Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void testLevenshteinDistanceCalculatorForNonAlpha() //tests to see that calculator can handle non-alpha values
            int    actualDistance     = 3;                                // the peptides below have an edit distance of three
            string stringOne          = "LKAEEQAADQVA*QQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADQVI!FKR";
            string stringTwo          = "LKAEEQAADQVAYQQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADAVIKFKR";
            int    distanceCalculated = ComputeLevenshteinDistance.LevenshteinDistance(stringOne, stringTwo);

            Assert.That(distanceCalculated, Is.EqualTo(actualDistance));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void testLevenshteinDistanceCalculator() // tests to see that calculator is giving correct values
            int    actualDistance     = 1;                     // the peptides below are one edit distance apart
            string stringOne          = "LKAEEQAADQVAYQQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADQVIFKR";
            string stringTwo          = "LKAEEQAADQVAYQQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADAVIFKR";
            int    distanceCalculated = ComputeLevenshteinDistance.LevenshteinDistance(stringOne, stringTwo);

            Assert.That(distanceCalculated, Is.EqualTo(actualDistance));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void testLevenshteinDistanceCalculatorForAsterick() // tests to see that calculator can handle asterisk
            int    actualDistance     = 2;                                // the peptides below have an edit distance of two
            string stringOne          = "LKAEEQAADQVAYQQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADQVI*FKR";
            string stringTwo          = "LKAEEQAADQVAYQQAVQAIKDKQFVLEADAVIKFKR";
            int    distanceCalculated = ComputeLevenshteinDistance.LevenshteinDistance(stringOne, stringTwo);

            Assert.That(distanceCalculated, Is.EqualTo(actualDistance));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void MakeAllCombinations()
            Stopwatch time = new Stopwatch();

            ulong count = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count - 1; i++)// prsmFile used to be a List<PrSmAndFile>
                for (int j = i + 1; j < inputs.Count; j++)
                    if (count % 100000000 == 0) // only output every 100 million lines
                        Console.WriteLine("Processed: " + count + ", Elapsed Time: " + time.ElapsedMilliseconds);
                    var left  = inputs[i]; // this is one object
                    var right = inputs[j]; // this is the second object for comparison

                    if (filterForPeptideLength(left.peptide, right.peptide) != true)
                    if (filterForSameCharge(left.charge, right.charge) != true)
                    if (filterForBeginningOrEndMatch(left.peptide, right.peptide) != true)
                    if (filterForOrganismMatch(left.organismName, right.organismName) != true)
                    }                                                                                       //later use actual org name, not codex

                    var    tableAppendix       = ComputeLevenshteinDistance.LevenshteinDistance(left.peptide, right.peptide);
                    string valuesForPairsTable = "('" + left.id + "','" + right.id + "','" + tableAppendix + "')";
                    if (tableAppendix < 3)

                    if (aggregateValuesForPairsTable.Count >= 800 && aggregateValuesForPairsTable.Count > 0)
                        SQLiteConnector.FillDatabase(string.Join(",", aggregateValuesForPairsTable.ToArray()));
                        aggregateValuesForPairsTable = new List <string>();