Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void ImportDataFromExcelStockPrices()
            Excel.Application MyApp = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook MyBook = MyApp.Workbooks.Open("C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx");
            Excel.Worksheet MySheet = MyBook.Sheets[1];

            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2003, 01, 01);
            DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 11);

            // lost 182,1247, 1922, 2015, 2043   processing 2044   ARR     AustralianEquity   
            for (int i = 2044; i <= MySheet.Rows.Count; i++)        //MySheet.Rows.Count
                Console.WriteLine("Processing row " + i.ToString());
                using (Edis.Db.EdisContext db = new Edis.Db.EdisContext())
                    //List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();
                    int j = 8;
                    // Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(), EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    string ticker = MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString();
                    var equity = db.Equities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Ticker == ticker && e.EquityType == EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
                        var price = new AssetPrice
                            AssetType = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
                            CreatedOn = date,
                            Price = MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString()),
                        equity.Prices.Add(new AssetPrice
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            AssetType = price.AssetType,
                            CreatedOn = price.CreatedOn,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = price.CorrespondingAssetKey,
                            Price = price.Price



Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void ImportDataFromExcelStockPrices()
            Excel.Application MyApp   = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook    MyBook  = MyApp.Workbooks.Open("C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx");
            Excel.Worksheet   MySheet = MyBook.Sheets[1];

            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2003, 01, 01);
            DateTime endDate   = new DateTime(2013, 12, 11);

            // lost 182,1247, 1922, 2015, 2043   processing 2044   ARR     AustralianEquity
            for (int i = 2044; i <= MySheet.Rows.Count; i++)        //MySheet.Rows.Count
                Console.WriteLine("Processing row " + i.ToString());
                using (Edis.Db.EdisContext db = new Edis.Db.EdisContext())
                    //List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();
                    int j = 8;
                    // Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(), EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    string ticker = MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString();
                    var    equity = db.Equities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Ticker == ticker && e.EquityType == EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
                        var price = new AssetPrice
                            AssetType             = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
                            CreatedOn             = date,
                            Price = MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value == null ? 0 : Convert.ToDouble(MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString()),
                        equity.Prices.Add(new AssetPrice
                            Id                    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            AssetType             = price.AssetType,
                            CreatedOn             = price.CreatedOn,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = price.CorrespondingAssetKey,
                            Price                 = price.Price

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void ImportDataFromExcelStockPrices()
            Excel.Application MyApp = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook MyBook = MyApp.Workbooks.Open("C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx");
            Excel.Worksheet MySheet = MyBook.Sheets[1];

            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2003, 01, 01);
            DateTime endDate = new DateTime(2013, 12, 11);

            //120   ARR     AustralianEquity
            for (int i = 120; i <= MySheet.Rows.Count; i++)        //MySheet.Rows.Count

                using (Edis.Db.EdisContext db = new Edis.Db.EdisContext())
                    //List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();
                    int j = 8;
                    // Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(), EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    string ticker = MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString();
                    var equity = db.Equities.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Ticker == ticker && e.EquityType == EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
                       var price =new AssetPrice
                            AssetType = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
                            CreatedOn = date,
                            Price = MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value == null ? -1 : Convert.ToDouble(MySheet.Cells[i, j++].Value.ToString()),
                        equity.Prices.Add(new AssetPrice
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            AssetType = price.AssetType,
                            CreatedOn = price.CreatedOn,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = price.CorrespondingAssetKey,
                            Price = price.Price



            //string excelFilePath = "C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx";
            //// make sure your sheet name is correct, here sheet name is sheet1, so you can change the sheet name if have    different 

            //List<DateTime> allDates = new List<DateTime>();
            //string allDateString = "";

            ////for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1)) {
            ////    allDateString += date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " ,";

            ////allDateString = allDateString.Substring(0, allDateString.Length - 1);

            ////string excelQuery = "select Symbol, " + allDateString + " from [Sheet1$]";

            //string excelQuery = "select * from [Sheet1$]";
            //    string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + excelFilePath +
            //    ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;'";
            //    OleDbConnection oleConn = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString);
            //    oleConn.Open();
            //    OleDbDataReader oleReader = new OleDbCommand(excelQuery, oleConn).ExecuteReader();

            //    List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();

            //    while (oleReader.Read())
            //    {
            //        Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(oleReader.GetString(3));

            //        int i = 7;

            //        for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
            //        {
            //            assetPrices.Add(new AssetPrice
            //            {
            //                AssetType = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
            //                CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
            //                CreatedOn = date,
            //                Price = (oleReader[i] == null || oleReader[i].ToString() == "") ? null : (double?)oleReader[i],
            //            });

