Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Boolean test_undo_insert()
            bool gflag = true;
            bool fflag = true;
            //Store all the actions into a hashtable
            Hashtable temp = record.undo();

            //Checking for the option insert
            if (temp["opt"] == "ins")
                //Declarations for the data structures and variables
                ArrayList data = (ArrayList)temp["data"];
                String    name = (String)data[0];
                String[]  att  = (String[])data[2];

                int      ts_init = t_pool.getSize();
                int      l_t1    = t_pool.getByName(name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength();
                int      l_t2    = t_pool.getByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1)).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength();
                String[] att1    = t_pool.getAttByName(name);
                String[] att2    = t_pool.getAttByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1));
                //              MessageBox.Show(l_t1 + "   " + l_t2 + "  " + t_pool.getByName(name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength());

                    Assert.AreEqual(ts_init, t_pool.getSize() + 1);
                    //                  MessageBox.Show(l_t1 + "   " + l_t2 + "  " + t_pool.getByName(name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength());
                    //                  Assert.AreEqual(t_pool.getByName(name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength(), l_t1 + l_t2);
                    Console.WriteLine("#Passed undo the previous insert on GUI level <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Console.WriteLine("#Failed Failed to undo the previous insert on GUI level <-----------");
                    gflag = false;
                        Assert.AreEqual(att[4], att1[4]);
                        Assert.AreEqual(att[5], att2[5]);

                        Console.WriteLine("#Passed to compute the correct start and finish time for inserted trip <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                        Console.WriteLine("#Failed to compute the correct start and finish time for inserted trip<-----------");
                        fflag = false;

                        Assert.AreEqual(Module.durationConverter(att[9]), att1[9]);
                        Assert.AreEqual(Module.durationConverter(att[10]), att1[10]);
                        Assert.AreEqual(Module.durationConverter(att[11]), att2[11]);
                        Assert.AreEqual(Module.durationConverter(att[12]), att2[12]);
                        Console.WriteLine("#Passed to compute the correct start and finish coordinates inserted trip");
                        Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed to compute the correct start and finish coordinates inserted trip");
                        fflag = false;
                    Assert.AreEqual(fflag, true);
                    Console.WriteLine("#Passed the test for undo the previous inserted trip on file level <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Console.WriteLine("#Failed Failed the test for undo the previous inserted trip on file level <-----------");
            return(gflag && fflag);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Boolean split_test(String name, int index)
            //create a kml folder by tripname
            IKmlFolder temp = t_pool.getByName(name);

            // get the current placemark and the pre placemark at a given index
            IKmlPlacemark sst = (IKmlPlacemark)temp.getFeatures().getChildNodes().item(index - 1);
            IKmlPlacemark st  = (IKmlPlacemark)temp.getFeatures().getChildNodes().item(index);

            // get trip size, number of trips and number of columns(lat,long ,elapse time etc)
            int pt_size     = temp.getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength();
            int init_size_t = t_pool.getSize();

            //get index + 1 of the current trip
            String _name = "Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1);

            Boolean gflag = true;
            Boolean fflag = true;

                int final_size_t = t_pool.getSize();
                //compare the initial size of the t pool against the final t pool.
                Assert.AreEqual(init_size_t, final_size_t - 1);
                //compare  the split index with the size of the first half of the splitted trip
                Assert.AreEqual(index, t_pool.getByName(name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength());
                // compare the split index with the size of the second half of the splitted trip
                Assert.AreEqual(pt_size - index, t_pool.getByName(_name).getFeatures().getChildNodes().getLength());
                Console.WriteLine("     >>>>>>>>>>>> Passed the test for split the trip on GUI level <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed the test for split the trip on GUI level <-----------");
                gflag = false;

                IKmlObjectList days       = ge.getFeatures().getChildNodes();
                IKmlDocument   day        = (IKmlDocument)days.item(0);
                String         r_start    = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Start"].ToString();
                String         r_finsih   = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Finish"].ToString();
                String         r_duration = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Time"].ToString();
                String         r_slon     = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["sLongitude"].ToString();
                String         r_flon     = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["fLongitude"].ToString();
                String         r_slat     = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["sLatitude"].ToString();
                String         r_flat     = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["fLatitude"].ToString();

                txtedit.splitTrip(day.getName(), Module.getIndex(name).ToString(), t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1))), t_pool.getFinish(t_pool.getByName(name)), t_pool);
                    Assert.AreEqual(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Finish"].ToString(), t_pool.getFinish(t_pool.getByName(name)).getName().ToString());
                    Assert.AreEqual(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["Start"].ToString(), t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1))).getName().ToString());

                    Console.WriteLine("     >>>>>>>>>>>> Succeed to compute the correct start and finish time <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed to compute the correct start and finish time <-----------");
                    fflag = false;

                    double tp1 = Module.durationConverter(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Time"].ToString());
                    double gap = ((Convert.ToDateTime(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["Start"].ToString()) - Convert.ToDateTime(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Finish"].ToString()))).TotalSeconds;
                    double tp2 = Module.durationConverter(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["Time"].ToString());

                    //       MessageBox.Show(Module.durationConverter(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["Time"].ToString()) + "  " + t.ToString() + "    " + Module.durationConverter(txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["Time"].ToString()) + "  " + Module.durationConverter(r_duration));
                    Assert.AreEqual(Module.durationConverter(r_duration), tp1 + gap + tp2);
                    Console.WriteLine("     >>>>>>>>>>>> Succeed to compute the correct trip duration <<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed to compute the correct the trip duration <-----------");
                    fflag = false;

                    String n_slon = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["sLongitude"].ToString();
                    String n_slat = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[1]["sLatitude"].ToString();
                    String n_flon = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["sLongitude"].ToString();
                    String n_flat = txtedit.getViewer().Rows[0]["sLatitude"].ToString();

                    String a_slon = Module.getCoordinates(t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1))))["lon"].ToString();
                    String a_slat = Module.getCoordinates(t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName("Trip_" + (Module.getIndex(name) + 1))))["lat"].ToString();

                    String a_flon = Module.getCoordinates(t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName(name)))["lon"].ToString();
                    String a_flat = Module.getCoordinates(t_pool.getStart(t_pool.getByName(name)))["lat"].ToString();

 *                  MessageBox.Show(n_slon+"    "+a_slon);
 *                  MessageBox.Show(n_slat + "    " + a_slat);
 *                  MessageBox.Show(n_flon + "    " + a_flon);
 *                  MessageBox.Show(n_flat + "    " + a_flat);
 *                  Assert.AreEqual(n_slat.Trim(), a_slat.Trim());
 *                  Assert.AreEqual(n_slon.Trim(), a_slon.Trim());
 *                  Assert.AreEqual(n_flat.Trim(), a_flat.Trim());
 *                  Assert.AreEqual(n_flon.Trim(), a_flon.Trim());
                    Console.WriteLine("     >>>>>>>>>>>> Succeed to compute the correct start and finish coordinates <<<<<<<<<<<<<");
                    Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed to compute the correct start and finish coordinates <----------");
                    fflag = false;
                Assert.AreEqual(true, fflag);
                Console.WriteLine("     >>>>>>>>>>>> Passed the test for split the trip on file level <<<<<<<<<<<<<");
                Console.WriteLine("     -----------> Failed the test for split the trip on file level <----------");
            return(gflag && fflag);