indices);
 //    System.out.println("Constrained conditional likelihood no prior :");
 //    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
 //      NaiveBayesClassifier<String, Integer> classifier = new NaiveBayesClassifierFactory<String, Integer>(0.1, 0.01, 0.6, LogPrior.LogPriorType.NULL.ordinal(), NaiveBayesClassifierFactory.CL).trainClassifier(train);
 //      classifier.print();
 //      //now classifiy
 //      float accTrain = classifier.accuracy(train.iterator());
 //      log.info("training accuracy " + accTrain);
 //      float accTest = classifier.accuracy(test.iterator());
 //      log.info("test accuracy " + accTest);
 //    }
 //    System.out.println("Unconstrained conditional likelihood no prior :");
 //    for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {
 //      NaiveBayesClassifier<String, Integer> classifier = new NaiveBayesClassifierFactory<String, Integer>(0.1, 0.01, 0.6, LogPrior.LogPriorType.NULL.ordinal(), NaiveBayesClassifierFactory.UCL).trainClassifier(train);
 //      classifier.print();
 //      //now classify
 //      float accTrain = classifier.accuracy(train.iterator());
 //      log.info("training accuracy " + accTrain);
 //      float accTest = classifier.accuracy(test.iterator());
 //      log.info("test accuracy " + accTest);
 //    }
 //  }
 public virtual NaiveBayesClassifier <L, F> TrainClassifier(GeneralDataset <L, F> dataset)
     if (dataset is RVFDataset)
         throw new Exception("Not sure if RVFDataset runs correctly in this method. Please update this code if it does.");
     return(TrainClassifier(dataset.GetDataArray(), dataset.labels, dataset.NumFeatures(), dataset.NumClasses(), dataset.labelIndex, dataset.featureIndex));
 public BiasedLogConditionalObjectiveFunction(GeneralDataset <object, object> dataset, double[][] confusionMatrix, LogPrior prior)
     : this(dataset.NumFeatures(), dataset.NumClasses(), dataset.GetDataArray(), dataset.GetLabelsArray(), confusionMatrix, prior)
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual SVMLightClassifier <L, F> TrainClassifierBasic(GeneralDataset <L, F> dataset)
            IIndex <L> labelIndex   = dataset.LabelIndex();
            IIndex <F> featureIndex = dataset.featureIndex;
            bool       multiclass   = (dataset.NumClasses() > 2);

                // this is the file that the model will be saved to
                File modelFile = File.CreateTempFile("svm-", ".model");
                if (deleteTempFilesOnExit)
                // this is the file that the svm light formated dataset
                // will be printed to
                File dataFile = File.CreateTempFile("svm-", ".data");
                if (deleteTempFilesOnExit)
                // print the dataset
                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(dataFile));
                // -v 0 makes it not verbose
                // -m 400 gives it a larger cache, for faster training
                string cmd = (multiclass ? svmStructLearn : (useSVMPerf ? svmPerfLearn : svmLightLearn)) + " -v " + svmLightVerbosity + " -m 400 ";
                // set the value of C if we have one specified
                if (C > 0.0)
                    cmd = cmd + " -c " + C + " ";
                    // C value
                    if (useSVMPerf)
                        cmd = cmd + " -c " + 0.01 + " ";
                //It's required to specify this parameter for SVM perf
                // Alpha File
                if (useAlphaFile)
                    File newAlphaFile = File.CreateTempFile("svm-", ".alphas");
                    if (deleteTempFilesOnExit)
                    cmd = cmd + " -a " + newAlphaFile.GetAbsolutePath();
                    if (alphaFile != null)
                        cmd = cmd + " -y " + alphaFile.GetAbsolutePath();
                    alphaFile = newAlphaFile;
                // File and Model Data
                cmd = cmd + " " + dataFile.GetAbsolutePath() + " " + modelFile.GetAbsolutePath();
                if (verbose)
                    logger.Info("<< " + cmd + " >>");

                /*Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
                 * p.waitFor();
                 * if (p.exitValue() != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Error Training SVM Light exit value: " + p.exitValue());
                 * p.destroy();   */
                SystemUtils.Run(new ProcessBuilder(whitespacePattern.Split(cmd)), new PrintWriter(System.Console.Error), new PrintWriter(System.Console.Error));
                if (doEval)
                    File predictFile = File.CreateTempFile("svm-", ".pred");
                    if (deleteTempFilesOnExit)
                    string evalCmd = (multiclass ? svmStructClassify : (useSVMPerf ? svmPerfClassify : svmLightClassify)) + " " + dataFile.GetAbsolutePath() + " " + modelFile.GetAbsolutePath() + " " + predictFile.GetAbsolutePath();
                    if (verbose)
                        logger.Info("<< " + evalCmd + " >>");
                    SystemUtils.Run(new ProcessBuilder(whitespacePattern.Split(evalCmd)), new PrintWriter(System.Console.Error), new PrintWriter(System.Console.Error));
                // read in the model file
                Pair <double, ClassicCounter <int> > weightsAndThresh = ReadModel(modelFile, multiclass);
                double threshold = weightsAndThresh.First();
                ClassicCounter <Pair <F, L> > weights    = ConvertWeights(weightsAndThresh.Second(), featureIndex, labelIndex, multiclass);
                ClassicCounter <L>            thresholds = new ClassicCounter <L>();
                if (!multiclass)
                    thresholds.SetCount(labelIndex.Get(0), -threshold);
                    thresholds.SetCount(labelIndex.Get(1), threshold);
                SVMLightClassifier <L, F> classifier = new SVMLightClassifier <L, F>(weights, thresholds);
                if (doEval)
                    File predictFile = File.CreateTempFile("svm-", ".pred2");
                    if (deleteTempFilesOnExit)
                    PrintWriter  pw2 = new PrintWriter(predictFile);
                    NumberFormat nf  = NumberFormat.GetNumberInstance();
                    foreach (IDatum <L, F> datum in dataset)
                        ICounter <L> scores = classifier.ScoresOf(datum);
                        pw2.Println(Counters.ToString(scores, nf));
                if (useSigmoid)
                    if (verbose)
                        System.Console.Out.Write("fitting sigmoid...");
                    classifier.SetPlatt(FitSigmoid(classifier, dataset));
                    if (verbose)
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new Exception(e);