            //            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(AssetTypes.AustralianEquity + ", " + equity.AssetId + ", " + date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ", " + oleReader[1] + ", " + (oleReader[i] == null || oleReader[i].ToString() == "" ? null : (double?)oleReader[i]));

            //            i++;
            //        }

            //        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(AssetTypes.AustralianEquity + ", " + equity.AssetId + ", " + oleReader[1] + ", " + (oleReader[1000] == null || oleReader[1000].ToString() == "" ? null : (double?)oleReader[1000]));

            //        //edisRepo.InsertStockPricesData();

            //    }
            //    oleReader.Close();
            //    oleConn.Close();
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void ImportDataFromExcelStockPrices()
            Excel.Application MyApp   = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook    MyBook  = MyApp.Workbooks.Open("C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx");
            Excel.Worksheet   MySheet = MyBook.Sheets[1];

            DateTime startDate = new DateTime(2003, 01, 01);
            DateTime endDate   = new DateTime(2013, 12, 11);

            //120   ARR     AustralianEquity
            for (int i = 120; i <= MySheet.Rows.Count; i++)        //MySheet.Rows.Count
                using (Edis.Db.EdisContext db = new Edis.Db.EdisContext())
                    //List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();
                    int j = 8;
                    // Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString(), EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    string ticker = MySheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString();
                    var    equity = db.Equities.SingleOrDefault(e => e.Ticker == ticker && e.EquityType == EquityTypes.AustralianEquity);
                    for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
                        var price = new AssetPrice
                            AssetType             = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
                            CreatedOn             = date,
                            Price = MySheet.Cells[i, j].Value == null ? -1 : Convert.ToDouble(MySheet.Cells[i, j++].Value.ToString()),
                        equity.Prices.Add(new AssetPrice
                            Id                    = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                            AssetType             = price.AssetType,
                            CreatedOn             = price.CreatedOn,
                            CorrespondingAssetKey = price.CorrespondingAssetKey,
                            Price                 = price.Price


            //string excelFilePath = "C:/Users/ahksysuser06/Desktop/EDISData/Australian Equity Daily Closing Price 20131211.xlsx";
            //// make sure your sheet name is correct, here sheet name is sheet1, so you can change the sheet name if have    different

            //List<DateTime> allDates = new List<DateTime>();
            //string allDateString = "";

            ////for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1)) {
            ////    allDateString += date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + " ,";

            ////allDateString = allDateString.Substring(0, allDateString.Length - 1);

            ////string excelQuery = "select Symbol, " + allDateString + " from [Sheet1$]";

            //string excelQuery = "select * from [Sheet1$]";
            //    string excelConnectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + excelFilePath +
            //    ";Extended Properties='Excel 12.0;HDR=YES;IMEX=1;'";
            //    OleDbConnection oleConn = new OleDbConnection(excelConnectionString);
            //    oleConn.Open();
            //    OleDbDataReader oleReader = new OleDbCommand(excelQuery, oleConn).ExecuteReader();

            //    List<AssetPrice> assetPrices = new List<AssetPrice>();

            //    while (oleReader.Read())
            //    {
            //        Edis.Db.Assets.Equity equity = edisRepo.getEquityByTicker(oleReader.GetString(3));

            //        int i = 7;

            //        for (DateTime date = startDate; date <= endDate; date = date.AddDays(1))
            //        {
            //            assetPrices.Add(new AssetPrice
            //            {
            //                AssetType = AssetTypes.AustralianEquity,
            //                CorrespondingAssetKey = equity.AssetId,
            //                CreatedOn = date,
            //                Price = (oleReader[i] == null || oleReader[i].ToString() == "") ? null : (double?)oleReader[i],
            //            });

            //            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(AssetTypes.AustralianEquity + ", " + equity.AssetId + ", " + date.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy") + ", " + oleReader[1] + ", " + (oleReader[i] == null || oleReader[i].ToString() == "" ? null : (double?)oleReader[i]));

            //            i++;
            //        }

            //        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(AssetTypes.AustralianEquity + ", " + equity.AssetId + ", " + oleReader[1] + ", " + (oleReader[1000] == null || oleReader[1000].ToString() == "" ? null : (double?)oleReader[1000]));

            //        //edisRepo.InsertStockPricesData();

            //    }
            //    oleReader.Close();
            //    oleConn.Close();
            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    Console.WriteLine(ex.Message);